


"The Hutts will not be allowed to expand their dominion at our expense."
―Supreme Chancellor Leontyne Saresh[8]

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel is the first digital expansion pack to the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic, released on April 14, 2013 as part of Game Update 2.0.

Plot summary[]

In the wake of Karagga's death, the Hutt Toborro seizes the leadership of the Hutt Cartel, establishing himself as the new Supreme Mogul with Szajin, as his right-hand man. Seeing the Empire weakened, Toborro decides to continue Karagga's campaign of expansion, but with the planet Makeb at the heart of a new era of Hutt conquest—for Makeb is home to deposits of the incredibly rare and powerful mineral known as isotope-5. Isotope-5 is capable of warping electromagnetic and gravitational fields, and a gram of the substance can generate immense amounts of power. Toborro therefore pays off Makeb's defense force, the mercenary army known as the InterStellar Regulators, to help the Hutts conquer the world, and the Cartel blockades the Makeb system as Toborro begins to mine the isotope-5 in Makeb's core without any regard for what it would do to the planet.[9]


Talaos City Residential District

Talaos City

Upon learning of the Hutts' actions, Chancellor Saresh consults with the Jedi Order and learns that the Hutts will likely try to continue their conquests if they are not stopped, so she pledges Republic aid to the citizens of Makeb.[10] Saresh's forces make contact with Shalim Avesta, leader of the Makeb resistance and the planet's de facto Head of State, and help him rescue his niece Lemda, who is a geophysicist who was captured by the Regulators after she discovered that Toborro's drilling will cause the planet to break apart.[11] After breaking into the Hutt Embassy in Makeb's capital Talaos City, the Republic forces and the Makeb resistance learn of the Ark, an enormous vessel being constructed inside the hollow Giant's Spear mesa that will ferry Toborro, the other Cartel personnel,[12] and their isotope-5 stores off of the planet when the planet begins to break apart. The Republic and resistance forces promptly seize the Giant's Spear and the Ark, repurposing the vessel to carry Makeb's civilians as a true ark to safety.[13]

A furious Toborro unleashes the Regulators against the Avesta Plantation, but the Republic forces head off the Regulators on the Fingers mesa and also destroy the Storm Carrier warship, killing the Regulator Vice-Commandant Grevin in the process.[14] Toborro then reveals that the Ark is powered by isotope-5 before sending his Regulators to attack the settlement of Tarlam along with isotope-5 droids, powerful war droids powered by isotope-5, though the Republic and the resistance evacuate Tarlam's civilians to the Ark.[15] Desperate for a fuel source to power the Ark, the Republic and resistance forces assault the Sanctuary research complex in order to locate Dr. Juvard Illip Oggurobb, a Hutt scientist and the creator of the Ark and the isotope-5 droids. The Republic forces are able to successfully locate Oggurobb with the Hutt's help in bypassing the Sanctuary's security systems, as Oggurobb wishes to defect to the Republic because he has realized Toborro has gone insane.[16]


Promotional art for Rise of the Hutt Cartel

Oggurobb confirms that Toborro possesses the fuel rods, but warns the Republic that the Hutt leader has increased mining operations to maximum levels—an action that will result in the destruction of Makeb long before the civilians are evacuated. Republic forces then disabled several mining platforms and vented the planet's core, reducing the buildup of heat and the seismic activity, giving them more time.[17] Around the same time, most of the leaders of the Hutt Cartel, having come to recognize that Toborro has gone insane, approach Shalim Avesta and the Republic with a request to board the Ark. The Republic convinces Avesta to allow the Hutts aboard the Ark in exchange for an alliance between the Hutt Cartel and the Republic, gaining the Republic a new ally in the ongoing war. Using a secret entrance provided by Oggurobb, Republic forces infiltrate Toborro's Palace and search for the fuel rods, confronting the mad Cartel leader. Toborro unleashes a powerful isotope-5 droid known as Toborro's Glittering Fury upon the intruders, but after it is defeated, the Hutt commits suicide by igniting his isotope-5 stockpiles in an attempt to kill the Republic forces. However, the Republic forces escape with the fuel rods before the palace's destruction and return to the Ark, where the fuel rods are installed and the Ark is launched just as the Giant's Spear collapses.[18]

The Hutt Cartel is ordered to supply a new home and credits to the people of Makeb as part of their alliance with the Republic,[18] but the Republic is surprised to see that Makeb's destruction did not come to pass—unbeknownst to them, Darth Marr's Imperial strike team was able to prevent the planet's destruction.[19] As the crisis passes, it is discovered that Regulator holdouts are still alive down on the surface with thousands of civilians who were believed to be dead, leading Supreme Commander Malcom to devote Republic forces towards rescuing the people and securing the still-valuable world.[20]


Around the same time, the Dark Councilor Darth Marr learns of Makeb's valuable isotope-5 resource and dispatches a small strike team to secure the isotope-5 reserves for the weakening Empire.[21] The team crashes on the planet due to Makeb's violent atmosphere. They are contacted by an Imperial agent who tells them to take control of Gravity Hook Seven to secure Imperial transport on- and off-world. Once they do so, they meet the Imperial agent in person, who introduces herself as Katha Niar, formerly of the Ministry of Logistics. She introduces the rest of her team as Lord Cytharat, their tactical advisor; Doctor Nadrin Tro, a Neimoidian scientist; and the Cathar Hanthor and Sergeant Bedareux.

The Imperial team goes to the resort of Solida Hesk, a Makeb collaborator with the Hutts. They learn from Hesk that the isotope-5 is being held at a facility called Stronghold One. In order to gain access to the stronghold, they decide to foment a rebellion against the Hutts to distract them. They track down the rebel leader Pollus Avesta and convince him to attack the Hutts. With the Regulators distracted, they attack Stronghold One. However, they find that the Hutt Archon Szajin has already processed all of the isotope-5 stored there into battle droids. They report back to Darth Marr, who is displeased with their failure. They decide that the only way to acquire isotope-5 is to secretly stabilize Makeb's core, allowing the Empire to take control of the abandoned planet. First, they travel into the planet's core via a mining shaft to locate the deposits of isotope-5 using an energy pulse. Doctor Nadrin finds a way to stabilize the core, but they require Makeb engineers to operate the drilling lasers. They rescue one group of engineers from the Regulators and abduct others from a Republic refugee convoy. They then enact their plan by attacking the drilling platforms to secure them from Hutt forces. The scientists and engineers accelerate the destabilization of the core, allowing it to settle into a new equilibrium before the mantle cracks.

Darth Marr congratulates them on their success. They return to Niar, but find she has been captured by Szajin's forces. They assault Szajin's Palace and rescue Niar, however it is too late, as now Szajin knows about Makeb's stabilization. They confront Szajin, who fights them in an isotope-5 powered mech. After Szajin is defeated, he orders his mercenary leaders to transmit the truth to the Hutt Cartel, but they use the mining lasers to provoke a massive groundquake that kills most life on Makeb, assuring the secret will be kept. They kill Szajin, and Niar dies from her injuries.[9]

Seeker droids[]

During this time, the forces of the Dread Masters acquire the Seeds of Rage—powerful dark side machines constructed by the Sith Lord Fulminiss—when they convince a guard to help steal them from the Arcanum, the Sith Emperor's secret storehouse of Sith artifacts and dark side experiments. The Dread Masters bury the Seeds on planets across the galaxy so that they can sow fear and darkness as the Seeds warp the environments around them, prompting both the Arcanum's keeper Darth Acina and the Jedi Master Cedral Gend to recruit help in locating and recovering the Seeds. However, the Sith Lord Tagriss leads a raid on the Arcanum after learning of the station's location, wreaking havoc and making off with the powerful Darkstaff.[9]


The mysterious spy known only as The Shroud threatens the Republic and Imperial capital worlds of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas.[9]


Major additions[]


Rise of the Hutt Cartel's central theme is a new planet, Makeb, to both the game and the Star Wars canon. This will introduce a new story in which the Hutt Cartel conquers Makeb in order to rival both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire in power.[22]

Operation: Scum and Villainy[]

Rise of the Hutt Cartel also adds an all-new level 55 operation, Scum and Villainy. The operation entails the players heading to the planet of Darvannis to prevent a Hutt army of mercenaries from forming. Also included in the expansion is a level 55 nightmare mode version of the Terror From Beyond operation.

Operation: Toborro's Courtyard[]

In addition to the main Operation, Scum and Villainy, the digital expansion also adds a mini-operation, Toborro's Courtyard, which can be accessed on Makeb.

Level 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints[]

Included in the purchase of Rise of the Hutt Cartel is the addition of Hard Mode Level 55 versions of flashpoints such as Cademimu V and Hammer Station.

Makeb view

Makeb loading screen

Feature improvements[]

The expansion also features the long-awaited increase of the level cap from 50 to 55.[1]



By type
Cast Uncredited cast Crew Uncredited crew Special thanks


Player Characters
Additional Voices Provided By


Art and Animation
Audio, Localization, and External Resources
  • Audio Director—Todd Davies[28]
  • Senior Audio Artist—Noel Gabriel[28]
  • Localization Producer—Lauren Wheeler[28]
  • Voice-Over Producer—Jacqueline Valle[28]
  • Lead Designer—Damion Schubert[28]
  • Lead Cinematic Designer—Paul Marino[28]
    • Cinematic Designers—Kris Cho, Chris Copple, Danny Hayden, Bret Hoffman, Katie Johnson, Aaron Krutsinger, Seth Webber[28]
  • Lead Designers—Gabriel Amatangelo, Brian Audette, Michael Backus, Nathan Emmott, Rob Hinkle, Brad Prince, Jesse Sky, George Smith[28]
    • Designers—Michael Ammer, Jason Attard, Rick Burton, Scott Carpenter, Steven Chew, Haley Chivers, David Demaree, Matt Dondelinger, Michael Henson, David Ryan Hunt, Rachel Hunt, Steven Kamp, Jordan Koch, Nick Kuehlem, Hans Larsen, Dave Lee, Emmanuel Lusinchi, Toby McCall, Alex Modny, Joshua Moretto, Austin Peckenpaugh, Matt Pucevich, Keith Quinn, Robbie Stevens, Chris Schmidt, Ben Scott, Dave Shramek, Martin Smith, Daniel Underwood, William Wallace, Cameron Winston, Eric Young, Ahmad Zabarah, Georg Zoeller[28]
  • Editors—Ismara Wassum, Karin Weekes[28]
  • Managing Editor—Cameron Harris[28]
  • Lead Writers—Charles Boyd, Hall Hood[28]
  • Principal Writer—Alexander Freed[28]
  • Writers—Randy Begel, Joanna Berry, Zach Bush, Daniel Erickson, Tyler Hitchings, Drew Karpyshyn, Sean McKeever, Ian Ryan, David C. Simon, Jessica Sliwinski[28]
  • Additional Design—Daniel Brennan, Kyle Brennan, Terrence Cronin, Ashley Ruhl, Shane Slama, Rafeal Underwood, Jr., Gareth Witte[28]
Development/Online Operations
  • Manager—Aaron Jayjack[28]
  • Data Warehouse Lead—Anne Sidari[28]
  • Database Administrators—Jimmy Gammelgaard, Cynthia Kimbrell, Kimberly Wilkins, Xiaofeng Ye[28]
  • Systems Engineers—Michelle Burns, Shilpa Choudhary, David Rhea[28]
  • Lead Web Engineering—Mic Maner[28]
  • Additional Engineering—Sean Catchpole, Sono Chhibber, Eric Gobber, Oscar Padilla, Dylan Sanders, Peter Whiteside[28]
  • Technical Director—Patrick Ditterline[28]
  • Lead Build/Infrastructure Engineer—Raul Mondragon[28]
    • Build/Infrastructure Engineers—Christopher Cowden, Luke Delaet, Dean Kusler, Maitland Lederer, Conor Lenihan, Andrew Mann, Sam Morris[28]
  • Client Engineers—Brian Baird, Aaron Otstott, Ewen Vowels[28]
  • Lead Gameplay Engineers—Johan Allanson, Marcus Hays, Edwin Herrel, Ryan Holliday, Brian Matt[28]
    • Gameplay Engineers—Anas Alkhatib, Ryne Anderson, Daniel Baker, Matt Boudreaux, J.R. Briggs, Hemanshu Chhabra, John Kermin, Cory Kolek, Stefan Lednicky, Daniel Morris, Kris Pelley, Clark Smith, Erin Wentworth[28]
  • Lead Platform Engineer—Jesse Greenwald[28]
    • Platform Engineers—Kevin Cecelski, John Heep, Ryan Wilhm[28]
  • Lead Server Engineer—Calan Thurow[28]
    • Server Engineers—Jason Beardsley, Rob Brannon, Allen Gooch, Jennifer Harkness, Mike Howard[28]
  • Lead Tools Engineers—Chad Stewart[28]
    • Tools Engineers—Brian Bannon, Justin Bozalina, Paul Masters, Jensen Rivera, Tom Rader, Darrin Stewart, Jared Stutesman[28]
  • Additional Engineering—Marc Audy, Mike Balfour, Evan Bell, Charlie Durham, Roy Fleck, Jason Hasenbuhler, Rusty Koonce, Bryan Lowrey, Luke Nelson, Peter Phillips, Eric Sebesta, Drew Tennenbaum, John Walker, Bo Zimmerman[28]
  • Expansion Producers—Bruce Maclean, Antonia Phillips[28]
  • Expansion Development Directors—Matthew Hemby, Joe Currivan[28]
  • Senior Producer—Dallas Dickinson[28]
  • Senio Development Directors—Richard Leczynski, Maurice Nelson[28]
  • Internal Development Producer—Leonard C. Quam[28]
  • Production Team—Matthew Alexander, Dan Bunten, Cory Butler, Blaine Christine, Ross Gardner, Lisa Garrison, Cory Gere, Andrew Horwitz, Ben Irving, Jeffery Moreaux, Mark Richards, Chris Todd, Jack Wood[28]
  • Additional Production—Bart Broz, Nathan Fairbanks, Nikki Rohm[28]
  • Director of QA—Jason Dawdy[28]
  • Director of Live Services—Grant McDaniel[28]
  • Lead Live Producer—Christopher S. Field[28]
    • Live Producer—Thor Biafore[28]
  • Community Managers—Joveth Gonzalez, Eric Musco[28]
  • Analytics Manager—Alex Tremblay[28]
  • Senior Director of Marketing, Brand Research—Maria Sayans[28]
  • Director of PR, Bioware Label—Andrew Wong[28]
  • Studio General Manager—Matthew Bromberg[28]
  • Chief Operating Officer—Ken Shuck[28]
  • Director of Finance—Jason Rotan[28]
Lucasfilm & LucasArts
Bioware/EA External Partners
Very Special Thanks


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


Dramatis personae

This Appearances section covers all content from Star Wars: The Old Republic released between patches 2.0 and 2.10, with the exception of the content introduced in the Galactic Starfighter and Galactic Strongholds expansions.
As The Old Republic introduces thousands of new elements to the Star Wars Expanded Universe, this article refrains from using "(First appearance)"; instead, the following symbols are used to indicate whether an element originated in a source other than the base game.
A † signifies a character, location, event, etc. originated in another source.
A strikethrough signifies a character that was present in the game after release but was later removed from the game.

Other characters


Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 SWTOR mini Rise of the Hutt Cartel on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 SWTOR mini Press Release on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 SWTOR mini Digital Expansion: Rise of the Hutt Cartel Launches April 14 on The Old Republic's official website (backup link)
  4. Developer Profiles: Star Wars: The Old Republic on www.heroengine.com (archived from the original on January 24, 2012)
  5. Amazon-Favicon SWTOR Amazon STAR WARS Bundle Pack on Amazon.com (backup link)
  6. Star Wars: The Old Republic
  7. According to SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel takes place from early to mid 3638 BBY, and further Game Updates that were released in 2013 take place in the latter half of that year. The post also states that Game Updates released in 2014 can be placed in early and mid 3637 BBY, Shadow of Revan takes place near the end of that year, and that the events of Game Updates 3.1 through 3.3 can be placed in early and mid 3636 BBY. Therefore, the events of Game Update 2.0 and the Digital Expansion Rise of the Hutt Cartel can be placed in 3638 BBY.
  8. Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel
  10. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Trouble in Paradise" on Makeb
  11. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Shelter from the Storm" on Makeb
  12. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Failsafe" on Makeb
  13. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "The Ark" on Makeb
  14. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Hitting the Hutts" on Makeb
  15. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Old Feuds" on Makeb
  16. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Consulting the Expert" on Makeb
  17. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Planetary Surgery" on Makeb
  18. 18.0 18.1 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Taking on Toborro" on Makeb
  19. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Imperial Mission: "A Cure for Armageddon" on Makeb
  20. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Mass Exodus" on Makeb
  21. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Republic Mission: "Countdown to Doomsday" on Makeb
  22. The Old Republic announces upcoming level cap, new species, new planet, and free trial by Augustine, John on PCGamer.com (June 4, 2012) (archived from the original on May 6, 2020)
  23. Star Wars: The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel on www.gamerankings.com (archived from the original on December 9, 2019)
  24. Star Wars: The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel on www.metacritic.com (archived from the original on June 28, 2020)
  25. Star Wars: The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel Review on GameSpot.com (backup link)
  26. Star Wars: The Old Republic - Rise of the Hutt Cartel Review by Johnson, Lief on www.ign.com (April 21, 2013) (archived from the original on May 23, 2020)
  27. Rise of the Hutt Cartel Review by Thursten, Chris on www.pcgamer.com (July 10, 2013) (archived from the original on April 30, 2019)
  28. 28.000 28.001 28.002 28.003 28.004 28.005 28.006 28.007 28.008 28.009 28.010 28.011 28.012 28.013 28.014 28.015 28.016 28.017 28.018 28.019 28.020 28.021 28.022 28.023 28.024 28.025 28.026 28.027 28.028 28.029 28.030 28.031 28.032 28.033 28.034 28.035 28.036 28.037 28.038 28.039 28.040 28.041 28.042 28.043 28.044 28.045 28.046 28.047 28.048 28.049 28.050 28.051 28.052 28.053 28.054 28.055 28.056 28.057 28.058 28.059 28.060 28.061 28.062 28.063 28.064 28.065 28.066 28.067 28.068 28.069 28.070 28.071 28.072 28.073 28.074 28.075 28.076 28.077 28.078 28.079 28.080 28.081 28.082 28.083 28.084 28.085 28.086 28.087 28.088 28.089 28.090 28.091 28.092 28.093 28.094 28.095 28.096 28.097 28.098 28.099 28.100 28.101 28.102 28.103 28.104 28.105 28.106 28.107 28.108 28.109 28.110 28.111 28.112 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel — Credits

External links[]
