


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Republic children… you could not hold Denova—and Imperial fools will not take it. My masters gave me all I need to destroy you. Stay away, or die."

In 3639 BBY, during the Galactic War between the reconstituted Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, the Empire invaded the planet Denova for its baradium reserves. As the Empire lacked the ships to hold the planet's airspace, they landed an entire battalion on the surface, and the Republic was forced to hire the Trandoshan mercenary army known as the Warstalkers to fight back against the Empire. The battle raged for almost three months, but the six Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters used their powers to enslave the Trandoshans' leader, Kephess, and the Imperial army. The Republic and the Empire both investigated the disappearance of Kephess and the Imperial forces, and the battle ended with Kephess's defeat and death—albeit a temporary one, as the Dread Masters resurrected him as Kephess the Undying.

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Game Update 1.1: Rise of the Rakghouls
  2. 2.0 2.1 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Game Update 1.2: Legacy
  3. SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Game Update 1.4: Terror From Beyond
  4. According to SWTOR mini Forums: Dear Story Team, What Year Are We Currently In? on The Old Republic's official website (backup link), the events depicted in post-launch Game Updates released in 2012 can be placed in 3639 BBY. Therefore, the events of Game Update 1.2: Legacy, which was released in 2012, can be placed in 3639 BBY.
  5. Star Wars: The Old Republic
Galactic War
(3641 BBY3636 BBY)
Galactic timeline

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(36533641 BBY)

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(36313630 BBY)

Conflicts of the Galactic War
c. 36413640 BBY Belsavis · Rhinnal · Senu's fortress · Red Reaper
Kalee · Zosha · Aeten II · Vondoru
Emperor's ritual crisis · Hunt for the Children
Rakton campaign · Darth Baras's coup · Rabaan
3640 BBY Unknown Regions · Impossible Sector
Corellia · Dromund Kaas · Kalandis Seven · Ilum
First Leritor · Second Leritor · Boranall · Ruan
Operation End Game:
Ziost · Reaver Station · Duro
3639 BBY Hutt Space · Neutral systems · Nal Hutta
Corellia · Denova · Asation
Thanium · Baros · Cha Raaba · Unknown Regions
New Cov · Bimmiel · Far Cradle · Regnant Station
Kabal · Ardis · Hypori · Lorta
3638 BBY Makeb · Kalsunor · Kamar · CZ-198
Dread Masters crisis:
Arcanum · Ilum
Darvannis · Oricon
3637 BBY Kuat · Denon · Celanon
Revanite crisis:
Tython · Korriban
Manaan · Lehon · Rishi · Yavin 4
3636 BBY Ziost
Eternal Empire raids:
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