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"On the run, huh? That happens a lot here on Kijimi. Hard to stay in one place when the rules keep changing."
Von Tante, to Poe Dameron[9]

Kijimi was a frigid mountainous planet located in the Bryx sector of the galaxy's Mid Rim, in grid square R-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Once famed for its marked spirituality, the planet became known as a haven for criminals following the fall of the Galactic Empire. It was the homeworld of Zorii Bliss, leader of the smuggling gang known as the Spice Runners of Kijimi. During their journey around the galaxy to uncover Jedi artifacts, Karr Nuq Sin and RZ-7 briefly stopped at Kijimi City to refuel the yacht Avadora. While on Kijimi, Sin was questioned by the First Order as they believed he had a clue to finding Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. In 35 ABY, Kijimi was obliterated by the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan of the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order.


"It's freezing in here."
"It's freezing out there, too, sir, if you remember."
―Karr Nuq Sin and RZ-7[4]

A terrestrial planet, Kijimi had mountainous terrain. The planet had a frigid climate, with thick drifts of snow covering its mountains. The atmosphere of Kijimi was breathable to a number of inhabitants, including humans,[4] Boosodians, and Anzellans.

Kijimi had no central government and was effectively an anarchy with some stability. The self interests of members of the population kept the planet from collapsing.[1]


Early history[]

A thousand years ago, a religious group known as Dai Bendu constructed a monastery on the planet in the center of what became Kijimi City. During the cold nights, Bendu monks held a ceremony of lighting the lanterns to express gratitude. The existence of the temple prompted the Brotherhood of the Beatific Countenance to make a pilgrimage to Kijimi, inhabiting the Quarter of the Beatific. Over the centuries, the city was periodically raided and the monks disappeared.[1]

Imperial Era[]

During the Imperial Era, the crime queen of the Ashiga Clan Ashiga was admired for resisting the Galactic Empire on Kijimi, but during the Galactic Civil War, she relented and provided the Empire access to the planet for its rhydonium mines in exchange for weapons contracts. Her decision caused divisions within the ranks of the Ashiga Clan and several members, including her own daughter Krisk Ashiga, began to formulated plans to overthrow her.[2]

New Republic Era[]

"Although…I did hear my dad talking yesterday, and he mentioned a place called Kijimi. If it's not too out of the way, maybe you can stop there for fuel and check it out for me."
―Maize Raynshi, to Karr Nuq Sin[4]

Kijimi City continued to be ruled by the anarchy of criminal self-interests.

Following the fall of the Galactic Empire, lawlessness ran rampant in parts of the galaxy during the era of the New Republic, which was too weak to pacify deeply criminalized worlds, and its failure lead to widespread apathy. The Empire's collapse also lead to a shake up in the spice trade based on Kessel. Competition for the spice trade increased. The pirates of Kjiimi struck a deal with the mine owners that allowed for an exclusive route in an expanded Kessel Run.[1]

Eventually, Maize Raynshi, the daughter of the First Order officer Vroc Raynshi, overheard her father mention Kijimi, and asked her friend Karr Nuq Sin to check out the planet on his search for Jedi artifacts. Nuq Sin and his droid, RZ-7, landed the yacht Avadora at the spaceport in Kijimi City to refuel, and wandered the streets of the city for some time. When Nuq Sin returned to the Avadora, which Nuq Sin had stolen from Vroc Raynshi with the help of Maize, it was surrounded by First Order stormtroopers. An officer of the First Order then questioned Nuq Sin, believing he possessed a map that led to the lost Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Once the First Order released Nuq Sin, he left Kijimi, returning to his homeworld of Merokia.[4]

First Order occupation[]

"Here's your ship. We didn't steal it, we just borrowed it from Maize. I'm sorry, but I'm done with it now, anyway. Just take us home already."
"Home? You're not going anywhere. First, you're going to answer some questions."
―Karr Nuq Sin and a First Order officer[4]

The First Order seized Kijimi and imposed martial law on the criminalized world.

The First Order had a brutal occupation on the planet. Martial law was imposed and all major hyperspace routes were blockaded. Most of the planet's children were taken early in the occupation. First Order teams regularly patrolled the city, searching for illegal or rebel activity or children to kidnap and conscript into stormtroopers.[10]

The scoundrel Zorii Bliss led the Spice Runners of Kijimi smuggling gang during the war between the First Order and the Resistance.[6] Residing in the Thieves' Quarter,[1] Bliss and the Spice Runners stayed neutral in the ongoing war until they were eventually wiped out by the occupation forces. Only Zorii and the Anzellan droidsmith Babu Frik survived gang's destruction.[6]

Destruction of Kijimi[]

"Captain, Kijimi is in range."
―Milon Lenwith and Chesille Sabrond[10]

Kijimi is destroyed by the Derriphan.

The First Order issued Protocol 13 and removed all troops from the planet.[1] Kijimi was then destroyed by the Sith Eternal with the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan of the Final Order fleet.[10]

Most inhabitants were killed as the planet was destroyed, but Zori and Babu managed to survive by boarding a ship and escaping seconds before destruction.[11]


"Everyone else is dressed for it."
―Karr Nuq Sin, on Kijimi's climate[4]

Zorii Bliss, a human native of Kijimi

Kijimi had a number of inhabitants,[4] including the human Zorii Bliss, who was native to the planet.[6] The residents of Kijimi wore thick furs and animal hides to combat the cold climate. While on Kijimi, Karr Nuq Sin was unnerved by the disreputable appearance of many of its residents.[4]

The Anzellan droidsmith Babu Frik also lived on the planet, working among the Spice Runners of Kijimi.[1] Many Melitto were present on Kijimi as part of the Ashiga Clan,[2] whose control over Kijimi eventually weakened.[12]


Kijimi City, home to a spaceport, was located on the peak of Mount Izukika, almost hidden between the mountains and the snow. The ancient architecture of the city reminded Karr Nuq Sin of old monasteries.[4] The Thieves' Quarter was a region of Kijimi where the scoundrel Zorii Bliss resided.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Kijimi was created for the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker.[10] It first appeared in the novel Force Collector, written by Kevin Shinick and published in 2019.[4]

Kijimi shares its name with a synthesizer from Tokyo's Black Corporation. Director J.J. Abrams is a known customer of the company and can be seen posing with a Kijimi synthesizer in an Instagram post by the company.[13]


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