

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"It's a beautiful language to listen to. I only regret that I'll never speak it as well as a Chiss."
Jorj Car'das[1]

Cheunh was the official language of the Chiss. It was adopted across Csilla early in Chiss history. Cheunh was a complex, dense tongue that used comparatively few core words and an involved syntax to express ideas; more complicated ideas were expressed by combining related words into a larger whole.

The written form of Cheunh was represented ideographically, and the agglutinative features of the spoken language were reflected in the written form, which combined simpler ideograms to present more complex ideas. The Chiss found the complex nature of their tongue to be a source of pride.

As Humans did not share the same vocal abilities as the Chiss, it was difficult for other species to pronounce it correctly, even after long periods of study. It followed a logical pattern, though, and could be understood after some study.

The Chiss also used Minnisiat and Sy Bisti as lingua franca to trade in the space around their frontiers.

Known words/word roots[]

  • Ch'tra - Go[1]
  • Crahsystor - Commander[1]
  • Ktah - A curse word[3]
  • Pohskapforian (aspirated p in second syllable) - Merchant trader[1]
  • Pohskapforian (unaspirated p in second syllable) - Fishing boat[1]
  • Sch'oktai - Doctor
  • Stae - Near (pronounced: "stee")[1]
  • Vasbo - Green
  • Visvia - A unit of measurement (Visvia:kilometer ratio around 5:8)[1]

Known phrases[]

  • Crahsystor Mitth'raw'nuruodo. Ris ficar tli claristae su fariml'sroca.[1]
  • Sa eras mi sout shisfla. Hos mich falliare.[1]
  • Pavl'cha sertketch Jedi lommeeth'ree, Nuru Kungurama agad nac'shu Republic depostchw'ukak tah Palpatine. Pavl'cha ferch'sti'onmell Aristocra Sev'eere'nuruodo.[4]
  • Ka sba'ma'ti orf k'ralan. Kra'miral sumt tara'kliso mor Mitth'raw'nuruodo sur pra'cin'zisk mor'kor'lae.[5]
  • Moactan teel - fair-haired[6]



Notes and references[]

In other languages