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This article is about the in-universe New Jedi Order. You may be looking for other uses of the term.
Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"Not the last of the old Jedi, Luke. The first of the new."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Luke Skywalker[5]

The New Jedi Order, also known simply as the Jedi Order, was the restored and reformed version of the Old Jedi Order, formed in the wake of the Great Jedi Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former Jedi Knight and Chosen One Anakin Skywalker.

Slow in developing, it existed for a number of years as a disparate group of Force-sensitives with various degrees of training. After a first attempt to train new Knights was thwarted by the Reborn Emperor, Luke Skywalker initiated the first formal training school for Jedi in decades—the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Starting with an initial group of twelve students, the Order slowly grew in numbers and stature, becoming a core part of the New Republic that sponsored it. This meant it was repeatedly targeted by enemies of the Republic, such as Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala, the Empire Reborn, and the Second Imperium. Members of the order were involved in many of the key conflicts in the galaxy during the prime of the New Republic, including the Nagai–Tof War, Operation Shadow Hand, the Black Fleet Crisis, and the Corellian Crisis.

This involvement culminated in the Jedi becoming embroiled in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Despite their commitment to defending the galaxy from this threat, the Order was vilified by the galaxy's citizens and was betrayed on numerous occasions. Their involvement in the war cost nearly half the Order's Knights. Out of this conflict, a more centralized Order was born. It would continue to grow and serve the galaxy for decades to come, until the Sith–Imperial War once again dispersed the Order and made its members fugitives. They subsequently returned to their place in the galaxy at the end of the Second Imperial Civil War.

For its symbol, the New Jedi Order adopted the Alliance Starbird, which originated as the crest of a Jedi family called the House of Marek.


Last of the Old, First of the New (410 ABY)[]

"When are we gonna be Jedi Knights, like you, with magic? When are you gonna teach us to use the Force?"
"I'm not, Dracos. I can't. […] The potential for abuse—if any of you turned out to have talent and learned anything without learning everything—is staggering. And I don't want to be responsible for that."
Dracos and Luke Skywalker discuss training in the ways of the Force[26]

After the virtual extermination of the old Jedi Order by Emperor Palpatine, few survivors had remained; of those that did go into hiding, some abandoned the way of the Jedi while some like Rahm Kota and Dass Jennir continued to fight the Galactic Empire. Eventually, Obi-Wan Kenobi introduced a young man named Luke Skywalker to the Jedi ways. Luke would play a key role in the fall of the Emperor and the redemption of his father, Anakin Skywalker, who turned against the Jedi Order at the start of the Purge. This made Luke the primary heir to the Order.

Some of Skywalker's first thoughts of training an apprentice came right after the Battle of Endor. He encountered the clone soldier X2 and helped him assemble a lightsaber. Realizing the threat of the clone's brother turning to the dark side, as well as hearing that the rebel was misusing his potential, Luke decided to recruit him as one of the first of his apprentices. During the Ssi-ruuvi invasions, Skywalker came in contact with a young Force-sensitive boy named Dev Sibwarra. After rescuing the boy from the Ssi-ruuk, Skywalker had plans to train Sibwarra as his first apprentice. During the Invasion of Bakura, Dev sustained mortal injuries and died aboard the Millennium Falcon. Due to Sibwarra's death and a growing fear that he would create the next Vader, Skywalker became reluctant to take on an apprentice.


Luke Skywalker openly fought as a Jedi on Rebel Alliance and New Republic missions.

Around the time of the Nagai–Tof War, Skywalker received several requests for training from young freedom fighters who hoped to become Jedi Knights, but Skywalker's reluctance remained. He refused to train the young hopefuls on the excuse that he was not yet prepared to take on apprentices. When Luke began instructing new recruits to the Rebellion in warfare, recruits such as Kiro, Barney and the Rik Duel gang, they assumed that Luke would be teaching them to wield the Force but were disappointed when Luke refused to school them in Force techniques.[26] Luke's refusals also had a negative effect, as one of the first people to request his training, Flint, became embittered when Luke refused to train him and turned to the dark side.[27]

Luke's hesitance to take on an apprentice continued until he faced the consequences of his reluctant viewpoint. The young woman Vila came to Luke requesting training, and when Luke refused, she brought him to Naldar to help liberate the planet. On Naldar, Luke came face to face with Flint, now wielding the power of the dark side. In the subsequent battle, Vila was killed, and Flint was arrested and put into the custody of the New Republic.[26] Luke began to see that giving in to the fear of failure was not the path. Luke told the Iskalonian Kiro that he would begin to train him, but before it could begin, Kiro went MIA in the Nagai-Tof War and became disillusioned with the thought of becoming a Jedi.[28] After this rocky start, Luke put his plans for a new Jedi Order on hold.

For a number of years after this, Skywalker continued to hone his own skills as he worked as a Jedi Knight throughout the galaxy. During this time, he made a number of discoveries relating to the Jedi, on planets such as Circarpous V,[29] Toola,[30] and Dathomir, and also briefly taught Prince Isolder the basic tenets of the Force. As he was not Force-sensitive, the Prince provided a risk free student for Luke to practice on.[30] It was also during this time that Skywalker met many individuals who would eventually become members of his Jedi Order. Perhaps most notable was Kyle Katarn, whom Skywalker met in 4 ABY during the crisis of the Valley of the Jedi. Katarn already possessed a lightsaber, that originally belonged to Qu Rahn, and had some rudimentary insights into the Force, mastering Force powers such as Force speed.[31]

The rise of the cloned Palpatine shook Skywalker out of his solitary existence. As foretold by Bodo Baas's Master a thousand years earlier, this was a critical time during the history of the Jedi. Faced with a seemingly unbeatable foe, Skywalker decided to train under the Emperor in order to undermine the Empire from within. However, in doing so, Skywalker succumbed to the influence of the dark side. He was brought back to the light side by his sister, Leia Organa Solo, who also stole a precious Holocron from the Emperor. On the run from Imperial forces, Luke and Leia gathered around them a cadre of Force-sensitives that Luke began to instruct. These included the redeemed Kam Solusar, Vima-Da-Boda, the Ysanna siblings Jem and Rayf, and Great Jedi Purge survivor King Empatojayos Brand.[32]

Defeating the Emperor did not come without a price—Jem, Rayf, and Brand lost their lives, while Vima fled back into the underworld.[33] The cost to Luke was dear also – his experience under the dark side's sway would scar his soul permanently. However, he gained an appreciation of his own strength, and a deeper realization of what it would cost to return the Jedi Knights to the galaxy. This ideal, and his enhanced powers made Luke the first new Jedi Master of the reborn Jedi Order. Other gains made were the redemption of Kam and the acquisition of the Bodo Baas holocron.

Jedi Praxeum (1118 ABY)[]

"The Jedi Knights will rise again"
―Luke Skywalker[34]
ExarKunspirit egtf

Jedi at the Praxeum fight Exar Kun's spirit.

During the Thrawn campaign, Obi-Wan Kenobi appeared to Luke in a vision. He would no longer appear in Luke's visions, so he charged Luke with the mission of restoring the Jedi. Luke was deeply distressed at being the last of the old Jedi, but Obi-Wan's last thought came with a chuckle and a sense of calm: "Not the last of the old Jedi, Luke. The first of the new."[5]

With this encouragement, and after the cloned Emperor's defeat, Luke approached the New Republic for permission to establish a Jedi academy.[4] During his travels, he had discovered a number of Force-sensitives and finally felt ready to begin to train new Jedi. Permission was granted and a site on the historic moon Yavin 4 was selected. This first class consisted of twelve pupils with Luke as their teacher. Some of those twelve were Kam Solusar and Tionne, Kirana Ti, Dorsk 81, Streen, Gantoris,[4] Madurrin,[35] Kyle Katarn,[35] Brakiss,[36] and Corran Horn.[36] Other Jedi to join soon after were Kyp Durron, Cilghal, Mara Jade,[16] and Dal Konur.[37]

It was not long before it became apparent that not all was well at the Academy. The spirit of Exar Kun, an ancient Sith Lord, haunted some of the temples on the moon and began to influence Luke's students towards the dark side. Kun attacked Luke, forcing him into a coma, and Kyp Durron, one of the most promising students, fled the Academy in Sun Crusher, wreaking havoc on the galaxy and destroying the world of Carida.[22]

Eventually Luke was awoken and the Sith spirit was defeated by a joint Jedi offensive. The praxeum also suffered an assault by a group of Dark Jedi artificially infused with the Force led by Luke’s own fallen apprentice Desann.[38] This would be but some of many trials ahead of the fledgling Order though, with subsequent attacks directed against it by Admiral Daala,[23] the Empire Reborn, and the Second Imperium.

Growth and expansion (1822 ABY)[]

"A Jedi's greatest power comes not from size or from physical strength. It comes from understanding the Force. As part of your training you will learn to build your confidence and belief through practice."
Tionne Solusar[39]

A group of Jedi ambush an Imperial Juggernaut during the assault by Admiral Daala.

Despite these setbacks, the Jedi Order continued to grow and to serve the galaxy. The Order was also supplemented by recruits from other Force traditions such as the Iron Knights,[40] the Jensaarai,[41] the Matukai,[7] and students from the School of Hidden Wisdom.[42] Other students were recruited in manifold ways, from the Force-natural Cheryl Trinja found on a jungle planet by a group of Republic agents and trainees,[43] to the Old Republic Jedi Knight rescued from the imprisonment of his former apprentice Winslau Da'k, on the Unknown Regions planet Morcanth.[43] New Republic Intelligence also began to report to Skywalker on possible candidates.[44]

Jedi Knights played key roles in disabling the Eye of Palpatine battlestation,[45] preventing the spread of the Death Seed plague,[46] and stopping the Disciples of Ragnos, a cult with the goal of resurrecting the Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos.[47] Finally they also took part in neutralizing Centerpoint Station in the Corellian Crisis.[48] During this period, research missions increased, with investigation on such planets as Chandrila,[47] Ossus,[49] Kamino,[49] Korriban,[50] Ruusan,[51] Barab I,[49][52] and Borgo Prime.[21] One such mission to the Deep Core resulted in the capture of a Jedi Knight. A rescue team was dispatched, which managed to trace the captors to the Imperial fortress world of Prakith, home of the Citadel Inquisitorius. Confronting Inquisitor Shynne, the team managed to safely rescue the Knight.[53] Other successes included Eelysa breaking a number of slave rings in the Outer Rim,[52] Fahjay stopping an assassination attempt against Admiral Gial Ackbar,[54] and the Jedi Knights negotiating a peace accord between the warring Drovian and Gopso'o tribes on Nim Drovis—a war that had continued for generations.[55] The Jedi also embarked on other diplomatic missions, such as to Iridonia.[56]

Discoveries of Jedi relics, such as Jedi armor on Garn,[57] lightsabers on Ossus,[32] Asli Krimsan's holocron on Vjun[21] and Arca Jeth's holocron on Arkania[20] added to the Order's knowledge of ancient Jedi practices. Many of these would be implemented, such as pairing up Masters to apprentices and the formation of Jedi clans.[2] Not all practices were assimilated, though, such as the Jedi prohibition on marriage, seeing as it was a marriage that was hidden (between Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala) that destroyed the Old Jedi Order in the first place. Instead the new Order allowed marriage, even conducting Jedi ceremonies for Tionne and Kam Solusar, and later in 19 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.[9] Many other Jedi, such as Kirana Ti, Corran Horn, Daye Azur-Jamin and Tyria Sarkin Tainer, married non Force-sensitives, with their children providing the next generation of Jedi trainees. The stark separation from family that was practiced by the Old Order would also be disregarded, with opportunities for employment and accommodation provided for trainees' families around the Academy.[2]

Junior Jedi Academy (2225 ABY)[]

After his wedding, Luke Skywalker altered the instruction schedule of his Yavin training center to accommodate the training of younger students. In doing so, he was inspired by his former Master, Yoda, who'd taught him that younger students were easier to train.[35] To this end, he established a Junior Jedi Academy in 22 ABY.[58] On that same year, Jedi trainees Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila discovered the ancient Jedi Master Ikrit and freed the trapped Massassi souls within the Golden Globe, a dark side device created by the Dark Lord Exar Kun in 3997 BBY to drain the souls of the trapped Massassi to fuel his powers.[59] These two Jedi along with Tionne Solusar, Uldir Lochett, and R2-D2 also discovered the holocron of the ancient Jedi Asli Krimsan at Bast Castle on Vjun,[21] and Kenobi's lightsaber[60] and thwarted Orloc's attempts to start his own Jedi Order.


The raging battle for Yavin 4 during the assault by the Shadow Academy.

Later that year, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker traveled to the Unknown Regions to locate the wreckage of the disastrous Old Republic Outbound Flight expeditionary fleet in an inaccessible region of space known as the Redoubt. They were accompanied by Chiss Aristocra Formbi, Commander Chak Fel of the Empire of the Hand and New Republic envoy Dean Jinzler who wanted to honor his late Jedi sister by visiting the wreck and several Geroons who wished to pay their respects to the Jedi who had freed them from their cruel Vagaari masters. However, upon reaching the site of the wreckage on a planetoid within the Redoubt, they discovered that the survivors had formed a colony and that the Geroons were actually the Vagaari themselves, who had come to avenge their defeat at the Chiss decades earlier. However, the two Jedi along with the Chiss, Empire of the Hand and the survivors of the Outbound Flight defeated the Vagaari and drove them away.[61]

In 23 ABY, the Jedi Order was faced with the Shadow Academy (Dark Jedi training ground founded by Brakiss) and its ally: the Second Imperium which rejected the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty signed between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic in 19 ABY. The Second Imperium kidnapped Jedi trainees, including Luke's niece and nephew, Jaina and Jacen Solo and their friend Lowbacca, from Luke's Jedi Order and then went recruiting disadvantaged youth when that failed with the Solo twins and Lowie's rescue by the Solo's close friend Tenel Ka. The Second Imperium was led by four Imperial Guards masquerading as Emperor Palpatine. During an assault on the Jedi Praxeum, the Second Imperium and the Shadow Academy were defeated by Luke's Jedi trainees, thus removing an obstacle to the New Jedi Order.[62]

In 24 ABY, the Jedi Order encountered the alien-supremacist anti-Human Diversity Alliance which sought to punish the Human species for the atrocities of the New Order. The Diversity Alliance attempted to stockpile weapons and locate the location of the Emperor's Plague warehouse for their war against Humans. However, they too would be defeated by the Jedi.[63] This was followed by Czethros's attempts to return the crime syndicate Black Sun to its former glory and dominate the galaxy. However, he too was defeated by the Jedi.[64]

Yuuzhan Vong War (2529 ABY)[]

"The old Jedi order died with the Old Republic. Then there was Luke, and only Luke, and a lot of fumbling to re-create Jedi from what little he knew of them. He did the best he could, and he made mistakes. I was one of them. His generation of Jedi was put together like a rickety space scow, but from it something new has emerged. It's not the old Jedi order, nor should it be. We, Jaina, are the new Jedi order. And this is our war."
Kyp Durron[8]

During the time of relative peace up to 25 ABY, the new Jedi Order seemed to be well and truly established as a force in the galaxy once more. The Order now numbered at least 100 Jedi, possibly more, with a number of Jedi Masters actively training new Padawans. During this time Luke Skywalker sought permission from the New Republic to reestablish the Jedi Council.[65]


Corran Horn and Shedao Shai duel for the future of Ithor.

However, with the onset of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi were to face a foe that would rock their Order to its very foundations. Significant public opinion was turned against the Jedi by the invaders with Jedi hunted around the galaxy. However, the Jedi did receive aid from unexpected sources, such as from many Priapulin who signed up as Jedi Auxiliaries to support the Order as the famous Charza Kwinn had decades earlier.[66] During this time, cracks appeared within the Jedi Order over what approach to take to the invaders. Spearheading the more aggressive faction was Kyp Durron, while Luke Skywalker led a more defensive position. Some of this conflict was resolved with the establishment of a Masters' Council, seeking to create a unified response for all Jedi.

The Jedi eventually played a vital role in the resolution of the war, but the cost was severe. The number of Jedi was halved and their mindset became far more severe.[67]

Recovery and renewal (30 ABY—)[]

Luke Swarm War

Grand Master Luke Skywalker during the Swarm War.

"I don't propose that we place ourselves in seclusion and pass our days meditating on the Force—though that might be the path for some of us. But I do advocate attuning ourselves to the longer view, and reaching out to others who seek to serve the Force."
―Luke Skywalker, discussing the Order's future[67]

Following the Yuuzhan Vong war, the Jedi academy was moved to Ossus, while the High Council relocated to a newly-constructed Jedi Temple on Coruscant. During the Dark Nest Crisis they numbered over 200 Jedi. By the end of the Swarm War, Luke Skywalker officially claimed the title Grand Master of the Jedi Order.

Second Galactic Civil War (4041 ABY)[]

"As long as Jacen controls the Alliance, there is no Alliance."
―Luke Skywalker[14]
Jaina vs Caedus

The fratricidal Second Galactic Civil War

The Jedi Order continued to grow in strength and influence, spreading throughout the galaxy, with the establishment of training enclaves in systems such as Corellia. As more members were trained and elevated to knighthood, the Council decided to move the majority of masters and knights to Coruscant's Temple; leaving the Ossus Academy open for the training of younglings.

In 40 ABY, the galaxy was plunged into the Second Galactic Civil War. Struggling slightly with the perceived need to side with the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi Order worked as best they could to prevent the situation from escalating. In the midst of this crisis, however, betrayal came from within as the Jedi Knight Jacen Solo was seduced to the dark side and became the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. Despite Caedus's control of the Alliance, Luke and the Order made a distinction- they supported the Alliance, but not an Alliance controlled by Jacen himself. In the aftermath of the Battle of Kashyyyk, the Order declared its neutrality and formed the Jedi Coalition. Efforts were then begun to remove Caedus from power; though the Order was forced to retreat secretly to Endor, where they established a temporary base. In 41 ABY, Darth Caedus was killed in a duel by his sister on the Anakin Solo. Shortly after the war ended and the galaxy was once again at peace and the Jedi Coalition had been reformed into the New Jedi Order and reunited with the Galactic Alliance. Lumiya's Sith, the last surviving remmant of the Order of the Sith Lords had perished with the arrest of Tahiri Veila, former Jedi Knight and Caedus's Sith apprentice turned informant and, thus the Sith were once again believed to be extinct. However the Jedi were in a state of despair as many had looked to Jacen for guidance before his fall.

Political tensions (43 ABY—)[]

"You're wrong! You have made your own Order vulnerable. The fate of the Jedi now rests with leaders who are weaker and less experienced than you. That decline will continue until the Order is locked in a hopeless struggle with its government and all but helpless. Then it will die again."
Koro Ziil[3]

Following the Second Galactic Civil War the Order's ranks would rise to over a thousand Jedi.[68] In the aftermath of the war, Natasi Daala rose to the position of Chief of State of the Alliance and fostered a widespread anti-Jedi sentiment. Tensions between the Jedi Order and Daala's government reached breaking point over the next two years until, in 43 ABY, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker called all Jedi back to the Temple on Coruscant in response to a dispute between rogue Jedi Knight Seff Hellin and Daala's security forces.[69] A short time later, Jedi Knight Valin Horn developed a mysterious psychosis which caused him to go on a violent rampage, though he was ultimately stopped by Skywalker. Daala soon had Skywalker arrested for dereliction of duty for failing to prevent Caedus' fall to the dark side and allowed him freedom only in exchange for having him exiled without means of interfering in the affairs of the Order. Skywalker's son, Ben Skywalker, joined him in his exile, and they embarked on a quest to discover the cause of Caedus' fall to the dark side.[3]


The Jedi Order faced a resurgence of the Sith.

Following Skywalker's exile, Council member Kenth Hamner rose to the position of acting Grand Master, with his policies being more aimed at placating the power-hungry Daala than Skywalker's had been. Indeed, Hamner bowed to Chief Daala's demand that each Jedi be accompanied by a supervisor handpicked by her office while on active duty; though this order was ultimately overturned in the courts. While Hamner sought to appease Daala he also unofficially sanctioned Jaina Solo's creation of a covert Jedi group, known as Darkmeld, which actively worked to undermine Daala's efforts to take control of the Order.[3]

Meanwhile, Horn was ordered to be encased in carbonite until a cure for the psychosis could be found, at which time he would face trial. Seff Hellin, suffering from the same illness, soon attempted to free Horn though he himself was apprehended by the members of Darkmeld who hoped to study his condition without the knowledge of Daala's government.[3] Jysella Horn later contracted the same illness and was captured by Galactic Alliance Security after escaping from the Jedi Temple and, like her brother, was frozen in carbonite. Natua Wan, a Falleen Jedi, succumbed to the mysterious illness at the Coruscant Livestock Exchange and Exhibition and after causing a panic by releasing all the animals, was stopped by Leia Organa Solo, Jaina Solo, and Radd Minker.

It was around this time that the Lost Tribe of Sith on Kesh felt Luke Skywalker in the Force after he came into contact with the Codex, and recognized him as the only one who could stop them on their quest to restore the Sith Empire. Upon learning of Skywalker from Ship, a Sith Meditation Sphere, they sent out an elite strike force to kill him.

After Jedi Knights Bazel Warv and Yaqeel Saav'etu came down with the psychosis, the Galactic Alliance once again attempted to get their hands on the mad Jedi. They failed when Master Cilghal refused to acknowledge a warrant that Daala obtained by manipulating the courts. While acting Grand Master Hamner was favorable to handing over the Jedi, the Council overruled him and decided to take their prisoners to Shedu Maad which was out of the Galactic Alliance's reach. Jagged Fel and Jaina Solo then informed them that Daala had recruited Mandalorian Supercommandos to seize the Jedi and make it look like a group of freelancers trying to gain a bounty. The Mandalorians were defeated and the Jedi evacuated. During this time, a team of Jedi traveled with a large contingent of press to a secret Galactic Alliance Security blockhouse where the Horn siblings were being kept. There, they revealed the inequity of Daala's head judge of the Court of Jedi Affairs, Arabelle Lorteli, and also showed the disrespect with which the carbonite-encased Horn's were being treated by the Galactic Alliance. Shortly after, the Jedi managed to smuggle Saav'etu, Warv, Hellin, and Wan offworld to Shedu Maad.

Soon after, Luke Skywalker and his son were attacked by the Lost Tribe of the Sith's strike team at Sinkhole Station in the Maw. They defeated the Sith, allowing only one apprentice, Vestara Khai, to escape. During the battle Luke had put a blood trail on Khai so that they could track her, in hopes of following her back to her homeworld and finding the rest of the Sith.

After her humiliation, Daala retaliated by ordering a squad of Mandalorians to attack the Jedi Temple to stop the Jedi resistance. In the aftermath of the Mandalorians' defeat, several high-profile Jedi Masters and Knights had an arrest warrant issued in their names, such as Master Hamner. In 44 ABY, when a group of Jedi Masters led by Saba Sebatyne decided to take a more aggressive stance against Daala in opposition to Hamner's more lenient policy, the Council dismissed him. When Hamner opposed the launch of StealthX starfighters to help the Skywalkers, which he viewed as treason against the Order and the Alliance, Sebatyne dueled him. Although Saba was merely fighting to either stall or subdue Hamner, her opponent refused to back down and ultimately she had to allow Hamner to fall to his death in order to ensure the Stealth X's launched.

Despite reluctance from her guilt over having killed a fellow Master, Sebatyne accepted the position of Grand Master until Skywalker's return from exile. Her first priority was permanently dealing with Daala: pushed beyond her limit with the Jedi's successful launch, Daala informed Sebatyne, Corran Horn and Ciilghal that she intended to order the military to destroy the Jedi Order. Acting quickly, the Jedi launched a coup that usurped Daala, resulting in her arrest and the establishment of a triumvirate. With Saba's position in the new government, she managed to overturn Luke's sentence and end his exile.

When Luke returned to Coruscant, he and the rest of the Council decided to leave Coruscant to find Abeloth and Ship, and in turn lure the Sith out of hiding on Coruscant. The Jedi ultimately emerged victorious in destroying Abeloth and the Lost Tribe of the Sith.

Crisis and revival (c.127 ABY138 ABY)[]


Jedi fighting during the Third Jedi Purge.

Over the next 90 years, both the Jedi and another new Sith threat would rise greatly in number. The foundations of the Jedi Order would once again be shaken almost to collapse. By around 127 ABY, the One Sith emerged from the shadows and into open conflict with the Jedi. With the dissolution of the Galactic Alliance, and the Sith joining forces with the new Galactic Empire, the Jedi were steadily losing ground against their foe. The final stroke by the Sith was an all-out attack on the temple at Ossus. Because the Sith attacked before all of them could arrive, about half of the Jedi survived the attack. The Order went into hiding, pursued by both the Sith and by bounty hunters eager to claim the substantial rewards offered for capture of live Jedi. Cade Skywalker, having turned away from his heritage and Jedi training, became a bounty hunter and went so far as to turn in one of his fellow Jedi.

Jedi 137 aby

Some members of the New Jedi Order during the Legacy era. From up to down: Wolf Sazen, Shado Vao and K'Kruhk.

Few Jedi at Ossus survived Krayt's purge. Ahn Rasi Tuum, Hosk Trey'lis, and a Human woman were subsequently killed by the Sith in the ensuing years, with another killed by the Anzati bounty hunter Sint Yoru. Presumably the rest remained in hiding, were killed or captured by the Empire, or managed to find sanctuary with the Galactic Alliance Remnant. Many members of the order went to the Hidden Temple and took refuge there until discovered by Cade Skywalker. Due to a double agent, the Imperial Knights learned of the Temple's location and came to negotiate with the remains of the Jedi Council for an alliance with the Empire they serve.[12] Having seen the inner workings and conflicts amongst the Sith, Skywalker suggested they put together a squad to kill Darth Krayt, figuring the Sith would collapse upon themselves with no uniting leader to keep them in line. The Council agreed to discuss an alliance with Fel, but rejected Skywalker's assassination plan.[70] Skywalker and his allies went through with the plan, and their mission ended in Krayt's death. More Jedi would eventually come out of hiding and join in the war against Krayt's Empire as it progressed.[71] The Jedi later aided in the Evacuation of Dac.[72]

The Third Jedi Purge came to an end when the Battle of Coruscant was won by the allied forces of the Jedi, the Galactic Alliance Remnant and the Fel loyalists. With Darth Krayt's death at the hands of the Jedi Cade Skywalker and the subsequent collapse of the Galactic Empire, the Jedi Order ultimately emerged intact for the most part and was able to assume its former place in the Galaxy once more. Jedi Master K'Kruhk, formerly of the original Jedi Order and a member of the Jedi Council, joined with Admiral Gar Stazi and Empress Marasiah Fel to create the Galactic Federation Triumvirate. Together, the three new triumvirs would establish their collective rule over a unified galaxy. The One Sith, despite failing to complete the Jedi Purge or win the Second Imperial Civil War, survived the death of their founder and fled into hiding. Under the leadership of Darth Nihl, the remaining Sith sought to destroy the new order from within by infiltrating every planetary government in the galaxy.[15]

Learning and teaching the ways of the Force[]


"I don't believe the training of a true Jedi comes from listening to lectures. I want to teach you how to learn action, how to do things, not just think about them. There is no try."
―Luke Skywalker[39]

A Jedi Trainer instructing some students in telekinesis.

In the new Jedi Order, emphasis was placed on learning through experience. While formal classes were held, students were also asked to establish their own training programs, developing their own individual approaches to the Force. Initially, not all students were satisfied with this model, most notably Corran Horn who eventually left the Order (only to return some time later).

Luke Skywalker oversaw the teaching, but did also delegate teaching responsibilities to students onto so-called Jedi Trainers who were specifically skilled at certain areas. Thus, for example Kam Solusar would instruct his fellow students in lightsaber combat in the early days of the New Jedi Order, while Corran Horn, who used to be a law enforcer with CorSec would teach unarmed combat and self-defense. Tionne Solusar would specialize in Jedi lore and pass on her knowledge to her fellow students.


A Jedi trainer in the Jedi Order.

With time there were enough skilled Jedi Knights, and some Jedi Masters, in the new order to start approximating the Master-Padawan model of the Old Order. However, since there were still only few members of the New Order, Masters would be assigned multiple students. In accordance with the learning-by-doing principle, students would accompany Masters on missions to gain experience and they would sometimes be sent on missions on their own. One student who benefited particularly much from this model, was Jaden Korr who was apprenticed to Katarn. Katarn's other student, Rosh Penin, however was unhappy with this model, and was once heard complaining to a fellow Jedi student that he felt his talents were not fostered and that he felt Katarn was holding him back. Korr rose to become one of the most skilled Knights of the New Order while Penin turned to the dark side, but was eventually redeemed, having learned a lesson about patience.

After two of his students have fallen to the dark side, Luke Skywalker wondered if he had made a mistake by not establishing a formal method of training padawans.[73]

The teachings of the New Order differed from those of the Old in several ways, and were closer to those practiced by the Jedi before the Great Sith War. Jedi were allowed to marry and have families, and each Jedi Master could train multiple apprentices. The wearing of the Jedi robes, while popular, was no longer mandatory. For a long time, the Order was also much less centrally controlled, with each Jedi being given much greater personal freedom and responsibility.

Lightsaber construction[]

"Dual-phase blades seem to be something of a fad among Jedi at certain points."
―Luke Skywalker[36]

The construction of lightsabers in the new Order differed from that of the old in many ways. Luke Skywalker discovered records in Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine on how to construct lightsabers that he used himself, and would later introduce to his students. Some other techniques were also recovered by the Jedi, sometimes in less than desirable ways. The malevolent spirit of Exar Kun guided Gantoris in making a dual-phase lightsaber, capable of extending dramatically in length when secondary crystals aligned. Skywalker discovered this, almost at the cost of his life, when the rogue student challenged him to a lightsaber duel.[16] Corran Horn constructed a similar lightsaber independently, using a process obtained from his step-grandfather, Rostek Horn.[36] Occasionally, exceptional students, such as Jaden Korr, were able to construct lightsabers on their own, without formal instruction.[47] Luke Skywalker also constructed a shorter lightsaber, known as a shoto, to fight Lumiya during the Nagai-Tof War.[28] This was designed to counteract the dual nature of her weapon, known as a lightwhip. Skywalker kept this weapon for many years, and taught other Jedi Masters, such as his wife Mara, how to construct them.[74]

Lightsaber Tenel Ka

Tenel Ka's unique lightsaber hilt.

One problem faced by the new Jedi Order was a shortage of high quality crystals, such as was available to the old Jedi Order. Sacred sites such as Ilum or the Adega system were lost to the Jedi and so other sources had to be sought out, with accompanying danger. Imperial Advisor Bregius Golthan once tried to lure Skywalker into a trap on the planet Canyon, claiming a source of adequate crystals had been found. However, Luke sent NRI agents in his stead, who managed to escape the trap.[75] On another occasion, Skywalker traveled to the planet Halm to recover some adegan crystals from its famous mines. There, he was forced to fight off Imperial opposition who were also after the crystals.[76] The lack of a single substantial source of lightsaber crystals resulted in a greater variety types used, and consequently, greater blade coloration. Some of the unusual sources included a shard of the Kaiburr crystal used in Luke Skywalker's saber,[35] Gallinorean rainbow gems from a Hapan tiara in Tenel Ka's saber,[77] Corusca gems from the gas giant Yavin used in those of Gantoris[16] and Jacen Solo,[77] and a synthetically manufactured crystal used in Jaina Solo's saber[77]—making use of a process once considered to be a Sith technique.

Just as during the days of the old Order, Jedi were encouraged to make their handles more personal, reflecting both their personalities and their upbringing. Examples of this included Cilghal's, which was silvery and smooth, with subtle indentations common among Mon Calamari technology,[23] Tionne's, that used a spiral mist-horn,[21] and that of Tenel Ka, which was fashioned from a rancor tooth.[77] An odd example of this diversity was Corran Horn's first saber, constructed in haste from the throttle of a speeder bike.[36]

Lightsaber training[]


Kam Solusar and Corran Horn spar at the Jedi Headquarters.

"You are learning to focus on precision rather than brute strength, to anticipate my moves and your own reactions using the Force."
Tionne Solusar[78]

Following the Great Jedi Purge, many of the old lightsaber forms used by the old Jedi Order were lost and Luke had received little in the way of formal training. However, with the foundation of the Jedi academy on Yavin 4 and the first intake of students, the path to rediscovering these began. Kam Solusar taught the first students the basic principals of fencing, possibly elements of Shii-Cho, upon which all lightsaber combat is based. More specifically, he taught them the three rings of defense.[36]

Along with Kam's own knowledge, there may have been additional teachings from the Jensaarai, their founders being Jedi Knights and Padawans who would likely still have knowledge on the original lightsaber forms used by the Jedi of old. Add to this the knowledge gained by Kyle Katarn, who had been instructed in fencing while he studied at the academy on Carida and was later taught lightsaber combat by the spirits of Qu Rahn and Tal, and by 14 ABY the order had developed its own styles of combat, complete with their own Katas and maneuvers. Divided into Medium style, Fast style and Strong style, the forms of combat which were finally developed and refined seem to be an amalgamation of the old and the new, further bridging the old Jedi Order with the new. By 14 ABY, the Academy also introduced some training sabers, although students such as Rosh Penin derided their use.[47] By 35 ABY, students who had constructed their first Lightsabers were usually just known as apprentices. The original Jedi lightsaber forms were eventually rediscovered, knowledge on them recorded by Cin Drallig being present in the Great Holocron.[19]

The new Jedi Order also restored the title of Jedi Battlemaster, which was bestowed on Kyle Katarn.[79]

Jedi installations across the galaxy[]

"The Jedi stand in place of gods in the New Republic. They are looked to as surrogate parents, gifted with vast abilities that legend further magnifies beyond all reason; their purpose is to fight and die for the New Republic's debased, infidel perversions of truth and justice."
Nom Anor[80]

Jedi Order affiliated ships[]

Celador Sash

The Celador Sash, a Jedi freighter.

To function adequately across the galaxy, the Jedi Order needed a number of starships to deliver its Knights into position. These ships came from a number of sources: some the New Republic supplied, such as XJ X-wings, or StealthX starfighters. Others were donated or acquired from private sources. Celador Sash was one such freighter, gifted by a trader once saved by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Finally, other ships were privately owned but were closely tied with the workings of the Jedi Order, such as Millennium Falcon and Errant Venture. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a number of used ships were acquired by the Praxeum to anonymously deliver the Jedi, as many of their starships had become well known throughout the galaxy. Lady Starstorm was one such ship. After many years, the StealthX fighter would be replaced by their new successors: the X-83 TwinTail starfighter.

Capital ships[]








Throughout the many wars, the Jedi became involved with mobilizing several starfighter squadrons. Although they were not entirely made up of Jedi pilots, they were directly associated with the new order.


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

  1. Dark Nest III: The Swarm War
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Dark Nest I: The Joiner King
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Fate of the Jedi: Outcast
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 Jedi Search
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Heir to the Empire
  6. 6.0 6.1 Legacy (2006) 1
  7. 7.0 7.1 Hero's Guide
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Union 1
  10. 10.0 10.1 The New Jedi Order: Star by Star
  11. 11.0 11.1 Legacy of the Force: Revelation
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Legacy (2006) 25
  13. The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant
  14. 14.0 14.1 Legacy of the Force: Inferno
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Legacy—War 6
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Dark Apprentice
  17. Legacy of the Force: Betrayal
  18. Legacy of the Force: Fury
  19. 19.0 19.1 Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  20. 20.0 20.1 The Essential Guide to Alien Species
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress
  22. 22.0 22.1 Champions of the Force
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Darksaber
  24. The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught
  25. The Essential Reader's Companion
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Star Wars (1977) 92
  27. Star Wars Annual (1977) 3
  28. 28.0 28.1 Star Wars (1977) 96
  29. Splinter of the Mind's Eye
  30. 30.0 30.1 The Courtship of Princess Leia
  31. Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
  32. 32.0 32.1 Star Wars: Dark Empire
  33. Star Wars: Empire's End
  34. Dark Empire 6
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 The Essential Chronology
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 I, Jedi
  37. WizardsoftheCoast "Rebel Jedi" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  38. Jedi Outcast
  39. 39.0 39.1 Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force
  40. HyperspaceIcon Droids, Technology and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena on Hyperspace (article) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  41. SWInsider "Who's Who in the New Jedi Order" — Star Wars Insider 57
  42. Power of the Jedi Sourcebook
  43. 43.0 43.1 Star Wars Gamemaster Screen
  44. LucasArtsIcon N.R.I. Reports on LucasArts.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
  45. Children of the Jedi
  46. Planet of Twilight
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
  48. Star Wars: The Corellian Trilogy
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  50. WizardsoftheCoast "Korriban: Planet of Lost Souls, Part 1" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  51. The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
  52. 52.0 52.1 WizardsoftheCoast "Making a Full Recovery" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  53. WizardsoftheCoast "Byss and the Deep Core Part 2: Empress Teta" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  54. PolyhedronLogo "What's so Bad About the Dark Side? The Ethical Dilemma of Force-Users" — Polyhedron 108
  55. The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
  56. StarWarsTales-Icon "Phantom Menaces" — Star Wars Tales 17
  57. Classic Star Wars: Devilworlds
  58. Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe
  59. Junior Jedi Knights: Promises
  60. Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade
  61. Survivor's Quest
  62. Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege
  63. Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor's Plague
  64. Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef
  65. The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime
  66. SWGamer-icon "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Priapulin" — Star Wars Gamer 8
  67. 67.0 67.1 The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force
  68. Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse
  69. Millennium Falcon
  70. Legacy (2006) 26
  71. Star Wars: Legacy: Vector
  72. Legacy (2006) 47
  73. The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force
  74. Legacy of the Force: Tempest
  75. SWAJsmall "Black Curs Blues" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
  76. Star Wars: Yoda Stories
  77. 77.0 77.1 77.2 77.3 Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers
  78. Young Jedi Knights: Darkest Knight
  79. WizardsoftheCoast "The Dark Forces Saga, Part 1" (original article link) on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  80. The New Jedi Order: Traitor