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"Chiss brought in from outside a Family's bloodlines to enrich or diversify or invigorate. All warriors are made merit adoptives when they're accepted into either the Defense Fleet or the Expansionary Fleet. That's why every warrior wears the color of one of the Families."
"Which one is yours?"
"The Eighth."
―Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo, to Maris Ferasi[1]

The Mitth family,[2] also called House Mitth,[3] and formerly known as the Eighth Ruling Family or Eighth Family, was a Chiss family in the Chiss Ascendancy. It was once one of the Nine Ruling Families.[1] Along with the Nuruodo family, the Mitth family had charge of military affairs.[source?] Every Chiss Ruling Family was associated with a specific color, and that of the Eighth Ruling Family was burgundy.[1]

As with all Ruling Families, membership and status within the group was defined partially by blood descent, but partially also by merit. The brothers Mitth'ras'safis (core name "Thrass") and Mitth'raw'nuruodo ("Thrawn"), born to a family of commoners, became members of this Family by a complex process of adoption.[source?] The brothers' adoption process seems to have involved their being attached as temporary merit adoptives, then declared Trial-born, and finally matched permanently to the bloodline, a process that may have involved marriage to female members of the kin-group.[source?] By 27 BBY, Thrass, the elder brother, was a Syndic of the Mitth family while Thrawn was a Force Commander in the Chiss Expansionary Fleet.

At some later date, it appears that Thrawn likewise became a Syndic of the Family,[4] as in 19 ABY,[5] Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade encountered warriors from his Household Phalanx on Nirauan, identifying themselves as warriors serving "Syndic Mitth'raw'nuruodo", and wearing the burgundy uniforms of the Family.[4]

In 22 ABY, the number of Ruling Families was still said to be nine, although it was not said explicitly that the designation of Eighth Ruling Family was still borne by the same affinity.[6] By 28 ABY,[7] the number of Ruling Families in the Ascendancy had been reduced to four, and the Mitth family was not mentioned as one of them.[8][9] Despite her claim of being an officer of the Expansionary Defense Force, Commander Hess'irolia'nuruodo wore a burgundy-and-black uniform,[9] a color scheme previously associated with the Mitth family[1] and Grand Admiral Thrawn's rogue Household Phalanx.[10]

Behind the scenes[]

Excluding Thrawn, whose appearances date back to the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire,[11] Chiss associated with the Eighth Ruling Family first appeared in the 1998 novel Vision of the Future.[12] However, the family designation of "Mitth" was not used until the 2006 novel Outbound Flight.[1] The name "Mitth family" was first definitively used in the 2017 short story "Chasing Copero" from the official website of the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.[2]



Notes and references[]

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