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"All that power locked inside, laying dormant until called forth with a greater purpose… it has survived long after its great wielder has fallen. It has outlasted the fall of Republics and Empires. It has outlasted the schemes of all those with big ambitions and small minds. It will outlast your First Order too."
―Dok-Ondar, to a First Order stormtrooper sergeant[4]

Ki-Adi-Mundi's lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi. He used it during many campaigns in the Clone Wars against the Separatist Droid Army including the first and the second battles of Geonosis. Mundi continued using his lightsaber until his death during the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto.


Mundi's lightsaber was influenced by the Cerean culture which differed it from the rest of the Jedi High Council members, and his lightsaber hilt was designed to be simple without frills or accents. The lightsaber also had two kyber crystals, allowing Mundi to use both of them.[5]


KiAdiMundi TCWs2BR1

Ki-Adi-Mundi wielding his lightsaber

Mundi used his lightsaber during the Clone Wars, which started at the First Battle of Geonosis.[2] During the Second Battle of Geonosis, Mundi used his lightsaber to cut through a Caltrop field.[6] Mundi continued carrying his lightsaber with him for rest of the war.[7] Mundi used his lightsaber to protect himself during the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto. However, the 21st Nova Corps received Order 66 from Palpatine. Mundi was killed,[8] and his lightsaber fell to the ground.[4]

The lightsaber was found by Vice Chairman Anolo, who kept it in his office on Mygeeto. Following Anolo's death at the hands of Greedo, the lightsaber was taken by Greedo and used it to make his escape from Anolo's office. Greedo offered his employer, Jabba the Hutt, the lightsaber after he allowed Anolo's Givin codebreaker to die. Jabba refused until Dok-Ondar convinced the Hutt to sell him the lightsaber, which Dok-Ondar kept within his Den of Antiquities on the planet Batuu.[4] Dok-Ondar used the lightsaber when he and Captain Hondo Ohnaka stole a kyber crystal statue from Jedha's Temple of the Kyber.[9] The lightsaber also appeared in a vision to the Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus during his visit to the Lothal Jedi Temple.[10]

During the First Order-Resistance War, Dok-Ondar showed the lightsaber to a stormtrooper sergeant of the First Order, claiming to the soldier that the blade would outlast the regime he so loyally served.[4] The criminal Kendoh Voss used the lightsaber during her time on Batuu to release Simpi, a juvenile Sarlacc Dok-Ondar also kept within his Den of Antiquities, to distract stormtroopers.[11]

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