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The Kallidahin were a sentient species[1] of humanoids that lacked facial features. Although they originated on Kallidah, they also established their presence in the asteroid field of Polis Massa. Because they stayed so long on the planetoid,[5] they came to be known as Polis Massans.[4] Those Kallidahins were archaeologists and exobiologists who borrowed some of the Kaminoans' cloning techniques to attempt to recreate life from tissues recovered from archaeological digs. They excavated Polis Massa, in order to find remains of the extinct Eellayin civilization,[5] ancestors to the Kallidahin.[6] Kallidahin were typically silent, communicating only through telepathy.[5] The species lacked facial mouths or noses, but they could still speak and breathe. Small and wiry statures and four-fingered hands are characteristic of the Kallidahin.[7] One Kallidahin was the curator Utani Xane, but was killed by Darth Vader during the theft of the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix.[1] The Kallidahins on Polis Massa attempted to save Padmé Amidala when she died delivering Luke and Leia.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Kallidahin first appeared in the 2005 movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.[3] Leland Chee stated on Twitter that, although it is rare, some Kallidahin have vocal cords.[8]


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