

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the Galactic Rim. You may be looking for the Galactic Frontier.
"The edge of the galaxy!"
―Anakin Skywalker[1]

The Galactic Rim was the outermost extent of the galaxy and was known to be less luminous as the stars began to fade out. Along with the Unknown Regions and Wild Space, it was on the far edges of the galaxy.


"Beyond this point, there is much that is not known. Anything could happen."
―Charza Kwinn[1]

An Imperial shipyard in the Galactic Rim.

The Galactic Rim was located on the very edge of the galaxy and was remote, with not much was known about it. The region also had a lacked commerce centres and pirate activites.[1] The Galactic Rim was known for being slightly less luminous as the stars faded out.[2]


Incoming invasion[]

"There's an invasion coming. A massive assault force of dark ships, shadowy figures, and weapons of great power, based on organic technology of a sort we've never seen before. We believe these Far Outsiders, as we call them, already have a foothold at the far edge of the galaxy, and even now have scouting parties seeking information on worlds and peoples to conquer..."
―Kinman Doriana[3]

Information of Yuuzhan Vong activity within the galaxy was scarce, but the Galactic Republic, who termed them "Far Outsiders", was fully aware of them establishing a foothold in the edge of the galaxy and that their scouting parties were active along with a possible distant threat of invasion.[3]

Galactic Civil War[]

"We’ve got about ninety-five percent of the Alliance fleet cruising the Galactic Rim, and going nowhere fast."
Han Solo[2]

By 11 ABY, it was the location of a vast Imperial shipyard used by the Dark Empire which came under siege from New Republic forces.[2]



Notes and references[]

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