


"Tree Troubles" is the first part of the thirteenth episode of the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It was released on Disney+ on August 2, 2023.[1]

Official description[]

Nubs and the Jedi protect his favorite tree.

Plot summary[]

Trouble at the Tenoo tree[]

The episode opens with Nubs attempting to meditate at the base of a giant Tenoo tree. He senses tremors beneath and hastily departs. Meanwhile, Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay help Nash Durango and RJ-83 unload crates. Durango asks where Nubs is and Solay explains that the Pooba is meditating by his favorite tree. Nubs arrives and tells them that something is wrong with his favorite tree while speaking in Poobian. Solay translates for Nubs.

Nubs leads his friends to the Tenoo tree. While at first the tree seems fine, the group soon feel the ground shaking. The younglings also notice the tree's leaves dropping and crackling. Nubs tells his friends that water usually flows from under the tree. Brightstar thinks the tree is dying because there is no longer water under its roots. Solay agrees and Durango thinks that the tunnels under the tree drying up may be the cause of the shaking.

While exploring the roots beneath the tree, the younglings discover that its sap has hardened. Durango explains that the Tenoo tree's sap is edible and normally tastes like candy. Nubs notices that the walls are wet and Solay reasons that the tree's water must have flowed through here. They sense further movement and Brightstar believes that the noise is linked to the tree's ill health. He leads the way to the source of the sound.

Raxlo strikes again[]

The younglings soon discover Raxlo's harvester drilling through a large wall of sap. Raxlo is sipping some caf while the machine is boring. Durango recalls their earlier encounter with Raxlo on Federian cutting down forests. Brightstar and his friends walk down and confront Raxlo, who orders RC-99 to stop drilling. When the children ask what he is doing, Raxlo explains that he is collecting hardened sap, which he says is delicious and lucrative. He chews one to demonstrate.

Durango agrees it is delicious. Just then, a crack appears in the wall of sap. Nubs and Brightstar tell Raxlo that the drilling is hurting the Tenoo tree and causing the ground to shake. Raxlo denies there is problem, saying that his harvester is designed to withstand anything. He says he is only concerned with collecting as much sap as possible. Just then, several rocks fall, forcing everyone to take shelter. Solay realizes that the tunnel back up to the top has been blocked by rocks.

Brightstar says they need to find another way out but Raxlo is determined to complete the harvest. He tells RC-99 to continue drilling. Brightstar protests but Raxlo tells him to find a way out while he continues harvesting. Raxlo's callousness angers Brightstar but he resolves to find a way out with his friends. Durango finds an exit at the top but it is too high to reach. Nubs and Solay propose meditating in the Force and using their natural surroundings to find a way out. Solay invites Durango to join them.

Source of imbalance[]

Durango says she is not a Jedi but Solay reassures her that the Force connects all living things. As they meditate, they breathe, focus, and listen to the natural surroundings. The four younglings sense water bubbling beneath a nearby boulder. As they struggle to move the boulder, Raxlo stops them, explaining that the room used to be filled with water and that he had to plug it all up so he could drill. Nubs is furious and scolds Raxlo in Poobian. Brightstar explains that by cutting off the water, Raxlo has disturbed the balance.

Raxlo is perplexed. Solay explains that the water, tunnel and tree are all connected, adding that removing one thing would upset the balance. Durango says that the tree needs water to grow and thrive. Raxlo says that if the room gets filled with water, he won't be able to get any more sap. At that point, more rocks fall down from the roots above. The younglings manage to get out of harm's way but Raxlo's cloak is trapped beneath a rock. Brightstar manages to free him and saves Raxlo from being crushed by a second rock. Raxlo thanks the Jedi Initiate for saving him. Brightstar replies that a Jedi helps everyone. Solay explains that they will need to unplug the boulder in order to restore balance and health to the tree.

Realizing the error of his ways, Raxlo orders RC-99 to quit drilling. Joining forces with the children, Raxlo helps them move the boulder, releasing a jets of water that flood the room. Raxlo and the younglings seek shelter aboard the harvester. Though Raxlo, Solay and Durango manage to reach the harvester, Brightstar is separated and left behind. He runs up one of the roots and jumps into the room. Brightstar uses his Force powers to land safely on the harvester's gangplank. Inside the command center, Raxlo updates RC-99 about his change of plans.

Raxlo's change of heart[]

Raxlo activates the harvester's engines and takes it up to the opening in the room. Though they reach the top, the harvester is too big to make it through the opening. Brightstar appeals to Raxlo to detach the harvester's cargo container. Raxlo protests that he is unwilling to part with the sap that he has collected, saying they are worth lots of credits. Solay replies that he can't spent credits underwater. As the viewport begins to crack, Raxlo reluctantly detaches the cargo container, allowing the harvester to swim through the opening.

Raxlo's harvester emerges on a bank of the nearby river. After emerging on land, Nubs and Solay are pleased to see that the water is back and that the Tenoo tree is healthy again. While Raxlo is sad, Nubs and Brightstar thank the businessman for doing the right thing even though it wasn't easy. Raxlo tells them not to mention it because it makes him sad. Brightstar says that he hopes to see him around and advises Raxlo to avoid digging anything up further today. After the younglings depart, Raxlo chews on some Tenoo tree sap and says at least it was not a total loss. He flies away in his harvester.

Returning to Nub's favorite meditation spot, Brightstar surmises that the balance is back since the water is flowing and the ground is no longer shaking. Nubs invites his friends to meditate under the Tenoo tree as the sun sets. Durango says it is so beautiful and that she now understands why Nubs likes it here.


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