


Star Wars Missions 17: Darth Vader's Return is the seventeenth adventure book in the Star Wars Missions young-reader series and roleplaying game. It was published by Scholastic in January 1999.

Publisher's summary[]

Darth Vader has returned to Coruscant after the destruction of the first Death Star. There, he discovers his next mission. In the days before Grand Moff Tarkin's death, Tarkin recorded a top secret holotape... complete with information that would enable the Empire to dominate hyperspace. Your mission: to retrieve the missing holotape and bring glory to the Emperor.

Good luck.

Plot summary[]

Darth Vader arrives on Imperial Center in a Carrack-class light cruiser following the Battle of Yavin. He orders that Captain Mordak have his ship. Meanwhile, in deep space, Admiral Termo and Communications officer Tix have spent weeks in an escape pod, and are about to make planetfall on an uncharted planet.

Vader meets with his master, Emperor Palpatine, who stipulates that he not move against Yavin IV.

Termo and Tix crash on the planet and locate a transmission relay tower. They contact Imperial Center, and Palpatine dispatches Vader, Mordak, a Royal Guard and several TIE pilots to the uncharted planet. There, they are to retrieve Tarkin's secret holotape from Termo.

Upon reaching the planet, the Imperials are attacked by a droid ship. One of the group gets to his TIE craft, and land on the planet below, but the Carrack is ensnared in the droid ship's grasp. Encountering Termo's escape pod, the Imperial ventures further through the planet, searching for the elusive Admiral. Spotting the relay tower, the Imperial journeys towards it, and investigates the interior. While at the tower, the Imperial frees the Carrack from the tractor beam, then rescues Termo and Tix, before meeting with the Carrack.

Vader, displeased, executes Termo, and retrieves the holotape. He orders three TIE pilots to remain at the planet and destroy the relay tower, to prevent it falling into Rebel hands. The floating droid inhabitants of the planet, in a panic, contact their "brethren," Q-7N, who has joined the Rebels on Yavin 4.


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea


Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Notes and references[]

External links[]

Star Wars Missions
Assault on Yavin Four Escape from Thyferra Attack on Delrakkin Destroy the Liquidator
The Hunt for Han Solo The Search for Grubba the Hutt Ithorian Invasion Togorian Trap
Revolt of the Battle Droids Showdown in Mos Eisley Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids The Vactooine Disaster
Prisoner of the Nikto Pirates The Monsters of Dweem Voyage to the Underworld Imperial Jailbreak
Darth Vader's Return Rogue Squadron to the Rescue Bounty on Bonadan Total Destruction