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The Monolith was a type of Sithspawn created by Vitiate, the former Sith Emperor of the reconstituted Sith Empire, during his time on the planet Ziost. Monoliths were beyond normal Sithspawn; they were seemingly unkillable creatures that were built from the dark side itself rather than by mutating an existing creature.[1] They grew to extreme sizes and were able to become near invulnerable to damage. Once slain, their power would gradually return and they would revive. Much like those possesed by Vitiate, the only way to kill them permenantly was with a large discharge of electriciy. A specimen was confronted in New Adasta that was noted to be unusually small, though still towering over all those present. It managed to revive itself after being cut down, quickly gaining immunity to its enemies attacks, but was killed when a discharge was created using emergency circuit breaker controls. Around the same time, a Monolith tore through a nearby junction, causing an electrical surge and damaging the dampeners, preventing Rane Kovach's plan to use them to free the population from the former Emperor's control.[2] As Vitiate's power over the population of Ziost grew, he was able to create larger and larger Monoliths, and after the Invasion of Ziost ended with Vitiate consuming all life on Ziost, two particularly large Monoliths—known as the Colossal Monolith and the Worldbreaker Monolith—were among the Monoliths that survived on the now barren and ashen surface of the world.[3]



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