


The underworld shows no mercy.

Warning! This page contains spoilers from Star Wars Outlaws. Caution is advised.

"The Imperial Security Bureau reports they have successfully apprehended insurgents planning a raid on Dermos in the Outer Rim Territories. The group claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on shipping vessels in the region."
―Dorna Parros, HoloNet News — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Dermos was a world[2] in the Outer Rim Territories[1] that was one of the five worlds closest to[2] the planet[3] Raydonia, along with Akiva, Geonosis, Mustafar, and Tatooine.[2] A group of insurgents responsible for attacks on shipping vessels in the Outer Rim planned a raid on Dermos but were apprehended by the Imperial Security Bureau[1] in 3 ABY.[4] The arrests were then covered in a HoloNet News broadcast by reporter Dorna Parros.[1]

In 4 ABY,[5] the New Republic pilot Wedge Antilles went missing while scouting for remnants of the Galactic Empire in the Outer Rim. As Raydonia was his last known location, Ensign Ardin Deltura suggested Dermos and the other four nearest worlds as possible destinations that Antilles may have jumped to when discussing the missing pilot with Admiral Gial Ackbar. Ackbar believed Antilles visiting Dermos could make sense, and had scouts sent to all five worlds to search for the pilot, who had in fact been captured on Akiva.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Dermos was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Aftermath, which was written by Chuck Wendig.[2]


Notes and references[]

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