

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see Gree.

This Star Wars Legends article contains information that is affected by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars project.

A definitive Legends Clone Wars timeline was never established by Lucasfilm. The exact chronology of the events described in this article is unknown.

"I can't disobey a direct order and leave my post, can I?"
"I wouldn't."
―Ahsoka Tano and Gree — (audio) Listen (file info)[6]

Gree, whose Clone trooper designation was CC-1004, was a clone trooper commander in the Grand Army of the Republic. Possessed of a keen interest in alien species and cultures, 1004 was singled out to participate in a special training program by ARC trooper Alpha-17 that encouraged individuality. As a token of his independence, 1004 was rewarded with a name and chose his name as a reference to an obscure alien species called the Gree.

During the Clone Wars, Gree commanded the 41st Elite Corps, a division out of the 9th Assault Corps, which was led by Jedi General Luminara Unduli. He became an expert on alien cultures, giving his unit a specialization in hostile conditions, counterinsurgency, and long-term deployment on alien worlds in "hearts and minds" operations. He saw action on Uba IV, Dinlo, Rodia, and Alzoc III, amongst other worlds. In the first year of the war, Gree was assigned to escort the captured Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to trial on Coruscant, but they were waylaid by Separatist saboteurs and a defector from the Republic, and Gunray escaped. Gree later participated in the Second Battle of Geonosis, which saw the Republic successfully cripple several Separatist battle droid foundries on Geonosis.

In the last days of the war, Gree accompanied Jedi Grand Master Yoda to Kashyyyk in response to a Separatist attack. After breaking through the enemy lines surrounding the planet, he helped fight back against the droid forces of the Separatists. In the middle of the battle, Gree received a message from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declaring the execution of Order 66, the extermination of the Jedi. Gree was killed by Yoda while attempting to fulfill the order.


Bred for war[]


Gree in his Phase I clone trooper armor

CC-1004 was cloned from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett on the world of Kamino, raised to be part of a Grand Army to serve the Galactic Republic[4] in the rank of clone trooper commander.[8] The standard clone education provided basic information on the species of the Republic, but as 1004's sense of individuality developed, he decided to become an expert on esoteric alien cultures. 1004 set about seeking information with such fervor that even the Kaminoan clone masters took notice; but whereas this would normally be treated as an aberration and be removed, a new program was beginning that took advantage of individuality.[1] The Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-17 began a training program for clone commanders, with an eye towards cultivating independence and individual-mindedness. Part of this involved, as a reward, recognizing the commanders with individual names.[4] 1004 picked the name "Gree," after an obscure alien species; he figured that if anyone recognized the source of the name, he would know they shared his interest in alien culture.[1]

Gree, under Jedi General Luminara Unduli, was put in command of the 41st Elite Corps,[7][9][10] part of the 9th Assault Corps. The 41st specialized in long-term deployments on alien worlds, where they conducted "hearts and minds" operations in trying conditions to gain the allegiance of the native populations. Gree learned further of alien species and customs, becoming an expert in the subject, and his unit soon gained a reputation as specialists in hostile conditions, alien recruitment, and counterinsurgency operations. They pioneered the use of All Terrain Recon Transports,[9] BARC speeder bikes,[10] and Juggernaut tanks for reconnaissance missions. Throughout the war, Gree occasionally took personal command of the smaller units Sarlacc Battalion A and B as well.[8] At some point in the war, Gree participated in a battle on the planet Tibrin and later took on the double stripe hairstyle,[11] forgoing his naturally black hair[5] to honor his clone comrades who had perished during the battle.[11]

On Uba IV, home to a droid manufacturing plant, Gree faced virus-filled octuptarra combat tri-droids, forcing him and his troops to keep their helmets sealed and breathing filters working.[12] As the war neared the end of its first year, Gree, in charge of Sarlacc Battalions A and B, and under the command of Jedi General Vaas Ga, was deployed to the world of Dinlo. When they were pinned down by Separatist droid forces, the Grand Army's Improcco Company, under the command of General Etain Tur-Mukan, was dispatched to Dinlo to open up an exit route for them between the forest where they were trapped and the delta region of the river where Tur-Mukan established an extraction point. As the battalions set out along the shoreline, Gree and Ga called down air strikes for Improcco. Gree, Ga, and approximately one thousand of their men were able to escape, retreating to the Acclamator-class assault ship Fearless, which returned them to the galactic capital of Coruscant.[13]

Gunray's capture[]

"I am a man of great wealth, and I can be very generous to my allies."
"That is a very tempting offer, Viceroy. In the meantime, I have a gift for you."
―Viceroy Nute Gunray is presented with handcuffs from Gree — (audio) Listen (file info)[6]
Gree salute

Gree salutes "General" Jar Jar Binks on Rodia.

During the first year of the war,[14] when word came that Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray had taken Senator Padmé Amidala hostage on Rodia, Gree was dispatched to that world to aid her. By the time the commander and his soldiers arrived in Rodia's Senatorial Palace aboard LAAT/i gunships, Amidala and her companions—including Senator Onaconda Farr of Rodia and Representative Jar Jar Binks—had gained the upper hand and placed Gunray under arrest. Gree took the Viceroy into custody,[15] transporting him to Luminara Unduli's flagship,[16] the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tranquility. Unduli and fellow Jedi, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, rendezvoused with Gree, his Green Company, and a number of Senate Commandos led by Captain Faro Argyus to escort Gunray back to Coruscant for trial.[6]

En route to the Tranquility aboard a Consular-class cruiser, Gunray attempted to bribe Gree to free him. Gree ignored him and escorted Gunray in shackles to his holding cell on the Tranquility, where he oversaw the Viceroy's interrogation by the two Jedi. In mid-interrogation, the ship came under attack by Separatist forces; after learning from the bridge that the enemy forces contained boarding ships, Gree ordered Green Company to prepare to repel invaders. The enemy ships lodged themselves in the ship's hangar bay, and the clone forces arrayed there reported back to Gree that B2 super battle droids had entered the ship and were heading for the detention level. Gree and Unduli left to reinforce their position, leaving Tano, Argyus, and his commandos to watch over Gunray. They were able to cut off the advance of a unit of droids outside the detention facility, but soon ran into further trouble—while they had been occupied, Separatist Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress had infiltrated the facility. They arrived to find her in the process of freeing Gunray and imprisoning Tano; though they soon gained the upper hand in numbers, Ventress set off a series of thermal detonators in the engine room and used the distraction to cut her way through Gree's soldiers and escape. Unduli followed, leaving Tano and Gree to watch over Gunray again. Against Gree's advice, Argyus persuaded Tano to leave and help the Jedi Master.[6]

Argyus vs Gree

Gree fights Argyus aboard the Tranquility.

Argyus soon received a signal by comlink from a now-outmatched Ventress; he turned on his fellow commandos and killed them with a shot, then opened fire on Gree. As Gree went for cover, realizing Argyus had turned traitor, the commando freed Gunray and took him as a shield. Gree disarmed Argyus with his rifle, but Argyus landed a kick on the commander, removing his helmet and disarming him of his weapon. Argyus ridiculed Gree's dedication to orders and explained his own defection, but as each suddenly dove for a gun on the floor, Gree knocked Argyus unconscious. Gunray knocked Gree out in turn, and the three Separatists escaped the Tranquility. Gree was present on the bridge of the vessel as the Jedi debriefed to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.[6]

Further combat in the Clone Wars[]

"Okay rocket jockeys, fire up your jets. Let's move!"
―Gree, to his troops on Alzoc III[17]

During the war, Gree directed a Jedi Knight to learn how to slice through enemy computer systems as a means of infiltration using an astromech droid.[18] In the course of investigating the Separatist leader Count Dooku's alliance with the Nightsisters of Dathomir and their assistance in completing his war vessel Devastation, Senator Padmé Amidala was shot down over the planet Christophsis. Gree accompanied a pair of Jedi in their search for her. Their LAAT/i was shot down as well, and Gree ordered the Jedi to leave him and his clones behind and continue the mission. As they left, the LAAT/i dislodged from the cliff where it was perched and plummeted into Christophsis's depths. Gree was able to recover the vessel, however, and arrived in time to assist the Jedi in their fight against the Nightsisters, opening fire with the LAAT/i's guns on the dark Force-users. The Jedi had not found Senator Amidala, though, and they ordered him to find a landing site. Gree set off, and before long, they contacted him again, having retrieved Amidala and in need of medical assistance for her when she arrived. The group rendezvoused and left the planet.[19][20]


Gree slices the damaged frigate's computer on Alzoc III.

Gree accompanied Jedi Generals Luminara Unduli and Aayla Secura, and Clone Commander CC-5052 to investigate the planet Alzoc III, where Separatist activity had been reported by the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. The Republic squad took several All Terrain Tactical Enforcers which, after scaling a cliff face, were able to reach the coordinates of the location provided by Jabba. Upon arriving, both the Jedi and the clone troopers witnessed a crash site of a large capital ship and were stunned by the view of huge masses of ice and numerous starship parts floating freely in the air. Deciding to investigate the unusual phenomena, Gree and several clone troopers used their jetpacks to reach what remained of the ship's hangar, while the Jedi followed them by using the Force to navigate through debris. When the group rendezvoused at the hangar, it was attacked by a Vulture droid, and it became apparent that the crash site attracted Separatist interest as well. The Jedi quickly defeated the droid and ordered the clones to scout ahead and find the ship's data recorder, while they themselves engaged the battle droids and followed by an alternate route.[17]

After reaching the remains of the ship's bridge, Gree began to slice the vessel's data recorder, while the Jedi and the clone troopers protected him from the attacking droids. Once the battle droids were successfully neutralized, Gree was able to show his generals the record of the ship's final moments. It became apparent that an individual had used a Telgorn dropship to board a Munificent-class star frigate carrying two classified weapons, stole one of them, and then departed shortly before the frigate was hit by an explosion. The vessel had then crashed on the planet, where the weapon created a gravity anomaly. Soon, Gree also discovered that Asajj Ventress had already visited the crash site and set the remains of the frigate for self-destruct. The Jedi ordered the clone troopers to safety and then briefly dueled Ventress. Secura and Unduli trapped the Dark Jedi under the bulk of ice before leaving the crash site and reporting to the Jedi High Council.[17]

Second Battle of Geonosis[]

"Get down! Get down!"
―Gree, to his men, as the droid foundry is destroyed[21]

Gree accompanied Unduli and her Padawan learner, Barriss Offee, to the planet Geonosis—the site of the outbreak of the war—to assist Skywalker and Tano in destroying several rebuilt Geonosian battle droid foundries there.[22] Unduli, Offee, and Gree led gunship reinforcements to Skywalker's encampment, from where they were to mount an attack on Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser's primary droid foundry. After landing with their force, Unduli and Offee met with Skywalker and Tano and decided upon a plan to destroy the Geonosian foundry: Unduli and Skywalker would mount an offensive on the factory while the Padawans infiltrated the foundry via the catacombs beneath it and destroyed it from the inside using explosives. While Tano and Offee carried out their mission, it fell to Gree, and Clone Captain Rex, Skywalker's assigned officer, to lead the clone army in the attack alongside their Jedi Generals. To help fight off the Geonosian resistance, Gree brought in some of his best men such as Sergeant Buzz and clone trooper Draa. The Jedi and clones initially met with much success in cutting through the foundry's deployed droid forces, prompting Poggle to send out several experimental ray shielded super tanks. The super tanks stood up to heavy fire from the Republic's AV-7 Antivehicle Cannons and launched a series of missiles at the Republic forces, dealing heavy losses.[21]


Gree and his troops celebrate following the destruction of the super tanks.

Taking cover from the droid rockets, Skywalker and Unduli met with Rex and Gree and ordered them to fall back in order to draw the super tanks onto the bridge leading to the foundry, which Skywalker and Unduli intended to destroy with thermal detonators so that the tanks would be dropped into the abyss below. Gree and Rex complied with their Jedi Generals, who were subsequently able to destroy the super tanks. Tano and Offee, meanwhile, were intercepted by Poggle and a squad of battle droids while planting their explosives at the foundry's reactor, and with their munitions stolen, the Padawans elected to use a super tank to annihilate the reactor, destroying the factory while still inside it. As the toppling factory brought forth a wave of debris, Gree took cover and ordered his men to do the same. Once the debris had cleared, Rex and Gree took a gunship to find Skywalker and Unduli amidst the rubble and helped them in searching for their Padawans, who had been buried under the factory's remains. When Tano used a power cell to boost her comlink's reception, alerting her Master to her and Offee's position, Skywalker, Unduli, Rex, and Gree immediately proceeded to the indicated area. The two Jedi Generals used the Force to lift the debris, rescuing their Padawans and further cementing their success with destroying Poggle's droid foundry.[21]

Later in the war, Gree and a contingent of clone troopers accompanied Jedi Grand Master Yoda to a farming moon in orbit of the planet Kashyyyk, where the Separatists were using scythe harvester tanks to raze the local farmlands. As his troops engaged the enemy tanks in battle, Gree's forces encountered difficulties when the airborne pollen upturned by the enemy activity began to disrupt the clones' helmet filters. Furthermore, the scythe harvesters made quick work of the Republic's LAAT/i gunships, leading Gree to recommend a retreat to Yoda. However, Yoda was resolute that the moon would be too strategic an acquisition for the Confederacy, and he ordered Gree and his men to remove their helmets while he tackled the problem of their lack of air support. Yoda used one of the native reptavians to reach the roof of one of the scythe harvesters, which he commandeered and turned against the rest of the opposing artillery. Although the Republic won the day, Gree was concerned by the cost of the victory, as the battle resulted in the obliteration of much of the moon's farmlands. Nevertheless, Yoda believed that the farmers would plant new seeds and sow the ground anew.[23]

The Battle of Kashyyyk and Order 66[]

"It will be done, my Lord."
―Gree, in response to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's execution of Order 66[2]

Gree and Yoda confer on Kashyyyk.

In 19 BBY, in the closing days of the Clone Wars, Kashyyyk came under attack by Separatist forces. General Yoda personally set out for the world, with the 41st and Gree attached to him;[24] to better suit himself for operations in Kashyyyk's lush greenery, Gree equipped himself with camouflaged Phase II clone trooper armor.[1] Yoda and Gree's forces encountered Separatist resistance above the world, however. Alerted to the arrival of reinforcements, the Separatists maneuvered a cruiser to block Yoda's flagship from landing. Gree began searching for alternative sites to land, but they were too far from the front line. Before long, though, the clone commando unit Delta Squad on the planet's surface was able to commandeer a set of cannons from the Separatists and shoot down the cruiser, opening a space for Gree, Yoda, and the 41st to land.[24]

Gree and Yoda took up position in a command post in the tree city of Kachirho, joined by Wookiee natives Tarfful and Chewbacca. When Gree detected that the Separatist forces had started up their main power generator, meaning another attack was imminent, Yoda gave the signal to cue their forces. The Wookiees led the charge on the beach below, while the 41st flanked the droid forces from the boughs of Kachirho; Yoda and Gree remained at their post. In the middle of the battle, Gree received a transmission from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordering him to execute Order 66, a command to kill the Jedi. Gree signaled to another soldier, and the two took position behind Yoda. However, the Jedi Master sensed their intent and, leaping over them, decapitated Gree and his fellow trooper.[2]

Personality and traits[]

"Why'd you do it, Argyus?"
"A clone like you would never understand. I wanted a life with more than empty servitude."
"And for that, you'd betray the Republic?"
―Gree and Argyus — (audio) Listen (file info)[6]

Gree's loyalty to the Republic would be his death.

Known for his talent and individuality,[25] Commander Gree was a loyal[1] and disciplined soldier.[26] His sharp mind and battle prowess made him an ideal[17] second-in-command[7] for the renowned Jedi Master Luminara Unduli.[17] Though he served Yoda faithfully during the Clone Wars, his ultimate loyalty lay with the Republic.[1] The commander would not disobey a direct order from a superior, and he held in contempt those who betrayed their post to the Republic.[6] He was willing to sacrifice his own life to fulfill a mission.[19] Gree showed himself at the end to be fully loyal to the Republic, turning on his Jedi General at the Chancellor's order and dying for it.[2]

Some who sided with the Separatists—such as Viceroy Nute Gunray and traitorous Senate Guard Captain Argyus—saw Gree's allegiance as servitude, only present because of his birth as a clone.[6] However, Gree was acknowledged by his fellow clones, the Republic, and the Jedi as a being with individualism, for which he was granted his own name.[4] The commander was abnormal, with respect to his fellow clones, in his pursuit of knowledge of alien species. Though discouraged by his Kaminoan cloners, Gree's independence was stimulated in Alpha-17's training program, and he took an interest in knowing who else shared his particular passions of learning.[1] The clone commander had advanced knowledge of jetpacks and was trained in unarmed and armed combat.[7] He was also a capable slicer and spoke Galactic Basic Standard.[17]



Gree in his Phase II armor

Early in the Clone Wars, Gree wore Phase I clone armor. His armor was detailed with markings and sported the color green.[6] Gree wore a black-colored bandolier, which held extra ammunition. In his utility belt, Gree stored thermal detonators. Gree's Phase I armor kneeplates required maintenance, as they needed to be frequently replaced.[7] When required, he had an optional jetpack, which he utilized for certain missions.[17] Gree later replaced his Phase I armor with the Phase II clone trooper armor. Much like his Phase I counterpart, his armor sported green markings, though in different sections of his armor, certain parts had darker shades of green. His forearm and leg armor featured camouflage markings, and his boot armor was black. He also carried a set of personal green-colored macrobinoculars.[2] Gree, like all members within the 41st, carried another set of Phase II armor for scouting missions.[8] He carried a DC-15A blaster rifle[17] and a DC-15S blaster carbine;[2] he was also equipped with a DC-17 blaster pistol.[7]

Behind the scenes[]

"You know what to do."
―Commander Gree to a member of the 41st Elite Corps, on executing Order 66[27]

For his first appearance—barring the movie's adaptations—in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, Gree was, like all clone troopers, voiced by Temuera Morrison and portrayed as a computer-generated character.[1] The character received his first unmasked appearance in the Star Wars: 30th Anniversary Collection line of toys. His first appearance unmasked on-screen was in "Cloak of Darkness," an episode of the series The Clone Wars. In both that episode and its preceding one, "Bombad Jedi," Gree was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, the voice of all the series' clones. Gree also made an appearance in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes video game.


Gree's initial appearance in "Weapons Factory"

Gree's appearance in "Weapons Factory," an episode of the television series' second season, was not confirmed in either the episode or its corresponding online guide.[28] However, it was finally clarified in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide sourcebook.[22]

In the Swedish translation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide, Gree's rank is incorrectly stated to be a colonel. The Prima Guide for Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance mistakenly calls him "Kree."

The storyline in the Nintendo DS version of Republic Heroes is entirely different from all other platform versions. In it, the Duros bounty hunter Cad Bane informs the Republic of a Separatist base established in the abandoned mining space station Juma 9. The base, however, is protected by a defense perimeter which can be bypassed only by using recent Separatist clearance codes. Jedi Master Kit Fisto remembers that during his mission to General Grievous's castle on the third moon of Vassek, his starfighter's scanners picked up a strong energy reading coming from within one part of the structure. The Jedi realize that such an energy reading can only mean the presence of a Separatist archive containing the codes and dispatch Luminara Unduli and Gree to retrieve them. Although Grievous himself has left the castle, he has increased the security inside it, and as such, Unduli and Gree—who is armed with a rocket launcher—are forced to fight numerous battle droids.

Eventually, the two reach a computer containing the codes, but when they try to slice it, a force field activates, trapping them inside the room with the computer. After Unduli and Gree fail to check in in time, the Jedi dispatch Master Plo Koon to rescue them. Koon successfully completes the mission and deactivates the force field. As Unduli and Koon travel to their starship, Gree remains at the computer to track their progress and assist them when possible. The two Jedi reach the ship and take off, signaling Gree to reach a landing site near the castle in order to be extracted. Having secured the codes, the commander fights his way to the landing site, only to find that it is overrun by droids. After destroying them as well, Gree is extracted by the Jedi, and they all leave Vassek's moon.


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  • † =

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Databank title Gree, Commander in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  3. StarWars Clone Commander Gree in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Databank title clone troopers in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  5. 5.0 5.1 HasbroInverted Star Wars: 30th Anniversary Collection (Pack: Commander Gree) (backup link)
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cloak of Darkness"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 SWInsider "Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic" — Star Wars Insider 84
  9. 9.0 9.1 Sw-pm-logo1 Star Wars PocketModel TCGOrder 66 (Card: 41st Elite Corps AT-RT) (backup link)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Sw-pm-logo1 Star Wars PocketModel TCGOrder 66 (Card: 41st Elite Corps BARC Speeders) (backup link)
  11. 11.0 11.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cloak of Darkness" (Decoded)
  12. The New Essential Guide to Droids
  13. Republic Commando: Triple Zero
  14. The Essential Reader's Companion
  15. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bombad Jedi"
  16. StarWars Luminara Unduli in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
  18. TCWA Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (In-game location: Workshop)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance
  20. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance, the two Jedi who accompany Gree can be any of six: Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, or Kit Fisto. The game's Prima Guide uses Kenobi and Skywalker for this section, but it is not necessarily the canonical choice.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Weapons Factory"
  22. 22.0 22.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide
  23. "Seeds" — Star Wars: The Clone Wars Comic 6.49
  24. 24.0 24.1 Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel
  25. TCWA Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures — "Shop" (Set: Commander Gree)
  26. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Official Episode Guide: Season 1
  27. LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles book
  28. StarWars The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Weapons Factory on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)