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If nothing’s changed, the Gtk 4 design tool Cambalache[1] by the former maintainer of the now-defunct Glade project uses[2] Broadway to render its design view, because it was there and an embedded Wayland compositor widget wasn’t. Broadway is awesome, but this just makes me sad.

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/jpu/cambalache

[2] https://blogs.gnome.org/xjuan/2021/05/18/merengue-cambalache...

I dont't understand. What exactly makes you sad?

That the easiest way for a UI design tool using a native toolkit and targeting that same toolkit to display a preview of the UI being edited turned out to be embedding the 800-pound gorilla called a webview.

The only reason the tool does that is to support multiple versions of GTK. But the alternative you suggest, embedding a Wayland compositor in a widget, doesn't exactly seem to be the lightest-weight of options.

Not my suggestion, for what it’s worth, but the author’s own (in ref. 2 above). And yes, it’s not precisely fantastic, but on the other hand “embedded Wayland compositor” is for the most part a fancy way to say “dumb RPC passthrough and a single blit”. (That doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t take a whole lot of work to make, just that the eventual result would not be huge.)

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