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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Ki Baratan

Ki Baratan in 2379.

Ki Baratan is the capital city of the Romulan Star Empire. Located on Romulus off the coast of the Apnex Sea, the city is sometimes referred to anachronistically by the old name Dartha or Dartha City. (TNG novelization: Unification, TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart, ENT novel: The Good That Men Do)


Admiral Valdore

Admiral Valdore in Dartha in 2156.

In 2366, Romulan Commander Tomalak promised that, after he defeated the USS Enterprise-D, he intended to display her broken hull in the capital "as a symbol of victory." (TNG episode: "The Defector")

Ki Baratan was also previously known as Val'danadex Trel. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night)

Ki Baratan is the location of the Hall of State; in 2374 and 2379, rioting broke out in the city following the assassinations of Emperor Shiarkeik and of the Romulan Senate, respectively. (ST short story: "Blood Sacrifice", TTN novel: Taking Wing)

Rehaek had a home on the outskirts of the city; in the city, Sela had a townhouse. (ST website: The Path to 2409)

In 2382, a food shortage occurred and limited replicator use was put into effect on Romulus. People in Ki Baratan rioted in response to this situation. Up to two thousand people died in the riots. (ST website: The Path to 2409)



capital planets and cities
Khitomer Accords alliance Cardassia City, Cardassia (Cardassian Union) • Ferenginar (Ferengi Alliance) • First City, Qo'noS (Klingon Empire) • Paris, Earth (United Federation of Planets)
Typhon Pact Ansirranana, Breen (Breen Confederacy) • Gornar (Gorn Hegemony) • Ki Baratan, Romulus (Romulan Star Empire) • Rashtag, Janalwa (Holy Order of the Kinshaya) • Tholia (Tholian Assembly) • Tzenketh, Ab-Tzenketh (Tzenkethi Coalition)
non-aligned states Dinaal City (Dinaal IV) • Empersa (Dominion) • Guwine, Venette (Venette Convention) • Keelee-Kee, TezwaL'hur (Sikaris III, Sikarian Canon) • Me'leit, Talar (Talarian Republic) • New Romulus (Romulan Republic) • Nova Roma, Rator III (Romulan Star Empire, post-Hobus) • Rexlar-D, Dosi (Dosi Confederation) • Zahlnerest (Zahl II, Zahl Regnancy)
Mirror Universe States Deneva (Galactic Commonwealth) • Okinawa, Earth (Terran Empire) • Okinawa, Earth (Terran Republic)
Federation member states Ares City (Confederated Martian Colonies) • Ashalla (Republic of Bajor) • Iaron (Damiano) • Leran Manev (Trill) • Lor'Vela (Andorian Empire) • New Coridan (People's Republic of Coridan) • New Samarkand (Alpha Centauri Concordium of Planets) • Nuvia (Risian Hedony) • Pike City (Cestus III) • San Francisco (United Earth) • ShiKahr (Confederacy of Vulcan) • Stratos (Ardana) • Zhelnogra (Tenara)
Federation member state subdivisions & colonies Eau Claire (Belle Terre) • London (United Kingdom, United Earth) • Madrid (Spain, United Earth) • New Burbank (Rigel VI, United Rigel Colonies) • New Rakantha (New Bajor, Republic of Bajor) • Oslo (Norway, United Earth) • Port Emily (Sherman's Planet) • Rigel Trade Complex (Rigel X, United Rigel Colonies) • Washington, DC (United States, United Earth) •
interstellar state subdivisions Ka'Hat (Sherman's Planet, Klingon Empire) • Kecemen (Karemma, Karemma Foundation, Dominion)
defunct interstellar states Achernar Prime (Imperial Romulan State) • Thal, Thallon (Thallonian Empire) • Unimatrix 01 (Borg Collective)
the planet Romulus
cities and settlements AvretrelBareldak TrelCalanistaCaranamCh'erenChaladraDinallaDorvekD'SivasEast UmrikaGav'ros TrelHlarekIhhliaeI'RamnauKanassarumKar'MaelKi Baratan (Government Quarter) • Krocton SegmentKromtar TrelLeinarrhMirekM'NarthPortoraRategRa'tleihfiRhehiv'jeTal K'shirTephrenTorvenVela'SetoraVillera'trel Romulan Star Empire icon image.
landmarks and institutions Aekhhwi'rhoiAlavhet Public LibraryArena of LifeAstrophysical AcademyAvenue of ProcessionsBoulevard of HeroesCitadel Var'TheldunColleges of the Great ArtCor'Lavet ParkErehani WayHall of ColumnsHall of StateImperial Academy of ArtsIra'sihaerIrniltKi Baratan Medical CenterN'emoth DistrictOrventis ArenaPraetor's BalconyPrimedianImperial PalaceSquare of HeroesStronghold OrtikantPlaza of the Endless SkyAvenue RenakVia ColiusVia ChulaVictory SquareVikr'l Prison
nations and provinces Elheu DistrictKihaiLLunihNn'verianTikalVenat'atrix Territory
geography Allerash MountainsAr'hael DesertBeld'Rath PeninsulaCave of WindsDes'Reval MountainsFirefalls of Gal'GathongH'aareld va Groth'ChokHallowsJeweled Forest of Ath'reshaarKae'raktar MountainsKeldrak PeninsulaKor ThonLadrosh MountainsPeld'rath PeninsulaPlains of AihaiRaas'trek MountainsSen'lanarc MountainsT'aresh MountainsValley of ChulaValley of FireWall of Fire Mountains
continents and landmasses Brel'KarDektenbD'vrex ArchipelagoEhrie'fvilFollossMasfarikNovokSath'har ArchipelagoUmrikaUulmar IslandsValcaria
bodies of water Apnex SeaBalsanra RiverBareldak BayD'Gansar RiverDorvek RiverGarenak SeaGend'eroth RiverHavrelar SeaH'relgath RiverJendranax StraitSea of LerodanNelrek OceanNorth Mendlanar SeaSherelak SeaSouth Mendlanar SeaTai'eld RiverTerelix StraitsThal'Tharin RiverTor'ren RiverSea of VrekessWhite Sea
flora and fauna y'gora tree
moons Pirek (first moon)Elvreng (second moon)