Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Breen was the homeworld of the Breen and their government. (DS9 episodes: "Indiscretion", "Return to Grace")

Quark offered ski trips to Breen to his customers on Deep Space 9. (DS9 novel: Legends of the Ferengi)


The planet was the seventh in the Beta Epsilon-Venturi binary star system which was located near the border of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Thus, it was situated in a region of space between the planet Ferenginar and bordered the Romulan Star Empire. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

The Breen homeworld itself was highly frigid and cold due to the remoteness from its twin stars with temperatures never going above -70 degrees C. Furthermore, liquid hydrocarbons typically fell from the sky as rainfall. This highly hostile environment meant that no lifeform that lived on a Class M planet was capable of surviving on Breen without some form of advanced life support equipment. This world also lacked a hydrosphere though it did possess liquid methane oceans that covered half of the planetary surface. The only landmasses were two large rocky continents which dominated the Breen surface. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

Its known that the Breen homeworld had an extensive web of shipyards in orbit around their world. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

The ordinary Breen citizens of the capital city Ansirranana lived below the arctic sea. (TNG novel: Silent Weapons)


Bayside Mountains • City Alpha • City Beta • City Gamma • City Epsilon • City Eta • Polar Bay • Central Ocean • Capitol City • Diplomatic Quarter • Frosty's Hothouse • Great Ice Ocean • Ice Cliffs • South Mountains • Polar Cap Mountains

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Breen territory
sectors and regions Black Cluster • Breen Arm • Orellius sector block (Deferi sector • Raveh sector‎) • Starry Road Breen icon image.
stars and star systems Beku Alpha • Beku Beta • Ber'Tho Alpha • Ber'Tho Beta • Beta Epsilon Venturi • Bimasa Alpha • Bimasa Beta • Brellan Alpha • Brellan Beta • Brellan Gamma • Duportas Alpha • Duportas Beta • Gelida Alpha • Gelida Beta • Nujord Alpha • Nujord Beta • Saldeti Alpha • Saldeti Beta • Zamaro Alpha • Zamaro Beta
planets and planetoids Breen • Pacluro Prime


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