Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
The timestream.
years: 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159

(stardates unknown)

decades: 2120s 2130s 2140s 2150s 2160s 2170s 2180s
centuries: 21st century - 22nd century - 23rd century



Notable people[]

Other notable people
Mike Burch • Costa • Davis • Selma Guitierrez • Takashi Kimura • Elrene Leydon • O'Malley • Donna O'Neill • Ogilvy • Owen Salazar-Tucker • Stephens • George Casey • Samuel Gardner • W.M. Jefferies • Richard C. Stiles • Eric Stillwell • Khazara • Rhadak • T'Linaek • Chulak • Taith • Yienek • Genorex • Makar • R'Tal • T'Met • Tomal • Haroun al-Rashid • Emily Jensen • Jie Cong Li • Lydia Littlejohn • Rachel McCullers • Alexandre Robert Picard • Qaletaqu • Hans Ruden • Miguel Salazar • Gort Sarahd • Albert Tucker • Pell Underhill • Thomas Vanderbilt • Ahrrek • Dagarth • Nijil • Shianek • Sitav • T'Leikha • T'Luadh • T'Velekh • Talok • Terix • Threl • Denak • Kuvak • L'Nel • Lorian • Silok • Skon • Ch'uivh • T'Maran • T'Mir • T'Pak • T'Rama • Ych'a • Cerebrar • Crenq • Dax • Drennik • Fraddok • Bote J'Ref • Thenir • Grethe Zhor


References and Notes[]


Title Series Date Media Notes Image
The Romulan War

Beneath the Raptor's Wing

Chapters 36-73
Enterprise 21 January - 4 April 2156 novel Enterprise The Romulan War

Gods of Night

Chapters 2 & 6, except for last section
Star Trek 2156 novel Gods of Night
Mirror Universe: Shards and Shadows

Enterprise 2156 short story Takes place entirely within the Mirror Universe. According to the Historian's Note, the story is set in "early 2156." Shards and Shadows
Section 31


Chapter 22
Deep Space Nine May 2156 novel Section 31- Control Cover
The Romulan War

Beneath the Raptor's Wing

Chapters 74-85
Enterprise 19 May - 21 June 2156 novel Enterprise The Romulan War
The Romulan War

To Brave the Storm

Prologue, Chapters 1-8
Enterprise 22 July - 19 October 2156 novel Romulanwarbravestorm
Twilight Enterprise 2156 episode In an alternate timeline the Enterprise leads the last remnants of Humanity to Ceti Alpha V. Rag tag fleet
The Romulan War

To Brave the Storm

Chapter 9
Enterprise 11 December 2156 novel Romulanwarbravestorm

