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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Germany within Europe.

Europe 1992

Germany and surrounding nations.

Germany was a nation-state in Europe. The capital city of Germany is Berlin.


In the 13th century, the Preservers transported a small cluster of villages from a plague zone in Germany to another planet. (TNG novel: Here There Be Dragons)

In the year 1900, the element of radon was discovered in Germany. (ST reference: Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual)

The German nation has played a major role in the history of Earth, for both good and ill. Between 1914 and 1918, Germany fought against a group of allied powers - consisting of Great Britain, France, and eventually the United States of America - in what became known as World War I. Following their eventual defeat in 1918, the Germans became shamed by their defeat, and that shame was one of the contributed to another world war in 1939. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic)

Germany was one of the main combatants on the Axis Powers side, with Italy and Japan, in Earth's Second World War. Germany was defeated by the allied powers. Following World War II, Germany was at the front lines of the Cold War. The country had been divided up into occupation zones, which were administered by each of the primary allied powers. France, Britain, and the United States combined their occupation zones in western Germany into a single proxy nation - which they called West Germany. The Soviets, which had become hostile towards the other former allies, set up another proxy nation which was called East Germany. In the early 1990s as communism collapsed across Europe the two halves of Germany were reunified into a single German nation, which was called the German Federal Republic.

In 1953, the New York City office of Incredible Tales of Scientific Wonder contained several "bizarre" souvenirs from Germany. (DS9 novelization: Far Beyond the Stars)

Geography and locations[]


Other locations[]

Alps • North Sea

Notable people[]

Over the centuries a number of influential people came from Germany:

Kelvin timeline[]

Eugenics Wars map 1996

Eugenics Wars regions in 1996.

In 1992, Germany was annexed into the European Territories by Augment John Ericssen, and by 1996 became part of Pax Europa before Ericssen was overthrown. (TOS - Khan comics: "Issue 2", "Issue 3")



Earth states, organizations and geographical regions
Planetary State United Earth • United Earth Republic International organizations United Nations/New United Nations • Great Khanate • Optimum Movement United Earth logo
Africa Pan-African Alliance African Confederation (Somalia) • Egypt • Madagascar • Mali • Senegal • République de Côte d'Ivoire • South Africa • Sudan • United States of Africa (Kenya)
Asia and Siberia Eastern Coalition Afghanistan • China • India • Indonesia • Japan (Empire of Japan) • Kazakhstan • Korea (S. Korea) • Malaysia • Mughal Empire • Pakistan • Philippines • Russia • Soviet Union • Singapore • Thailand • Tibet • Vietnam
Central America Belize • Costa Rica • El Salvador • Guatemala • Honduras • Nicaragua • Panama
Europe European Alliance • European Hegemony • European Union • Mediterranean Alliance • United States of Europe Austria • Azerbaijan • Belarus • Belgium • Bulgaria • Czechoslovakia • Denmark • France • German Democratic Republic • Germany • Gibraltar • Greece • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Lithuania • Netherlands • Norway • Pan Slavia • Poland • Portugal • Roman Empire • Serbia • Soviet Union • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Turkey • Ukraine • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales) • Yugoslavia
Middle East Muslim Bloc • Pan-Semite Union Arabia • Iran • Iraq • Israel • Lebanon • Turkey • Saudi Arabia
North America Caribbean Alliance • Central America Canada • Cuba • Jamaica • Mexico • Panama • Dominican Republic • Puerto Rico • United States of America
Oceania and Antarctica Australia • Easter Island • New Guinea • New Zealand • Norfolk Island • Pitcairn • Solomon Islands
South America Argentina • Bolivia • Brazil • Chile • Colombia • Ecuador • French Guiana • Guyana • Paraguay • Peru • Suriname • Trinidad and Tobago • Uruguay • Venezuela


External links[]
