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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This page details Khan Noonien Singh in the primary universe; for the Khan Noonien Singh in the mirror universe see Khan Noonien Singh (mirror); for the Khan Noonien Singh in the Kelvin timeline created by Nero's temporal incursion, see Khan Noonien Singh (Kelvin timeline); for the Khan Noonien Singh in the mirror universe created by Nero's temporal incursion see Khan Noonien Singh (mirror) (Kelvin timeline); for the Khan Noonien Singh in all other alternate universes see Khan Noonien Singh (alternates).

Khan Noonien Singh (1970–2285 (original timeline; early 21st century-2285, post-Temporal Wars) was a genetically engineered Human (known as an Augment) created on Earth. He became infamous as one of the many tyrants who terrorized humanity during the Eugenics Wars. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Space Seed; TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Note: Khan's name was given as Sibahl Khan Noonien in James Blish's novelization of "Space Seed".
Note: Khan's first name was simply Noonien in the first issue of "Khan". He then took the name Khan in the second issue of that comic series.


Original Timeline[]

Early life[]

He was born in 1970. His mother was Doctor Sarina Kaur, the director of the Chrysalis Project from its foundation until her death on May 18, 1974. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1)

Ruler of the Earth[]


Khan in the 1990s.

By 1992, Khan and his followers had seized control of over half the Earth. He fought with Vasily Hunyadi, the force behind the Serbian government. While a dictator, history would note Khan's empire was devoid of genocide and other such atrocities normally associated with similar forms of government. After the Eugenics Wars had been lost, Khan and his followers escaped aboard the sleeper ship SS Botany Bay. (TOS episode: "Space Seed"; WizKids module: Attack Wing)

Post-Temporal Wars[]

Early History[]

Khan Noonien Singh was born in the early 21st century. By 2024, he and his fellow Augments were living in the Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Advancement in Toronto, Canada. (SNW episode: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

Sera, a Romulan temporal agent, was dispatched during the Temporal Wars to 1992 Earth to assassinate Khan to prevent the Eugenics Wars. However, because of the Temporal Wars, despite repeated attempts to kill Khan and prevent the Eugenics Wars by multiple factions, both Khan and the Eugenics Wars kept occurring. Sera was briefly successful in timeline, destroying a nuclear reactor, destroying Toronto, despite an attempted intervention by the Department of Temporal Investigations.

Sera had waited 32 years for her attempt to kill Khan, but Khan’s descendant La'an Noonien-Singh, time traveling from 2259, and the James Kirk from the alternate reality where she was successful were able to defeat Sera and prevent her from killing a young Khan. (SNW episode: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")


The Botany Bay drifted in space until 2267, when Khan and his people were revived by Captain James T. Kirk and the USS Enterprise. After an unsuccessful attempt to seize control of the Enterprise, Khan and his followers, as well as Lieutenant Marla McGivers were exiled to Ceti Alpha V. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Space Seed)

Khan, McGivers, and his crew along with the Botany Bay were then taken to Ceti Alpha V. After Kirk, Scott and their landing party finished settling them on the planet, Khan and his people started to build a new world. Khan led hunting parties through the jungles on the planet.

Sometime after this point, Ceti Alpha VI exploded, which altered the orbit as well as the environment of Ceti Alpha V. Six months after it was destroyed, food started to become scarce. Khan tried to send a signal from the Botany Bay to no avail. Khan was also facing dissent from his people such as Tamas. (TOS novel: To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh; TOS comic: "Khan: Ruling in Hell") Many of Khan's followers died in the aftermath, including his wife.

Eighteen solar years later, an avenue of escape presented itself to Khan when the USS Reliant arrived on a survey mission. He would quickly use this opportunity to escape his prison and hijack the Reliant. He learned of Project Genesis and coveted the Genesis Device for his own use. Whether by sub space eavesdropping (as he did later at Regula I) or through the library computer; Khan also learned about Klingon ideals, such as revenge. He also used this time to wreak that vengeance against James T. Kirk (now an admiral). His attempts would fail and Khan would be killed in the Mutara Nebula. Khan, afterwards, activated the Genesis Device as a last act of revenge against Kirk, in the hope that he would destroy his hated enemy along with himself. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; WizKids module: Attack Wing)


In 2254, Spock compared the impact of the pre-reformation Vulcans of the Last-of-all-Cities returning to Vulcan to that of Humans finding a lost colony of Khan's Augment warriors. Little did Spock know he would participate in just such a discovery in 2267. (EV comic: "Cloak and Dagger"; TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Space Seed)

Khan's actions led to genetic engineering being banned on Earth and within the Federation. In 2373, Admiral Bennett described Julian Bashir as being a positive aspect of genetic engineering, but warned that "for every Julian Bashir that can be created, there's a Khan Singh waiting in the wings". (DS9 episode: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")

Bashir often thought of Bennett's words whenever someone mentioned his genetically enhanced nature, such as Elim Garak did in 2374. (DS9 episode: "Call to Arms", DS9 novelization: Call to Arms...)

The Section 31 Doctor Ethan Locken was a great admirer of Khan and planned a New Federation based on his ideals. Tanok of Vulcan posed the question what would have happened if Khan had won the Eugenics Wars. (DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss)

A year after his arrival in the Kelvin timeline, Ambassador Spock warned his counterpart about Khan when Kirk decided to ally himself with Khan's counterpart. The Ambassador describe him as being the most brilliant and dangerous adversary the Enterprise faced. Spock then told his counterpart that his Enterprise was able to defeat him at great cost. (ST movie & novelization: Star Trek Into Darkness)




For the purpose of the FASA RPG, this character was assigned a number of attributes to determine the outcome of die rolls.



Appearances and references[]



External link[]
