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Man vs. Wild/Paleolithic vs. Neolithic/Let's Be Civilized!

From Wikiversity
  • Culture - Beliefs, knowledge, & pattern of living that a group of people living together acquire.
  • Civilization - Complex culture that produces a surplus of food, est. a large town w/gov't, & has specialization of labor.

The Big Six Characteristics

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  • Government - To regulate the land and the people
  • Religion - Priests and temples built. Human burials.
  • Food Surplus - Result of agriculture. Means people have more time.
  • Social Class - Some members of society are given higher status than others.
  • Specialization of Labor - People have time for a specific job.
  • Writing in a Highly Developed Culture - Pictograms/Music/Architecture/Art

First Four Civilizations

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  • Tigris and Euphrates River Valley
  • Nile River Valley
  • Indus River Valley
  • Huang He Valley
How do archaeologists learn the age of an artifact??
  • Carbon dating (only on organic objects): Amount of carbon left determines age!

Sites/Settlements you need to know

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  • Stonehenge - Archaeological site in England, begun in Neolithic Era and ended in Bronze Age.
  • Aleppo - Early city in the Fertile Crescent in Syria. Now an ISIS stronghold.
  • Jericho - Early city in the Fertile Crescent in Israel. Known for walls (defensive).
  • Catalhoyuk - Settlement (Neolithic) in Turkey