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Man vs. Wild

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Australopithecus Afarensis

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Image of one
Time Period & Location
  • 3.9 - 3.0 years ago
  • Primarily found in East Africa
Fossil Discoveries
  • 1974: Donald Johanson in 1974 in Ethiopia (found 40% of her)
  • 1995: Scientists find fossils in Chad
  • Short: 4 feet tall
  • Jutting jaw, prominent brow bones, flared cheekbones
  • Brain larger than an ape but smaller than a human
  • Long arms and humanlike legs
Capabilities and skills
  • Bipedal
  • Lived in small social groups
  • No tools/spoken language
  • Ate easily, chewed fruits.

Homo habilis

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Time Period & Location
Fossil Discoveries
  • 1931: Louis Leaky found stone tools at Olduvai Gorge (as the Homo habilis are the first hominid to use stone/bone tools!)
  • 1959 and later on: The same scientists find more bones
  • Face like earlier hominid
  • Larger brain, smaller back teeth
  • Apelike arms
  • Around 5 feet tall and 5 pounds.
Capabilities and skills
  • Made stone and bone tools to cut & chop meat, bone, wood, & grass
  • Scavengers for meat
  • Ate bone marrow, fruits, collected plants
  • Lived in social groups; no known complex language

Homo erectus

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A notable achievement of the homo erectus was that they controlled fire
Time Period & Location
  • 1.8 - 200,000 years ago
  • Asia, Africa, and possibly Europe
Fossil Discoveries
  • 1890s - Eugene Dubois discovered bones in Java
  • 1920s - Fossils discovered in Peking, China
  • 1980s - Remains found in Kenya
  • Large brain
  • Smooth, round forehead
  • Single brown ridge
  • Protruding jaw
  • Larger back teeth
  • No chin
  • Tall and thin
  • Fully upright stance
Capabilities and skills
  • Controlled fire
  • Lived in huts made of branches
  • Variety of foods
  • Possibly spoken language
  • Made flint hand axes

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis

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Time Period & Location
  • 400,000 - 30,000 years ago
  • Europe, Western Asia, Near East
Fossil Discoveries
  • 1856: Partial skeleton found in Neander Valley, Germany
  • 1880s: Skeletons and tools found
  • 1908 - 1911: Skeletons found in France
  • Large brain
  • Bulge at back of skull
  • Bong brows
  • Jutting face
  • Heavy jaw
  • Receding
  • Stocky and short limbed
  • Thick, heavy bones
  • Powerful muscles
Capabilities and skills
  • Flint made into knives, points, blades, & scrapers.
  • Hunt large animals in groups
  • Cared for old, sick, wounded
  • Possible ritual barials
  • Lived in tepees
  • Stored food
  • Possessed simple language

Homo Sapiens Sapiens

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Image of a Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Time Period and Location
  • 100,000 to now!
  • All over the world
Fossil Discoveries
  • 1860s- Human burials discovered in France
  • Fossil bones called Cro-Magnon
  • Other fossils found throughout the world
  • Large brains
  • High, rounded skull
  • Small teeth
  • Steep forehead
  • Receded brow ridge
  • Prominent chin
  • Relatively slender bones
Capabilities and skills
  • Made tools
  • Live in social groups
  • Semi-permanent structures that are taken as habitats
  • Art cravings (Lascaux, France)
  • Advance language.


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