Languages aren't ideal systems that native speakers attempt to conform to. Languages are simply what is actually spoken. This is precisely why YouGlish is so useful. It gives you fast, unbiased answers about how languages are spoken by real people and in context instead of what's prescriptively correct.
Check out a few examples:
Queries can be narrowed down by word class(noun,verb,adverb,adjective —English only, for now), by phrase form(?,!), by topic using the hashtag (#topic), by gender (m,f) or any mix of them.
Word class examples:
Phrase type examples:
  • call ? ('call' in interrogative form)
  • call ! ('call' in exclamative form)
Gender examples:
Hashtag examples:
More selectors
  • Use ':r' to generate a randomized search result -e.g. call :r

YouGlish supports  Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Sign Languages.

Should you want to embed YouGlish capabilities in your app or web site, we provide APIs for fast and easy integration of YouGlish capabilities in any third party.

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Enjoy and don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or suggestions.