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Log · SUL info · Global Contributions · Userpage pageviews

General statistics [show] [hide]

Basic information
User ID 45,528,243
Registration date 2023-03-10 02:46
User groups extended confirmed user, autoconfirmed user
Is administrator? No
First edit 2023-03-11 04:41
Latest edit 2024-09-29 18:45
Latest logged action 2024-07-09 17:18
Thanks received 14
Live edits 1,998 · (95%)
Deleted edits 105 · (5%)
Total edits 2,103
Edits (live)
Edits in the past 24 hours4
Edits in the past 7 days10
Edits in the past 30 days19
Edits in the past 365 days1,275
Average edits per day 3.702 (568 days)
Average edit size* 191.8 bytes
Minor edits 402 · (20.1%)
Small edits (<20 bytes)* 1,144 · (57.3%)
Large edits (>1000 bytes)* 136 · (6.8%)

Pages edited (total) 972
Average edits per page 2.164
Total of all pages created, including those created as a redirect when moving a page. See the documentation for more details.
Pages created
51 (4 since deleted)
Files uploaded 2
Files moved 0
Files uploaded (Commons) 4
Files moved (Commons) 0
Pages moved 13
Thank 25
Approve 0
Patrol 0
Accounts created 0
(Re)blocks 0
Longest block
Current block
Live edits · 1,998 (95%)
Deleted edits · 105 (5%)
< 20 bytes* · 1,144 (57.3%)
≥ 20 bytes* · 854 (42.7%)
< 1,000 bytes* · 1,862 (93.2%)
≥ 1,000 bytes* · 136 (6.8%)
* Data limited to the past 5,000 edits

Namespace Totals [show] [hide]

Namespace Count
Main 1,797 (89.9%)
User talk 74 (3.7%)
Talk 46 (2.3%)
Wikipedia 46 (2.3%)
Template 16 (0.8%)
User 10 (0.5%)
Category 4 (0.2%)
Wikipedia talk 3 (0.2%)
File 1 (0.1%)
Draft 1 (0.1%)
10 namespaces 1,998

Year counts [show] [hide]

Year Count Main Talk User User talk Wikipedia Wikipedia talk File Template Category Draft
2023 1,151 1,076 13 3 34 14 0 0 8 3 0
2024 847 721 33 7 40 32 3 1 8 1 1

Month counts [show] [hide]

Month Count Main Talk User User talk Wikipedia Wikipedia talk File Template Category Draft
2023-03 70 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2023-04 140 135 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
2023-05 203 192 7 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2023-06 167 160 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
2023-07 109 106 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
2023-08 23 22 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2023-09 14 13 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2023-10 111 100 0 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 0
2023-11 156 143 0 0 8 0 0 0 5 0 0
2023-12 158 135 3 0 5 11 0 0 1 3 0
2024-01 207 172 7 0 18 9 0 0 1 0 0
2024-02 134 116 6 0 3 5 2 0 0 1 1
2024-03 338 286 16 0 17 12 0 0 7 0 0
2024-04 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2024-05 84 79 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0
2024-06 56 40 3 7 1 4 1 0 0 0 0
2024-07 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2024-08 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2024-09 18 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Time card [show] [hide]

Sunday 4 1 6 3 6 9 10 14 15 9 0 1 2 8 12 5 14 22 21 18 24 17 8 10
Monday 16 15 9 16 13 4 8 12 2 1 1 4 5 7 19 18 17 17 24 26 17 4 12 21
Tuesday 2 13 7 12 9 16 5 4 2 0 0 0 1 10 21 24 26 14 17 10 8 25 24 26
Wednesday 16 11 22 14 13 9 9 3 0 0 0 0 6 5 14 14 14 12 12 16 6 8 6 7
Thursday 5 50 17 16 10 19 11 8 2 3 1 2 2 4 28 62 20 35 23 17 16 12 18 7
Friday 8 9 8 15 9 18 5 3 0 0 0 1 2 9 21 8 32 26 14 32 19 17 16 10
Saturday 14 12 7 19 18 43 27 12 5 0 2 0 0 5 39 23 8 13 24 8 16 1 6 6

Top edited pages [show] [hide]

Main [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Assessment Links
50 Lancashire wrestling GA GA Log · Page History · Top Edits
41 The Snake Pit (Wigan) C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
29 Josh Barnett C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
22 Flamin' Hot C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
20 Jim Cornette B B Log · Page History · Top Edits
20 Richard Montañez C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
19 Brazilian jiu-jitsu C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
19 Karl Gotch C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
18 Mark Kerr (fighter) C C Log · Page History · Top Edits
17 Armenians B B Log · Page History · Top Edits

Talk [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Links
7 Talk:The Snake Pit (Wigan) Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Talk:Katlyn Cerminara Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Talk:Lancashire wrestling/GA1 Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Talk:Systema Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Talk:Grappling Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Talk:Karate Combat Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Talk:Lancashire wrestling Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Talk:List of Iranian medalists in international freestyle wrestling Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Talk:Submission wrestling Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Talk:Snake Pit Log · Page History · Top Edits

User [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Links
10 User:Spagooder Log · Page History · Top Edits

User talk [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Links
12 User talk:Spagooder Log · Page History · Top Edits
7 User talk:Kvng Log · Page History · Top Edits
5 User talk: Log · Page History · Top Edits
4 User talk:Mab an Garrek Log · Page History · Top Edits
4 User talk:MadJackBoone Log · Page History · Top Edits
4 User talk:Quick, Spot the Quetzalcoatl! Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 User talk:Nikkimaria Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 User talk:Explicit Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 User talk:Aed3048 Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 User talk:Russia MM Log · Page History · Top Edits

Wikipedia [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Assessment Links
13 Wikipedia:Help desk NA NA Log · Page History · Top Edits
4 Wikipedia:Requests for page protection/Increase Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Catalyst Wrestling Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Adolescent's Orquesta Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Wikipedia:Conflict of interest/Noticeboard Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
3 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Log/2023 December 15 Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/The Gracies and the Birth of Vale Tudo Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Victor Cesar Bota Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Daughters of Mary Immaculate (Chaldean) Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Johnny Gyro Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits

Wikipedia talk [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Links
2 Wikipedia talk:Notability (sports) Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Japan Log · Page History · Top Edits

File [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Assessment Links
1 File:The Snake Pit logo.png Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits

Template [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Assessment Links
3 Template:UFC Light Heavyweight Rankings Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Template:Grappling Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
2 Template:UFC title holders Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:Gracie family Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:International Sports Federations Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:Mixed martial arts champions Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:National members of the United World Wrestling Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:World Championship Wrestling Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:Commonwealth Championships Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Template:UFC Women's pound-for-pound Rankings Template Template Log · Page History · Top Edits

Category [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Assessment Links
2 Category:Ukrainian submission wrestlers Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Category:Catch Wrestling Association Category Category Log · Page History · Top Edits
1 Category:Ukrainian catch wrestlers Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits

Draft [show] [hide]

Edits Page title Assessment Links
1 Draft:The Snake Pit (wrestling) Unknown Log · Page History · Top Edits

Rights changes [show] [hide]

Date Rights Performer Summary
extended confirmed user
autoconfirmed user
All times are in UTC.