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AutoIdentifierInput (source) is a User-script which makes it possible to paste the URL of external services into a text field and automatically having the external identifier being added.

In the time of writing it does by default only work with a small set of properties, however, you can configure your own in your common.js file. Note that you can also define multiply URL prefixes for a property in case you for example want to be able to post links from both and various Invidious instances.


var AutoIdentifierInputUserProperties = [
	['YouTube', '', 'P2397'],
	['LinkedIn', '', 'P4264'],
	['Facebook', '', 'P2013'],
	['Twitter', '', 'P2002'],
	['Instagram', '', 'P2003'],
	['Github', '', 'P2037'],
	['Vimeo', '', 'P4015']

mw.loader.load( '//' );