Wikidata:Menu Challenge/Wikimania 2019/participants

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Menu Challenge
July 16 - August 11, 2019

The Menu Challenge has ended, but please do contribute with translations (on Wednesday the menu will be used for the first time)!

How to register

All you have to do join this contest is to add your username below with a link to a user page you watch; then, when you improve items in any languages, come back here and add a link to each item under your name, with the score you claim. To register... follow the format of the Example below. Also take a look at our scoring system below.


These are the rules
  • Add label: 5p/language
    • Correcting misleading label = same as a new label = 5 p
    • Correcting spelling error in existing label = 1 p
  • Add image (P18): 2p (+10p if it is uploaded after the challenge started)

Extra points might be rewarded for related important tasks, i.e. untangling or correcting strange Wikipedialinks (example merging two items correctly = 10 p). Please point out what has been done and the judge will give out points based on how much work was involved. When a few languages have all words translated the organizers might add more things that give points to keep the contest fun and challenging.

  • If you add a label in two languages, you get 10 points
  • If you add 4 images already available on Wikimedia Commons, you get 8 points

New editors

If you are a new editor of Wikidata, first of all, welcome! We suggest that you take a look at Wikidata:Introduction. That will make it easier to get going! When you start translating the ingredients and dishes the page Help:Label might be of help. All these pages are available in many languages.

Contest details
Wikidata:Menu Challenge
Wikidata:Menu Challenge
Items in the Challenge
Help Desk
If you have any questions about this writing challenge, please add them to our talk page
See the stats of the participating items.

List of Participants

Contest log
  • 12 August: It's over and Wow! How busy you have been and contributed so much! If I count it correctly you, the 20 contributors that signed up, have: edited in 73 languages, added 1490 new labels, corrected 414 existing labels and improved or added 34 images. That is fantastic and will really make the menu a lot more easy to read for people whose first language is something other than English. The winner, with an astonishing 2038 points is User:Millars who also made their contributions really clear and easy to see. On second place we have User:Liridon who managed to claim 1045 points. Not far behind was User:Marajozkee with 919 points. If you are on Wikimania, you will receive your prices and duly earned glory there. If not, I will contact you to send them to you. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this challenge. The menu can be seen at: /Ainali (talk) 09:53, 12 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]
  • 9 August: The challenge is coming along splendidly, this menu will be truly multilingual. I have added some items to make the headers in the menu more multilingual as well, and also I have received a few updates for the menu. So now there are something more to do the last few days as well!
  • 21 July: There has been a racing start! Thanks for all the contributions so far. There was a slight mixup between bilberries and blueberries and the items got merged and demerged again. To not make you as participants feel your time got wasted during the slow decision making of the challenge organizer, all points claimed towards the list as it was are deemed valid. So no need to go back and check your points, but do note that there might be another item for you to edit.
  • 16 July: The challenge has started and we already have our first contestants. I see that everyone so far forgot to mention the language they added the label in as in the example. I know it is a bit more work writing that, but it will help other contestants figure out if the work is already done for the languages they know, and will also make it clearer on why points are getting awarded if you add labels for more than one language. If you just do it for one language, you don't have to do it on each row, you can just mention it above once. Anyway, thanks for joining the challenge! I am already happy to see so much improvement in the labels! Also, note that Swedish (Q298714) has been dropped from the challenge, it was wrongly added to the list.


  1. apple (Q89) Label: fr: 5p
  2. heart (Q1072) Image: 2p

Sign up below


  1. side dish (Q3688975) ‎- ‎Removed claim: part of (P361): cooking (Q38695) - 0p
  2. side dish (Q3688975)‎ ‎- Changed English label: side dish - 1p
  3. broccoli (Q57544960) ‎- ‎Added [sv] label: broccoli - 5p
  4. avocado (Q961769) - ‎Added [sv] label: avokado - 5p
  5. vegetarian cuisine (Q638022) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 素食 - 5p
  6. vegan product (Q7918273) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 素食主义者 - 5p
  7. curry powder (Q1144935) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 咖喱粉 - 5p
  8. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 巧克力慕斯 - 5p
  9. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 晒干的番茄 - 5p
  10. canapé (Q1032806) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 开胃小菜 - 5p
  11. avocado (Q961769) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 鳄梨 - 5p
  12. cinnamon roll (Q254979) -‎ ‎Added [zh] label: 肉桂面包卷 - 5p
  13. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) -‎‎Changed English label - 1p
  14. tapenade (Q129031) -‎Added [zh] label: 橄榄酱 - 5p
  15. Merged Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus (Q5812410) and bilberry (Q60708120) (bilberry) - 10p

  1. apple (Q89) Changed: [id] 1p
  2. mango (Q169) Changed: [et] 1p, [sv] 1p, [id] 1p
  3. chocolate (Q195) Changed: [id] 1p
  4. salad (Q9266) Changed: [id] 1p
  5. cookie (Q13266) Changed: [et] 1p, [id] 1p
  6. mozzarella (Q14088) Changed: [id] 1p
  7. cinnamon (Q28165) Changed: [id] 1p
  8. seed (Q40763) Changed: [et] 1p, [fi] 1p
  9. tapenade (Q129031) Added: [nn] 5p, [et] 5p, [nb] 5p + Changed: [sv] 1p, [fi] 1p
  10. halal (Q177823) Changed: [nn] 1p, [fi] 1p, [sv] 1p, [id] 1p
  11. feta (Q182760) Changed: [fi] 1p, [et] 1p, [id] 1p
  12. dessert (Q182940) Changed: [id] 1p
  13. caviar (Q186385) Changed: [id] 1p
  14. kashrut (Q191498) Changed: [fi] 1p, [en] 1p, [id] 1p
  15. taco (Q191655) Changed: [id] 1p
  16. brie (Q193411) Changed: [fi] 1p, [en] 1p, [id] 1p
  17. herb (Q207123) Changed: [id] 1p
  18. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Changed: [et] 1p, [nb] 1p, [fi] 1p, [nn] 1p
  19. red cabbage (Q263203) Added: [id] 5p + Changed: [nn] 1p, [fi] 1p
  20. afternoon (Q283102) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [id] 1p
  21. organic food (Q380778) Changed: [fi] 1p, [en] 1p, [sv] 1p, [id] 1p
  22. cream cheese (Q426337) Changed: [id] 1p
  23. Tabbouleh (Q607690) Changed: [fi] 1p, [sv] 1p, [id] 1p
  24. cardamom bread (Q609344) Added: [sv] 5p, [fi] 5p
  25. vegetarian cuisine (Q638022) Changed: [id] 1p
  26. snack (Q749316) Changed: [sv] 1p, [nn] 1p, [id] 1p
  27. avocado (Q961769) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p + Changed: [et] 1p
  28. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [en] 1p, [id] 1p
  29. canapé (Q1032806) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [nn] 1p, [sv] 1p
  30. sambal (Q1056554) Added: [nn] 5p, [et] 5p, [fi] 5p + Changed: [nb] 1p, [sv] 1p, [id] 1p
  31. lemon (Q1093742) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p + Changed: [et] 1p
  32. curry powder (Q1144935) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [nb] 1p, [et] 1p, [id] 1p
  33. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Added: [et] 5p, [fi] 5p + Changed: [sv] 1p
  34. wrap (Q1599125) Added: [fi] 5p
  35. leek (Q1807269) Changed: [et] 1p, [sv] 1p, [fi] 1p, [id] 1p
  36. punsch-roll (Q2253902) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [sv] 1p, [en] 1p
  37. pickled onion (Q2477614) Changed: [sv] 1p, [fi] 1p
  38. paprika (Q3127593) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  39. rugbrød (Q3302944) Added: [et] 5p, [nn] 5p, [fi] 5p + Changed: [nb] 1p, [sv] 1p
  40. coconut (Q3342808) Added: [id] 5p + Changed: [fi] 1p, [et] 1p
  41. slider (Q3357568) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [id] 1p
  42. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) Added: [fi] 5p
  43. side dish (Q3688975) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [id] 1p
  44. turkey meat (Q4200953) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [id] 1p
  45. vegetable oil (Q4739805) Changed: [et] 1p, [fi] 1p, [id] 1p
  46. bean salad (Q4876267) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p + Changed: [en] 1p
  47. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) Added: [fi] 5p + Changed: [id] 1p
  48. vegan product (Q7918273) Added: [fi] 5p
  49. lactose free (Q11874508) Added: [id] 5p + Changed: [fi] 1p
  50. lunch (Q12896105) Added: [et] 5p + Changed: [fi] 1p, [sv] 1p, [id] 1p
  51. cardamom (Q14625808) Added: [et] 5p
  52. tomato (Q20638126) Added: [sv] 5p, [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  53. garlic (Q21546392) Added: [sv] 5p, [fi] 5p, [et] 5p, [id] 5p
  54. globe artichoke (Q23041430) Changed: [et] 1p, [nn] 1p, [fi] 1p, [id] 1p
  55. broccoli (Q57544960) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  56. bilberry (Q60708120) Added: [et] 5p, [fi] 5p
  57. parsley (Q65522500) Added: [fi] 5p
  58. basil (Q65522654) Added: [fi] 5p
  59. cilantro (Q65523167) Added: [fi] 5p
  60. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Added: [fi] 5p
  61. fig jam (Q65545224) Added: [fi] 5p
  62. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Added: [fi] 5p
  63. fruit basket (Q65546963) Added: [fi] 5p
  64. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  65. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Added: [fi] 5p
  66. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) Added: [fi] 5p
  67. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Added: [fi] 5p
  68. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  69. garden cress (Q65547658) Added: [fi] 5p
  70. Q65547739 Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  71. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Added: [fi] 5p
  72. pulled chicken (Q65548127) Added: [sv] 5p, [fi] 5p
  73. smoked turkey (Q65548172) Added: [fi] 5p
  74. lentil salad (Q65548263) Added: [fi] 5p
  75. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Added: [fi] 5p
  76. raw ball (Q65554137) Added: [fi] 5p
  77. sweet chili (Q65554357) Added: [fi] 5p, [id] 5p
  78. coleslaw (Q945475) Added: [id] 5p
  79. ajvar (Q413449) Added: [nn] 5p, [et] 5p, [fi] 5p + Changed: [lb] 1p, [cv] 1p, [vi] 1p, [sk] 1p, [uk] 1p, [ bg] 1p, [nb] 1p, [be] 1p, [sq] 1p, [sh] 1p, [es] 1p, [cs] 1p, [bs] 1p, [pl] 1p, [fr] 1p, [mk] 1p, [sv] 1p, [sl] 1p, [tr] 1p, [sr] 1p, [hr] 1p, [eo] 1p, [nl] 1p
  80. convention (Q625994) Added: [et] 5p + Changed [lt] 1 p, [ro] 1 p, [sq] 1 p, [fi] 1 p
  81. pre-conference (Q65549814) Added: [fi] 5p, [et] 5p
  82. reception (Q66317493) Added: [fi] 5p, [tl] 5p
Labels added in Catalan 45 · 5 = 225
Labels changed in Catalan 10 · 1 = 10
Labels added in Spanish 21 · 5 = 105
Labels changed in Spanish 5 · 1 = 5
  1. raspberry (Q13179)
  2. cardamom bread (Q609344)
  3. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270)
  4. olive creme (Q65561290)
  5. red cabbage (Q263203)
Labels added in Portuguese 23 · 5 = 115
Labels changed in Portuguese 9 · 1 = 9
Labels added in Italian 17 · 5 = 85
Labels changed in Italian 2 · 1 = 2
  1. cardamom (Q14625808)
  2. tomato salsa (Q65547517)
Labels added in French 3 · 5 = 15
  1. vegan product (Q7918273)
  2. seed cracker (Q65548218)
  3. pre-conference (Q65549814)
Labels added in Galician 42 · 5 = 210
Labels changed in Galician 29 · 1 = 29
Labels added in Asturian 40 · 5 = 200
Labels changed in Asturian 15 · 1 = 15
  1. coconut (Q3342808)
  2. chocolate (Q195)
  3. tomato (Q20638126)
  4. paprika (Q3127593)
  5. apple (Q89)
  6. organic food (Q380778)
  7. dessert (Q182940)
  8. soy sauce (Q229385)
  9. mozzarella (Q14088)
  10. seed (Q40763)
  11. Sunday (Q132)
  12. Saturday (Q131)
  13. Friday (Q130)
  14. Thursday (Q129)
  15. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels added in Occitan 10 · 5 = 50
Labels changed in Occitan 17 · 1 = 17
Labels added in Extremaduran 4 · 5 = 20
  1. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271)
  2. paprika (Q3127593)
  3. tomato salsa (Q65547517)
  4. tomato (Q20638126)
Labels changed in Extremaduran 6 · 1 = 6
  1. chocolate (Q195)
  2. Sunday (Q132)
  3. Saturday (Q131)
  4. Friday (Q130)
  5. Thursday (Q129)
  6. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels added in Aragonese 34 · 5 = 170
Labels changed in Aragonese 12 · 1 = 12
  1. lunch (Q12896105)
  2. raspberry (Q13179)
  3. chocolate (Q195)
  4. apple (Q89)
  5. dessert (Q182940)
  6. seed (Q40763)
  7. salad (Q9266)
  8. Sunday (Q132)
  9. Saturday (Q131)
  10. Friday (Q130)
  11. Thursday (Q129)
  12. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels added in Sardinian 3 · 5 = 15
  1. mozzarella (Q14088)
  2. lemon (Q1093742)
  3. garlic (Q21546392)
Labels changed in Sardinian 3 · 1 = 3
  1. leek (Q1807269)
  2. tomato (Q20638126)
  3. apple (Q89)
Labels added in Sicilian 6 · 5 = 30
  1. salad (Q9266)
  2. garlic (Q21546392)
  3. basil (Q65522654)
  4. broccoli (Q57544960)
  5. Friday (Q130)
  6. Thursday (Q129)
Labels changed in Sicilian 8 · 1 = 8
  1. mango (Q169)
  2. tomato (Q20638126)
  3. cinnamon (Q28165)
  4. chocolate (Q195)
  5. mozzarella (Q14088)
  6. Sunday (Q132)
  7. Saturday (Q131)
  8. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels added in Neapolitan 5 · 5 = 25
  1. tomato (Q20638126)
  2. chocolate (Q195)
  3. basil (Q65522654)
  4. broccoli (Q57544960)
  5. lemon (Q1093742)
Labels changed in Neapolitan 9 · 1 = 9
  1. leek (Q1807269)
  2. apple (Q89)
  3. seed (Q40763)
  4. Sunday (Q132)
  5. Saturday (Q131)
  6. Friday (Q130)
  7. Thursday (Q129)
  8. Wednesday (Q128)
  9. snack (Q749316)
Labels added in Picard 6 · 5 = 30
  1. garlic (Q21546392)
  2. basil (Q65522654)
  3. lemon (Q1093742)
  4. vegetable oil (Q4739805)
  5. salad (Q9266)
  6. afternoon (Q283102)
Labels changed in Picard 3 · 1 = 3
  1. leek (Q1807269)
  2. red cabbage (Q263203)
  3. globe artichoke (Q23041430)
Labels added in Ligurian 5 · 5 = 25
  1. Sunday (Q132)
  2. Saturday (Q131)
  3. Friday (Q130)
  4. Thursday (Q129)
  5. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels changed in Ligurian 3 · 1 = 3
  1. tomato (Q20638126)
  2. lemon (Q1093742)
  3. apple (Q89)
Labels added in Corsican 1 · 5 = 5
  1. chocolate (Q195)
Labels changed in Corsican 8 · 1 = 8
  1. herb (Q207123)
  2. globe artichoke (Q23041430)
  3. leek (Q1807269)
  4. Sunday (Q132)
  5. Saturday (Q131)
  6. Friday (Q130)
  7. Thursday (Q129)
  8. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels added in Romanian 14 · 5 = 70
Labels changed in Romanian 11 · 1 = 11
Labels added in Norwegian 37 · 5 = 185
Labels added in Franco-Provençal 1 · 5 = 5
  1. garlic (Q21546392)
Labels changed in Franco-Provençal 5 · 1 = 5
  1. Sunday (Q132)
  2. Saturday (Q131)
  3. Friday (Q130)
  4. Thursday (Q129)
  5. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels added in Latin 1 · 5 = 5
  1. garlic (Q21546392)
Labels added in Aymara 1 · 5 = 5
  1. garlic (Q21546392)
Labels added in Haitian Creole 5 · 5 = 25
  1. garlic (Q21546392)
  2. lemon (Q1093742)
  3. globe artichoke (Q23041430)
  4. mozzarella (Q14088)
  5. broccoli (Q57544960)
Labels changed in Haitian Creole 10 · 1 = 10
  1. tomato (Q20638126)
  2. mango (Q169)
  3. avocado (Q961769)
  4. leek (Q1807269)
  5. raspberry (Q13179)
  6. lunch (Q12896105)
  7. apple (Q89)
  8. seed (Q40763)
  9. salad (Q9266)
  10. afternoon (Q283102)
Labels added in West Frisian 1 · 5 = 5
  1. lemon (Q1093742)
Labels added in Quechua 1 · 5 = 5
  1. avocado (Q961769)
Labels added in West Flemish 1 · 5 = 5
  1. cardamom (Q14625808)
Labels added in Lombard 2 · 5 = 10
  1. mozzarella (Q14088)
  2. cinnamon (Q28165)
Labels changed in Lombard 1 · 1 = 1
  1. chocolate (Q195)
Labels added in Ladino (Judaeo-Spanish) 5 · 5 = 25
  1. lemon (Q1093742)
  2. garlic (Q21546392)
  3. salad (Q9266)
  4. halal (Q177823)
  5. soy sauce (Q229385)
Labels added in Ladino (Judaeo-Spanish) 6 · 1 = 6
  1. apple (Q89)
  2. tomato (Q20638126)
  3. paprika (Q3127593)
  4. chocolate (Q195)
  5. caviar (Q186385)
  6. raspberry (Q13179)
Labels added in Piedmontese 26 · 5 = 130
  1. tomato (Q20638126)
  2. salad (Q9266)
  3. apple (Q89)
  4. lemon (Q1093742)
  5. lunch (Q12896105)
  6. mozzarella (Q14088)
  7. caviar (Q186385)
  8. garlic (Q21546392)
  9. parsley (Q65522500)
  10. cinnamon (Q28165)
  11. basil (Q65522654)
  12. cilantro (Q65523167)
  13. broccoli (Q57544960)
  14. bean salad (Q4876267)
  15. afternoon (Q283102)
  16. herb (Q207123)
  17. vegetable oil (Q4739805)
  18. lentil salad (Q65548263)
  19. seed (Q40763)
  20. soy sauce (Q229385)
  21. vegan product (Q7918273)
  22. Sunday (Q132)
  23. Saturday (Q131)
  24. Friday (Q130)
  25. Thursday (Q129)
  26. Wednesday (Q128)
Labels changed in Piedmontese 3 · 1 = 3
  1. chocolate (Q195)
  2. tapenade (Q129031)
  3. globe artichoke (Q23041430)
Labels added in Emilian-Romagnol 11 · 5 = 55
  1. lemon (Q1093742)
  2. lunch (Q12896105)
  3. raspberry (Q13179)
  4. bilberry (Q60708120)
  5. chocolate (Q195)
  6. garlic (Q21546392)
  7. tomato (Q20638126)
  8. parsley (Q65522500)
  9. basil (Q65522654)
  10. herb (Q207123)
  11. globe artichoke (Q23041430)
Labels changed in Emilian-Romagnol 7 · 1 = 7
  1. apple (Q89)
  2. afternoon (Q283102)
  3. Sunday (Q132)
  4. Saturday (Q131)
  5. Friday (Q130)
  6. Thursday (Q129)
  7. Wednesday (Q128)


New labels in Hungarian (Q9067):

Fixed labels in Hungarian (Q9067), adding pictures:

New labels in Bangla (Q9610), Hindi (Q1568):

  1. canapé (Q1032806)
  2. sambal (Q1056554)
  3. parsley (Q65522500)
  4. lunch (Q12896105)
  5. tapenade (Q129031)
  6. basil (Q65522654)
  7. bilberry (Q60708120) Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus (Q5812410)
  8. cilantro (Q65523167)
  9. dessert (Q182940)
  10. cloudberry jam (Q65524341)
  11. coconut (Q3342808)
  12. feta (Q182760)
  13. chocolate mousse (Q1381277)
  14. turkey meat (Q4200953)
  15. cardamom bread (Q609344)
  16. fig jam (Q65545224)
  17. leek (Q1807269)
  18. avocado salsa (Q65546400)
  19. fruit basket (Q65546963)
  20. cardamom (Q14625808)
  21. brie (Q193411)
  22. garlic (Q21546392)
  23. pickled onion (Q2477614)
  24. cinnamon roll (Q254979)
  25. paprika (Q3127593)
  26. avocado (Q961769)
  27. broccoli (Q57544960)
  28. bean salad (Q4876267)
  29. fried mushrooms (Q5503623)
  30. slider (Q3357568)
  31. marinating (Q725668)
  32. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428)
  33. tomato salsa (Q65547517)
  34. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592)
  35. curry powder (Q1144935)
  36. cookie (Q13266)
  37. vegan product (Q7918273)
  38. side dish (Q3688975)
  39. red cabbage (Q263203)
  40. sweet chili (Q65554357)
  41. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271)
  42. artichoke creme (Q65561282)
  43. cauliflower creme (Q65561288)
  44. olive creme (Q65561290)
  45. sweet chili creme (Q65561301)
  46. white bean creme (Q65561340)
  47. kashrut (Q191498)
  48. globe artichoke (Q23041430)
  49. chevre creme (Q65561289)
  50. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800)
  51. tomato (Q20638126)
  52. grilled zucchini (Q65547904)
  53. Q65547739
  54. wrap (Q1599125)
  55. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270)
  56. Tabbouleh (Q607690)
  57. punsch-roll (Q2253902)
  58. sourdough baguette (Q65547303)
  59. garden cress (Q65547658)
  60. pulled chicken (Q65548127)
  61. lentil salad (Q65548263)
  62. seed cracker (Q65548218)
  63. sun-dried tomato (Q978399)
  64. lactose free (Q11874508)

New labels in Bangla (Q9610):

New labels in Hindi (Q1568):

  1. hummus (Q241987) -5
  2. cream cheese (Q426337) -5
  3. taco (Q191655) -5

New labels in Nepali (Q33823):

New labels in Sanskrit (Q11059):

  1. lunch (Q12896105)
  2. cilantro (Q65523167)
  3. dessert (Q182940)


  • canape: 5
  • sambal: 2
  • parsley: 17
  • basil: 17
  • bilberry: 17
  • coriander: 17
  • cloudberry jam: 5
  • feta: 3
  • wrap: 6
  • brynt brysselkål: 7
  • cardamom bread: 5
  • fig jam: 5
  • avocado salsa: 7
  • fruit basket: 5
  • glass noodle salad: 12
  • cardemom: 5
  • brie: 1
  • pickled onion: 6
  • cinnamon roll: 1
  • chicken: 5
  • chicken fillet: 17
  • broccoli: 15
  • bean salad: 5
  • Punschrulle: 1
  • fried mushrooms: 5
  • tabbouleh: 2
  • sourdough baguette: 5
  • sriracha mayonnaise: 5
  • roasted cauliflower: 5
  • slider: 5
  • garden cress: 12
  • grilled zucchini: 7
  • Found error with Swedish (Q298714): 10
  1. parsley (Q25284) Label: hy:/5
  2. sambal (Q1056554) Label: hy:/5
  3. lunch (Q12896105) Label: hy:/5
  4. tapenade (Q129031) Label: hy:/5
  5. cilantro (Q65523167) Label: hy:/5
  6. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Label: hy:/5
  7. coconut (Q3342808) Label: hy:/5
  8. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Label: hy:/5
  9. turkey meat (Q4200953) Label: hy:/5
  10. cardamom bread (Q609344) Label: hy:/5
  11. fig jam (Q65545224) Label: hy:/5
  12. mango (Q169) Label: hy:/2
  13. leek (Q1807269) Label: hy:/5
  14. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Label: hy:/5
  15. fruit basket (Q65546963) Label: hy:/5
  16. cardamom (Q14625808) Label: hy:/5
  17. soy sauce (Q229385) Label: hy:/5
  18. tomato (Q20638126) Label: hy:/5
  19. pickled onion (Q2477614) Label: hy:/5
  20. paprika (Q3127593) Label: hy:/5
  21. avocado (Q961769) Label: hy:/5
  22. broccoli (Q57544960) Label: hy:/5
  23. bean salad (Q4876267) Label: hy:/5
  24. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) Label: hy:/5
  25. slider (Q3357568) Label: hy:/5
  26. marinating (Q725668) Label: hy:/5
  27. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Label: hy:/5
  28. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Label: hy:/5
  29. afternoon (Q283102) Label: hy:/5
  30. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Label: hy:/5
  31. curry powder (Q1144935) Label: hy:/5
  32. garden cress (Q65547658) Label: hy:/5
  33. Q65547739 Label: hy:/5
  34. snack (Q749316) Label: hy:/5
  35. vegan product (Q7918273) Label: hy:/5
  36. smoked turkey (Q65548172) Label: hy:/5
  37. lentil salad (Q65548263) Label: hy:/5
  38. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) Label: hy:/5
  39. side dish (Q3688975) Label: hy:/5
  40. herb (Q207123) Label: hy:/5
  41. vegetable oil (Q4739805) Label: hy:/5
  42. raw ball (Q65554137) Label: hy:/5
  43. lactose free (Q11874508) Label: hy:/5
  44. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271) Label: hy:/5
  45. sweet chili (Q65554357) Label: hy:/5
  46. rugbrød (Q3302944) Label: hy:/5
  47. coleslaw (Q945475) Label: hy:/5
  48. red cabbage (Q263203) Label: hy:/5
  49. globe artichoke (Q23041430) Label: hy:/5
  50. artichoke creme (Q65561282) Label: hy:/5
  51. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) Label: hy:/5
  52. chevre creme (Q65561289) Label: hy:/5
  53. olive creme (Q65561290) Label: hy:/5
  54. sweet chili (Q65554357) Label: hy:/5
  55. white bean creme (Q65561340) Label: hy:/5
  56. vegetarian cuisine (Q638022) Label: hy:/5
  57. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) Label: hy:/5
  58. halal (Q177823) Label: hy:/5
  59. seed cracker (Q65548218) Label: hy:/5
  60. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) Label: hy:/5
  1. mango (Q169) - 5 (sq label)
  2. dessert (Q182940) - 5 (sq label)
  3. seed (Q40763) - 5 (sq label)
  4. turkey meat (Q4200953) - 5 (sq label)
  5. halal (Q177823) - 5 (sq label)
  6. fruit basket (Q65546963) - 5 (sq label)
  7. garlic (Q21546392) - 5 (sq label)
  8. tomato (Q20638126) - 5 (sq label)
  9. avocado (Q961769) - 10 (sq label & mk label)
  10. broccoli (Q57544960) - 20 (sq, mk, es, pt label)
  11. Q65547739 - 20 (sq, mk, es, pt label)
  12. cookie (Q13266) - 5 (sq label)
  13. herb (Q207123) - 10 (sq, pt label)
  14. smoked turkey (Q65548172) - 15 (sq, es, pt label)
  15. vegan product (Q7918273) - 20 (sq, mk, nl, pt label)
  16. organic food (Q380778) - 5 (sq label)
  17. sambal (Q1056554) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  18. parsley (Q65522500) - 20 (sq, mk, es, pt label)
  19. lunch (Q12896105) - 5 (mk label)
  20. basil (Q65522654) - 15 (sq, mk, pt label)
  21. Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus (Q5812410) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  22. cilantro (Q65523167) - 15 (sq, mk, pt label)
  23. feta (Q182760) - 5 (sq label)
  24. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) - 35 (sq, bg, es, it, mk, pl, pt label)
  25. fig jam (Q65545224) - 15 (sq, it, pt label)
  26. pickled onion (Q2477614) - 15 (sq, mk, pt label)
  27. lemon (Q1093742) - 5 (mk label)
  28. bean salad (Q4876267) - 20 (sq, mk, pt, it label)
  29. tomato salsa (Q65547517) - 30 (sq, mk, pt, nl, it, es label)
  30. afternoon (Q283102) - 5 (sq label)
  31. lactose free (Q11874508) 30 (sq, mk, pt, nl, it, es label)
  32. vegetable oil (Q4739805) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  33. avocado salsa (Q65546400) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  34. paprika (Q3127593) - 5 (sq label)
  35. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) - 25 (sq, mk, pt, it, es label)
  36. curry powder (Q1144935) - 5 (sq label)
  37. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) - 30 (sq, mk, pt, fr, it, es label)
  38. coleslaw (Q945475) - 5 (mk label)
  39. rugbrød (Q3302944) - 5 (sq label)
  40. sweet chili (Q65554357) - 5 (sq label)
  41. hummus (Q241987) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  42. side dish (Q3688975) - 5 (sq label)
  43. olive creme (Q65561290) - 30 (sq, mk, pt, nl, it, es label)
  44. red cabbage (Q263203) - 20 (sq, mk, pt, sv label)
  45. cardamom (Q14625808) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  46. canapé (Q1032806) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  47. tapenade (Q129031) - 10 (sq, mk label)
  48. bilberry (Q60708120) - 35 (es, pt, it, mk, sr, bg, pl)
  49. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) - 5 (sq label)
  50. wrap (Q1599125) - 15 (sq, mk, bg label)
  51. taco (Q191655) - 5 (mk label)
  52. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) - 20 (sq, de, mk, pt label)
  53. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271) - 20 (sq, mk, sv, pl label)
  54. raw ball (Q65554137) - 20 (sq, mk, sr, bg label)
  55. white bean creme (Q65561340) - 15 (sq, mk, bg label)
  56. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) - 25 (sq, mk, bg, es, pt, it label)
  57. artichoke creme (Q65561282) - 35 (sq, mk, bg, sv, sr, pl, nl label)
  58. chevre creme (Q65561289) - 20 (sq, mk, bg, sr label)
  59. sweet chili creme (Q65561301) - 40 (sq, mk, bg, sr, pl, nl, it, de label)
  60. vegetarian cuisine (Q638022) - 10 (sr, mk label)
  61. kashrut (Q191498) - 10 (sq, sr label)
  62. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) - 30 (sq, mk, bg, sr, pl, nl label)
  63. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) - 30 (sq, mk, bg, sr, pl, nl label)
  64. snack (Q749316) - 25 (sq,sr, pt, mk, bg label)
  65. roasting (Q4865573) - 15 (sr, mk, ru label)
  66. pre-conference (Q65549814) - 35 (de, bg, sq, sr, pl, nl, mk label)
  67. pre-conference (Q65549814) - 45 (sr, ru, pt, pl, nl, mk, de, bg, sq label)
  1. apple (Q89) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  2. raspberry (Q13179) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  3. coconut (Q3342808) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  4. leek (Q1807269) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  5. cinnamon (Q28165) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  6. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  7. chocolate (Q195) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  8. lemon (Q1093742) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  9. globe artichoke (Q23041430) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  10. ajvar (Q413449) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  11. Wednesday (Q128) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  12. Thursday (Q129) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  13. Friday (Q130) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  14. Saturday (Q131) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  15. Sunday (Q132) - 1 (correct existing sq label)
  1. canapé (Q1032806) Label: ka: 5p
  2. sambal (Q1056554) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  3. parsley (Q65522500) Label: ka: 5p
  4. lunch (Q12896105) Label: ka: 5p
  5. tapenade (Q129031) Label: ka: 5p
  6. basil (Q65522654) Label: ka: 5p
  7. coconut (Q3342808) Label: ka: 5p
  8. feta (Q182760) Label: ka: 5p
  9. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  10. turkey meat (Q4200953) Label: ka: 5p
  11. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  12. dessert (Q182940) Label: ka: 5p
  13. cilantro (Q65523167) Label: ka: 5p
  14. cardamom (Q14625808) Label: ka: 5p
  15. garlic (Q21546392) Label: ka: 5p
  16. tomato (Q20638126) Label: ka: 5p
  17. pickled onion (Q2477614) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  18. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Label: ka: 5p
  19. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  20. fruit basket (Q65546963) Label: ka: 5p
  21. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) Label: ka: 5p
  22. cardamom bread (Q609344) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  23. fig jam (Q65545224) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  24. wrap (Q1599125) Label: ka: 5p
  25. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Label: ka: 5p
  26. lemon (Q1093742) Label: ka: 5p
  27. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) Label: ka: 5p
  28. Tabbouleh (Q607690) Label: ka: 5p
  29. Swedish (Q298714) Label: ka: 5p
  30. paprika (Q3127593) Label: ka: 5p
  31. avocado (Q961769) Label: ka: 5p
  32. broccoli (Q57544960) Label: ka: 5p
  33. bean salad (Q4876267) Label: ka & ru: 10p
  34. Q65547739 Label: ka: 5p
  35. snack (Q749316) Label: ka: 5p
  36. afternoon (Q283102) Label: ka: 5p
  37. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Label: ka: 5p
  38. cookie (Q13266) Label: ka: 5p
  39. curry powder (Q1144935) Label: ka: 5p
  40. garden cress (Q65547658) Label: ka: 5p
  41. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Label: ka: 5p
  42. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Label: ka: 5p
  43. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) Label: ka: 5p
  44. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Label: ka: 5p
  45. marinating (Q725668) Label: ka: 5p
  46. vegetable oil (Q4739805) Label: ka: 5p
  47. lactose free (Q11874508) Label: ka: 5p
  48. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) Label: ka: 5p
  49. side dish (Q3688975) Label: ka: 5p
  50. smoked turkey (Q65548172) Label: ka: 5p
  51. seed cracker (Q65548218) Label: ka: 5p
  52. lentil salad (Q65548263) Label: ka: 5p
  53. organic food (Q380778) Label: ka: 5p
  54. vegan product (Q7918273) Label: ka: 5p
  55. red cabbage (Q263203) Label: ka: 5p
  56. coleslaw (Q945475) Label: ka: 5p
  57. seed (Q40763) Label: ka: 5p
  58. globe artichoke (Q23041430) Label: ka: 5p
  59. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) Correct Label: ka: 1p
  60. punsch-roll (Q2253902) Label: ka: 5p
  61. bilberry (Q60708120) Label: ka: 5p
  62. pulled chicken (Q65548127) Label: ka: 5p
  63. raw ball (Q65554137) Label: ka: 5p

VIGNERON (talk) - 348



  1. halal (Q177823) - 1 (correct fr label)
  2. halal (Q177823) - 1 (correct br label)
  3. apple (Q89) - 1 (correct br label)
  4. mango (Q169) - 1 (correct br label)
  5. chocolate (Q195) - 1 (correct br label)
  6. cinnamon (Q28165) - 1 (correct br label)
  7. organic food (Q380778) - 1 (correct br label)
  8. snack (Q749316) - 1 (correct fr label)
  9. hummus (Q241987) - 1 (correct fr label)
  10. sambal (Q1056554) - 1 (correct es label)
  11. sambal (Q1056554) - 1 (correct it label)
  12. wrap (Q1599125) - 1 (correct es label)
  13. wrap (Q1599125) - 1 (correct it label)
  14. leek (Q1807269) - 1 (correct br label)
  15. globe artichoke (Q23041430) - 1 (correct br label)
  16. rugbrød (Q3302944) - 1 (correct fr label)
  17. rugbrød (Q3302944) - 1 (correct en label)
  18. rugbrød (Q3302944) - 1 (correct es label)
  19. feta (Q182760) - 1 (correct it label)
  20. canapé (Q1032806) - 1 (correct es label)
  21. canapé (Q1032806) - 1 (correct it label)
  22. halal (Q177823) - 1 (correct es label)
  23. halal (Q177823) - 1 (correct it label)
  24. tapenade (Q129031) - 1 (correct es label)
  25. feta (Q182760) - 1 (correct es label)
  26. cinnamon roll (Q254979) - 1 (correct es label)
  27. bean salad (Q4876267) - 1 (correct es label)
  28. Tabbouleh (Q607690) - 1 (correct es label)
  29. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) - 1 (correct es label)
  30. hummus (Q241987) - 1 (correct es label)
  31. vegetarian cuisine (Q638022) - 1 (correct es label)
  32. kashrut (Q191498) - 1 (correct es label)
  33. kashrut (Q191498) - 1 (correct br label)
  34. tapenade (Q129031) - 1 (correct nl label)
  35. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) - 1 (correct nl label)

= 33 × 1


  1. parsley (Q65522500) - 5 (add br label)
  2. basil (Q65522654) - 5 (add br label)
  3. bilberry (Q60708120) - 5 (add br label)
  4. feta (Q182760) - 5 (add br label)
  5. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) - 5 (add br label)
  6. lunch (Q12896105) - 5 (add br label)
  7. cilantro (Q65523167) - 5 (add br label)
  8. tapenade (Q129031) - 5 (add br label)
  9. dessert (Q182940) - 5 (add br label)
  10. coconut (Q3342808) - 5 (add br label)
  11. turkey meat (Q4200953) - 5 (add br label)
  12. soy sauce (Q229385) - 5 (add br label)
  13. tomato (Q20638126) - 5 (add br label)
  14. avocado (Q961769) - 5 (add br label)
  15. broccoli (Q57544960) - 5 (add br label)
  16. lemon (Q1093742) - 5 (add br label)
  17. snack (Q749316) - 5 (add br label)
  18. canapé (Q1032806) - 5 (add br label)
  19. sambal (Q1056554) - 5 (add br label)
  20. wrap (Q1599125) - 5 (add br label)
  21. cardamom bread (Q609344) - 5 (add br label)
  22. avocado salsa (Q65546400) - 5 (add br label)
  23. fruit basket (Q65546963) - 5 (add br label)
  24. cardamom (Q14625808) - 5 (add br label)
  25. brie (Q193411) - 5 (add br label)
  26. garlic (Q21546392) - 5 (add br label)
  27. bean salad (Q4876267) - 5 (add br label)
  28. Tabbouleh (Q607690) - 5 (add br label)
  29. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) - 5 (add br label)
  30. chicken as food (Q864693) - 5 (add br label)
  31. vegetable oil (Q4739805) - 5 (add br label)
  32. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) - 5 (add fr label)
  33. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) - 5 (add br label)
  34. curry powder (Q1144935) - 5 (add br label)
  35. afternoon (Q283102) - 5 (add br label)
  36. smoked turkey (Q65548172) - 5 (add br label)
  37. lentil salad (Q65548263) - 5 (add br label)
  38. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) - 5 (add br label)
  39. lactose free (Q11874508) - 5 (add br label)
  40. seed (Q40763) - 5 (add br label)
  41. red cabbage (Q263203) - 5 (add br label)
  42. artichoke creme (Q65561282) - 5 (add br label)
  43. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) - 5 (add br label)
  44. olive creme (Q65561290) - 5 (add br label)
  45. chevre creme (Q65561289) - 5 (add br label)
  46. vegetarian cuisine (Q638022) - 5 (add br label)
  47. coleslaw (Q945475) - 5 (add br label)
  48. rugbrød (Q3302944) - 5 (add br label)
  49. side dish (Q3688975) - 5 (add br label)
  50. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) - 5 (add br label)
  51. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) - 5 (add fr label)
  52. slider (Q3357568) - 5 (add fr label)
  53. slider (Q3357568) - 5 (add br label)
  54. sweet chili (Q65554357) - 5 (add fr label)
  55. sweet chili (Q65554357) - 5 (add br label)
  56. sweet chili creme (Q65561301) - 5 (add fr label)
  57. sweet chili creme (Q65561301) - 5 (add br label)
  58. white bean creme (Q65561340) - 5 (add fr label)
  59. white bean creme (Q65561340) - 5 (add br label)
  60. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) - 5 (add fr label)
  61. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) - 5 (add br label)
  62. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) - 5 (add fr label)
  63. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) - 5 (add br label)
  64. - 5 (add br label)
  65. - 5 (add br label)

= 63 × 5 = 315

  1. lunch (Q12896105) corrected label: pl: 1p
  2. organic food (Q380778) corrected label: pl: 1p
  3. globe artichoke (Q23041430) corrected label: pl: 1p
  4. feta (Q182760) corrected label: pl: 1p
  5. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) corrected label: pl: 1p
  6. red cabbage (Q263203) corrected label: pl: 1p
  7. wrap (Q1599125) corrected label: pl: 1p
  8. caviar (Q186385) corrected label: pl: 1p
  9. taco (Q191655) corrected label: pl: 1p
  10. avocado (Q961769) corrected label: pl: 1p
  1. Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus (Q5812410) new label: pl: 5p
  2. cardamom (Q14625808) new label: pl: 5p
  3. coconut (Q3342808) new label: pl: 5p
  4. lactose free (Q11874508) new label: 5p
  5. vegan product (Q7918273) new label: 5p
  6. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) new label: 5p
  7. fig jam (Q65545224) new label: 5p
  8. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) new label: 5p
  9. Q65547739 new label: 5p
  10. basil (Q65522654) new label: 5p
  11. garden cress (Q65547658) new label: 5p

Added label (125p):

  1. cilantro (Q65523167) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  2. turkey meat (Q4200953) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  3. broccoli (Q57544960) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  4. afternoon (Q283102) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  5. snack (Q749316) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  6. herb (Q207123) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  7. basil (Q65522654) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  8. fig jam (Q65545224) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  9. side dish (Q3688975) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  10. cardamom (Q14625808) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  11. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  12. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  13. vegan product (Q7918273) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  14. red cabbage (Q263203) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  15. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  16. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  17. artichoke creme (Q65561282) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  18. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  19. chevre creme (Q65561289) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  20. lactose free (Q11874508) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  21. lentil salad (Q65548263) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  22. fruit basket (Q65546963) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  23. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  24. olive creme (Q65561290) Added [pt-br] label 5p
  25. white bean creme (Q65561340) Added [pt-br] label 5p

Added image (6p):

  1. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) Added image 2p
  2. white bean creme (Q65561340) Added image 2p
  3. halal (Q177823) Added image 2p

  1. parsley (Q65522500) Changed to a more precise picture - 2p
  1. halal (Q177823) Added [ka] label - 5p
  2. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) Added [ka] and [az] label - 10p
  3. kashrut (Q191498) Added [ka] label - 5p
  4. white bean creme (Q65561340) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  5. sweet chili creme (Q65561301) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  6. olive creme (Q65561290) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  7. chevre creme (Q65561289) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  8. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  9. artichoke creme (Q65561282) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  10. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  11. sweet chili (Q65554357) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  12. rugbrød (Q3302944) Added [ka], [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  13. canapé (Q1032806) Added [az] label - 5p
  14. sambal (Q1056554) Added [az] label - 5p
  15. parsley (Q65522500) Added [az] and [ru] label - 10p
  16. lunch (Q12896105) Added [az] label - 5p
  17. tapenade (Q129031) Added [az] label - 5p
  18. basil (Q65522654) Added [az] and [ru] label - 10p
  19. bilberry (Q60708120) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  20. cilantro (Q65523167) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  21. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  22. coconut (Q3342808) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  23. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  24. turkey meat (Q4200953) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  25. wrap (Q1599125) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  26. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  27. cardamom bread (Q609344) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  28. fig jam (Q65545224) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  29. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  30. fruit basket (Q65546963) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  31. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  32. cardamom (Q14625808) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  33. brie (Q193411) Added [az] label - 5p
  34. soy sauce (Q229385) Added [az] label - 5p
  35. garlic (Q21546392) Added [tr] label - 5p
  36. tomato (Q20638126) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  37. pickled onion (Q2477614) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  38. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Added [tr] label - 5p
  39. Swedish (Q298714) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  40. paprika (Q3127593) Added [tr] label - 5p
  41. avocado (Q961769) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  42. cream cheese (Q426337) Added [az] label - 5p
  43. broccoli (Q57544960) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  44. bean salad (Q4876267) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  45. lemon (Q1093742) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  46. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  47. punsch-roll (Q2253902) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  48. slider (Q3357568) Added [az], [ka], [tr] and [ru] label - 20p
  49. marinating (Q725668) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  50. chicken as food (Q864693) Added [az] label - 5p
  51. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  52. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  53. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  54. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  55. curry powder (Q1144935) Added [az] label - 5p
  56. garden cress (Q65547658) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  57. Q65547739 Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  58. snack (Q749316) Added [az] label - 5p, Changed: [tr] - 1p
  59. afternoon (Q283102) Added [az] and [tr] label - 10p
  60. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Added [az], [tr] and [ru] label - 15p
  1. turkey meat (Q4200953) Label: de: 5p
  2. bean salad (Q4876267) Label: de: 5p
  3. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Label: de: 5p
  4. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Label: de: 5p
  5. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Label: de: 5p
  6. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Label: de: 5p
  7. rugbrød (Q3302944) Label: de: 5p
  8. lactose free (Q11874508) Label: de: 5p
  9. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Label: de: 5p
  10. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Label: de: 5p
  11. garden cress (Q65547658) Label: de: 5p
  12. paprika (Q3127593) Label: de: 5p
  13. fig jam (Q65545224) Label: de: 5p
  14. fruit basket (Q65546963) Label: de: 5p
  15. chicken as food (Q864693) Label: de: 5p
  16. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Label: de: 5p
  17. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Label: de: 5p
  18. pulled chicken (Q65548127) Label: de: 5p
  1. coconut (Q3342808) Label: se: 5p, sms: 5p, sv: 1p, et: 1p (12p)
  2. lunch (Q12896105) Label: se: 5p, smn: 5p, sms: 5p, smj: 5p (20p)
  3. garlic (Q21546392) Label: se: 5p, smn: 5p, sma: 5p, smj: 5p, fi: 5p, sms: 5p (30p)
  4. dessert (Q182940) Label: se: 5p, smn: 5p, sma: 5p, smj: 5p, sms: 5p, mhr: 5p, et: 1p (31p)
  5. leek (Q1807269) Label: se: 1p, smn: 5p, sms: 5p, ru: 1p, es: 1p (13p)
  6. fruit basket (Q65546963) Label: se: 5p, ca: 5p, et: 5p, nb: 5p, ru: 5p; Images: 2x2p (29p)
  7. lactose free (Q11874508) Label: se: 5p, smn: 5p, ca: 5p, et: 5p, nb: 5p, ru: 5p (30p)
  8. broccoli (Q57544960) Label: se: 5p, smn: 5p, sms: 5p, et: 5p, nb: 5p (25p)

Labels in Russian

lunch (Q12896105) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

vegan product (Q7918273) - 5p (added)

Labels in Italian

turkey meat (Q4200953) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

leek (Q1807269) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

avocado salsa (Q65546400) - 5p (added)

fruit basket (Q65546963) - 5p (added)

glass noodle salad (Q65547070) - 5p (added)

pickled onion (Q2477614) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

slider (Q3357568) - 5p (added)

sourdough baguette (Q65547303) - 5p (added)

sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) - 5p (added)

tomato salsa (Q65547517) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

garden cress (Q65547658) - 5p (added)

Q65547739 - 5p (added)

cookie (Q13266) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

organic food (Q380778) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

pulled chicken (Q65548127) - 5p (added)

smoked turkey (Q65548172) - 5p (corrected misleading label)

seed cracker (Q65548218) - 5p (added)

raw ball (Q65554137) - 5p (added)

rugbrød (Q3302944) - 5p (added)

chevre creme (Q65561289) - 5p (added)

  1. lactose free (Q11874508) image: 2p
  2. garden cress (Q65547658) Label: uk: 5p
  3. afternoon (Q283102) Label: uk: 5p
  4. pulled chicken (Q65548127) Label: uk: 5p
  5. raw ball (Q65554137) Label: uk: 5p; image: 2p
  6. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) Label: uk: 5p
  7. punsch-roll (Q2253902) Label: uk: 5p
  8. bilberry (Q60708120) Label: uk: 5p
  9. sambal (Q1056554) Label: uk: 5p
  10. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Label: uk: 5p
  11. coconut (Q3342808) Label: uk: 5p
  12. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Label: uk: 5p
  13. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Label: uk: 5p
  14. cardamom bread (Q609344) Label: uk: 5p
  15. fig jam (Q65545224) Label: uk: 5p
  16. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Label: uk: 5p
  17. fruit basket (Q65546963) Label: uk: 5p
  18. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) Label: uk: 5p
  19. pickled onion (Q2477614) Label: uk: 5p
  20. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Label: uk: 5p
  21. avocado (Q961769) Label: uk: 5p
  22. broccoli (Q57544960) Label: uk: 5p
  23. bean salad (Q4876267) Label: uk: 5p
  24. lemon (Q1093742) Label: uk: 5p
  25. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) Label: uk: 5p
  26. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) Label: uk: 5p
  27. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Label: uk: 5p
  28. Q65547739 Label: uk: 5p
  29. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Label: uk: 5p
  30. smoked turkey (Q65548172) Label: uk: 5p
  31. seed cracker (Q65548218) Label: uk: 5p, corrected label: ru: 1p
  32. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) Label: uk: 5p
  33. lactose free (Q11874508) Label: uk: 5p
  34. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Label: uk: 5p
  35. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Label: uk: 5p
  36. cilantro (Q65523167) Label: uk: 5p
  37. wrap (Q1599125) Label: uk: 5p
  38. slider (Q3357568) Label: uk: 5p
  39. coleslaw (Q945475) Label: uk: 5p
  40. sweet chili (Q65554357) Label: uk: 5p
  41. artichoke creme (Q65561282) Label: uk: 5p, corrected label: ru: 1p
  42. chevre creme (Q65561289) Label: uk: 5p
  43. vegan product (Q7918273) Label: uk: 5p
  44. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271) Label: uk: 5p
  45. rugbrød (Q3302944) Label: uk: 5p
  1. afternoon (Q283102) Added [ml] label 5p
  2. artichoke creme (Q65561282) Added [ml] label 5p
  3. avocado (Q961769) Added [ml] label 5p
  4. avocado salsa (Q65546400) Added [ml] label 5p
  5. basil (Q65522654) Added [ml] label 5p
  6. bean salad (Q4876267) Added [ml] label 5p
  7. bilberry (Q60708120) Added [ml] label 5p
  8. brie (Q193411) Added [ml] label 5p
  9. broccoli (Q57544960) Added [ml] label 5p
  10. browned Brussels sprouts (Q65548270) Added [ml] label 5p
  11. cardamom (Q14625808) Added [ml] label 5p
  12. cardamom bread (Q609344) Added [ml] label 5p
  13. cauliflower creme (Q65561288) Added [ml] label 5p
  14. chevre creme (Q65561289) Added [ml] label 5p
  15. Q65547739 Added [ml] label 5p
  16. chocolate mousse (Q1381277) Added [ml] label 5p
  17. cinnamon roll (Q254979) Added [ml] label 5p
  18. cloudberry jam (Q65524341) Added [ml] label 5p
  19. cilantro (Q65523167) Added [ml] label 5p
  20. dessert (Q182940) Added [ml] label 5p
  21. feta (Q182760) Added [ml] label 5p
  22. fig jam (Q65545224) Added [ml] label 5p
  23. fried mushrooms (Q5503623) Added [ml] label 5p
  24. fruit basket (Q65546963) Added [ml] label 5p
  25. garden cress (Q65547658) Added [ml] label 5p
  26. glass noodle salad (Q65547070) Added [ml] label 5p
  27. globe artichoke (Q23041430) Added [ml] label 5p
  28. grilled zucchini (Q65547904) Added [ml] label 5p
  29. kashrut (Q191498) Added [ml] label 5p
  30. lactose free (Q11874508) Added [ml] label 5p
  31. leek (Q1807269) Added [ml] label 5p
  32. lentil salad (Q65548263) Added [ml] label 5p
  33. olive creme (Q65561290) Added [ml] label 5p
  34. organic food (Q380778) Added [ml] label 5p
  35. ovo-lacto vegetarianism (Q3544800) Added [ml] label 5p
  36. paprika (Q3127593) Added [ml] label 5p
  37. Pimentón de la Vera (Q250271) Added [ml] label 5p
  38. parsley (Q65522500) Added [ml] label 5p
  39. pickled onion (Q2477614) Added [ml] label 5p
  40. pulled chicken (Q65548127) Added [ml] label 5p
  41. punsch-roll (Q2253902) Added [ml] label 5p
  42. raw ball (Q65554137) Added [ml] label 5p
  43. red cabbage (Q263203) Added [ml] label 5p
  44. roasted cauliflower (Q65547592) Added [ml] label 5p
  45. rugbrød (Q3302944) Added [ml] label 5p
  46. wrap (Q1599125) Added [ml] label 5p
  47. seed cracker (Q65548218) Added [ml] label 5p
  48. side dish (Q3688975) Added [ml] label 5p
  49. slider (Q3357568) Added [ml] label 5p
  50. smoked turkey (Q65548172) Added [ml] label 5p
  51. sourdough baguette (Q65547303) Added [ml] label 5p
  52. sriracha mayonnaise (Q65547428) Added [ml] label 5p
  53. sun-dried tomato (Q978399) Added [ml] label 5p
  54. sweet chili (Q65554357) Added [ml] label 5p
  55. sweet chili creme (Q65561301) Added [ml] label 5p
  56. Tabbouleh (Q607690) Added [ml] label 5p
  57. tapenade (Q129031) Added [ml] label 5p
  58. tomato salsa (Q65547517) Added [ml] label 5p
  59. turkey meat (Q4200953) Added [ml] label 5p
  60. vegan product (Q7918273) Added [ml] label 5p
  61. canapé (Q1032806) Added [ml] label 5p
  62. sambal (Q1056554) Added [ml] label 5p
  63. lunch (Q12896105) Added [ml] label 5p
  64. hummus (Q241987) Corrected [ml] label 5p
  65. raspberry (Q13179) Added [ml] label 5p
  66. coleslaw (Q945475) Added [ml] label 5p