
Matt on Tumblr


Co-founder WordPress; CEO Automattic; always learning.

The new Terminal B at SFO is really nice. You almost feel like you’re in Singapore. SF is so back!

Critical feedback:

* Stores should stay open later

* Faucets and sinks aren’t great

* Food and store selection is amazing, including Starbird. (Open late!)

* Feels like it could have more restrooms


You never know who you'll meet. The sword was real! He decided to leave it at camp because it was too sharp.


#KOKON by Misha Libertee. BM Link. "#Kokon embodies purity and simplicity, mirroring the direct and focused way children with autism interact with their surroundings. The unicorn, a symbol of grace and uniqueness, celebrates the beauty of seeing the world differently, inviting a deeper appreciation for diverse perspectives."

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