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User:Camkitty2/sandbox/Ashmole Bestiary

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Ashmole Bestiary; folio 21r: Monoceros and bear

The Ashmole Bestiary (Bodleian Library MS. Ashmole 1511) is a late 12th or early 13th century English illuminated manuscript Bestiary containing a creation story and detailed allegorical descriptions of over 100 animals. Rich colour miniatures of the animals are also included.





Similarities to Other Manuscripts


The Aberdeen Bestiary (Aberdeen University Library MS 24) and the Ashmole Bestiary are considered by Xenia Muratova, a professor of art history, to be "the work of different artists belonging to the same artistic milieu."[1] Due to their "striking similarities" they are described by scholars as being "sister manuscripts."[1][2] The medievalist scholar M. R. James considered the Aberdeen Bestiary ''a replica of Ashmole 1511".[2]

Hugh of Fouilloy's moral treatise on birds, De avibus, is incorporated into the text with 29 full colour illustrations.






  1. ^ a b Muratova, Xenia (1989). "Workshop Methods in English Late Twelfth-Century Illumination and the Production of Luxury Bestiaries". In Clark, Willene B.; McMunn, Meradith T. (eds.). Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 53–63. ISBN 0-8122-8147-0.
  2. ^ a b James, M. R. (1928). The Bestiary. Oxford: Roxburghe Club. pp. 14ff., 55–59.

Category:13th-century illuminated manuscripts Category:Bestiaries Category:Bodleian Library collection Baxter, R. (1987). A baronial bestiary: heraldic evidence for the patronage of ms Bodley 764. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 50, 196-200.

Clark, W. B. (1989). Bestiarium: Die Texte der Handschrift MS. Ashmole 1511 der Bodleian Library Oxford in lateinischer und deutscher Sprache.

Gransden, A. (1993). Beasts and Birds of the Middle Ages: The Bestiary and Its Legacy. The English Historical Review, 108(428), 705-707.

Anderson, S. (2014). Mirrors and Fears: Humans in the Bestiary (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University).

Morrison, E., & Grollemond, L. (Eds.). (2019). Book of Beasts: The Bestiary in the Medieval World. Getty Publications.
