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FLTK library Link Error 2019 when compiling GMSH with GUI with (unresolved external symbol "main")

When trying to compile GMSH (, I face this error: fltkd.lib(fl_call_main.c.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function WinMain [\...
Saeid's user avatar
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How to select multiple folders with FLTK using Fl_Native_File_Chooser

the following C++ code works fine, except that I do not know how to select multiple folders: each time I click on a folder the previous one is unselected... When using the option ...
alphaquant's user avatar
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MurgaLua 0.7.5 and use of fltk function saveAsPng()

i am stuck with a personal code murgaLua 0.7.5 (OS Linux Lubuntu LTS, but it should work in Windows) that captures in a fltk graphic window (created by the code) a diagram image and writes it in png ...
mterras01's user avatar
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Memory leak after button execution callback function in C++ library FLTK

Compile the following code #include<FL/Fl.H> #include<FL/Fl_Window.H> #include<FL/Fl_Box.H> #include<FL/Fl_Button.H> #include<FL/fl_ask.H> #include<bits/stdc++.h> ...
Tudor Zeng's user avatar
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FLTK non_modal windows 'group' together if shown without multiple calls to Fl::wait() in between

The windows that are opened non_modally are 'grouped'. If you click on a window that is (partially) covered by another child, it will not come to the front. If you make enough wait() calls between the ...
Hackermand24's user avatar
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Tooltip not appearing in FLTK custom widgets

I am creating a tool for a project using Fl_Tabs and some custom widget, which encompasses some other custom classes. I would like to have a tooltip appearing when the mouse is hoovering on the custom ...
Eddymage's user avatar
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compact packed expandable multiple tree

See The left panel is similar to what I am trying to implement. I have tried Flex::column and group::Pack. But it just distributes all ...
MavWolverine's user avatar
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Why is CMake's relationship to FLTK install fragile?

Working on a Mac, I have a directory at /Users/ken/vsc/catch containing my project. It builds. Then I copied the full contents of that directory to /Users/ken/prog24/Catchwater. It doesn't build. The ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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How do I pin a frame "status bar" to the bottom of a resizable window?

I want to create a layout where window is resizable, the main frame is resizable with the window, a fixed status bar at the bottom of the window which only resizes horizontally and always stays stuck ...
MavWolverine's user avatar
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glutBitmapCharacter worked in older version but no longer

I am reviving some legacy OpenGL code from 2004. Somewhere along the way, the display of lettering quit working. glutBitmapCharacter does not work, it fails silently and nothing appears. Obviously ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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FLTK: When and how does Fl_Group::add take effect?

The code below, with these two lines in this order tab1.add(glWindow2); window->show(); produces this image: But if I put the add call after window->show: window->show(); tab1.add(glWindow2)...
Joymaker's user avatar
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Fl_Gl_Window sample program fails to draw in that window

I got this program to build and run: #define GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION #include <FL/Fl.H> #include <FL/Fl_Window.H> #include <FL/Fl_Gl_Window.H> #include <FL/gl.h> #include <...
Joymaker's user avatar
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Trying to use the add_extra member function in Fl_File_Chooser to add an extra button (FLTK)

I wish to use the Fl_File_Chooser to select a directory path for use in my main code. The main code uses a button and callback to run the Chooser in cb_dirselect(). If I set the Chooser in DIRECTORY ...
kgb's user avatar
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how to install and configure fltk 1.3.9 with visual studio 2022

I am new to C++ coding, studying independently from programming principles and practicing Bjarne Strostrup, when I got to the chapter on GUI I had a great frustration trying to install and configure ...
Abdullah Othman's user avatar
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How can i show changes on a grid in fltk-rs?

I am making a basic application in fltk-rs that uses a fltk-grid. I want to update the widgets of that grid and then show the changes made. This is my code: use fltk::{app, prelude::*, window::...
Valentino Amato's user avatar

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