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If that AI is worth more than a dime, it will recognise how incredibly efficient humans are in physical labor, and employ them instead of ”doing away“ with it (whatever that’s even supposed to mean.)

No matter how much you ”solve“ robotics, you’re not going to compete with the result of millions of years of brutal natural selection, the incredible layering of synergies in organisms, the efficiency of the biomass to energy conversion, and the billions of other sophisticated biological systems. It’s all just science fiction and propaganda.

Your argument goes like "If they're really intelligent, they'll think like me."

For a true superhuman AI, what you or me think is irrelevant and probably wrong.

Cars are still faster than humans, besides evolution.

That is a repetition of the argument other commenters have made. A car is better than a human in a single dimension. It is hard, though, to be better in multiple dimensions simultaneously, because humans effectively are highly optimised general purpose machines. Silicon devices have a hard time competing with biological devices, and no amount of ”AI“ will change that.

> If that AI is worth more than a dime, it will recognise how incredibly efficient humans are in physical labor, and employ them instead of ”doing away“ with it (whatever that’s even supposed to mean.)

AI employing all humans does not sound like a wonderful society in which to live. Basically Amazon/Walmart scaled up to the whole population level.

Have you read "Manna"? I think you'll like it:


Yep - I’m firmly in the “first half of the story” camp.

The efficiency you mentioned probably applies to animals that rely on subsistence to survive, work, and reproduce. But it doesn't hold for modern humans, whose needs go well beyond mere necessities.

wrong. a human needs to have insane resources to operate. each human needs a home, clean water, delicious and varied foods and a sense of identity and a society to be a part of. they need a sense of purpose. if a human goes down in the field, it has to be medically treated or else the other humans will throw up and stop working. that human has to be treated in a hospital. if these conditions arent met then performance will degrade rapidly. humans use vastly more resources than robots. robots will crush humans.

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