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I've only done hobby stuff with pony, but love the idea of it, and would love an opportunity to use it in production. I've found the community welcoming and helpful in my limited interactions. The standard library code is pretty easy to read, which somewhat mitigates the dearth of tutorials, howtos on the internet.

The reference capability stuff can be a bit hard to wrap your mind around, but mostly in a good way, and the compiler errors are generally pretty helpful. If you come from an OO or procedural background, there will be a sharp learning curve. My experience of learning pony reference capabilities is roughly similar (in terms of forcing you to think differently about data sharing) to learning how to work with the rust borrow checker, despite them having different goals and operational models.

> If you come from an OO or procedural background, there will be a sharp learning curve.

Isn't Pony object oriented?

It's in our tag line. But what OO means varies from person to person. There's no set definition of it.

Pony features classes and actors are like classes that can receive asynchronous messages.

However, unlike some OO, there's no inheritance. Unlike a lot of other OO there's a heavy emphasis on asynchronous messaging.

I wouldn't use "OO background" as an indicator of what might make Pony harder to learn. I think the key parts are experience with rigorous type systems and experience with concurrency. Without a background in those, your path to learning Pony will be harder than the path for someone who is already familiar with them.

What sort of hobby projects have you found it a good match for out of interest?

what sort of hobby stuff do you do with pony? the language looks interesting but i've been unable to think of any compelling reasons to use it.

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