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Lambda school is a sham. They have students teaching students and it's like the blind leading the blind. Absolute chaos and since the student to teacher ratio is so high, it's almost impossible to get a decent education through them.

I realize it's a YCombinator portfolio company, but it's run like a pyramid scheme.

For people who want more information a pretty substantial article was written about Lamda school by Vincent Woo: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/02/lambda-schools-job-p...

I do think Austen's heart is in the right place but they just don't have the resources to do it right.

Maybe his heart is in the right place but his mouth isn’t. He comes across as a complete charlatan in the article

He comes off that way because he is. He's a regular poster here on anything lambda related. His twitter was pretty vile as well.

Pretty much every single code school I have looked into (I have not looked into Lambda School specifically) hires students that cannot find jobs as teachers to be able to tout "96% employment rate post graduation". This is obviously an awful pattern, in that the students that might be good teachers (and/or good programmers) actually get placed, leaving only the students that cannot find placement to teach the next class.

This is definitely part of the issue I think. My friend who attended with no previous programming experience said that they were correcting the Team Leads and Section Leads regularly.

Yeah, I have had close friends go through code schools and it is kind of frustrating to hear them talk about their experiences. They get stuck, their instructor can't help, and ultimately they just kind of move on without understanding the subject matter. Then, three months later, they can't find a job after dumping their savings and quitting their previous careers.

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