Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Sera was a Romulan who time traveled to 20th century Earth in the 1990s decade to meddle with the history of Khan Noonien Singh's place in the planet's Eugenics Wars.


Because of temporal revision, earlier attempts to remove Khan as a polarizing factor in the Human civilization's resolve to move beyond petty planetary conflict had failed. Somehow, time was able to "heal" itself, causing Khan's origins to occur in a different decade. Sera was sent to 1992 but found an alternate history where Khan's Augment takeover had been delayed. Sera remained on Earth to wait for an opportunity to assassinate Khan and assist other Romulan time travelers in their attempts to destabilize globalization in the 2020s.

In 2022, the Lake Ontario Bridge was destroyed by Romulan photonic bombs. As Sera took pictures of the destruction, she was approached by La'an Noonien-Singh and James T. Kirk. Recognizing that they were from the future, Sera followed them, saving them from being arrested by the Toronto police department, feeding them clues about a Romulan attack on a cold fusion reactor, hoping they could locate it for her. When the two tracked it to the Noonien-Singh Institute for Cultural Advancement, Sera held them at gunpoint, fatally shooting Kirk and using La'an's DNA to bypass the locks. With security guards converging, Sera instead chose to kill a young Khan himself. Just outside Khan's room, La'an overpowered and wounded Sera with a pistol shot. In the throes of a critical wound, Sera triggered a sub-dermal device that dematerialized her. (SNW episode: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

It wasn't clear if the dematerialization was due to a suicide self destruction device or some sort of recall transporter.

Alternate timelines[]

In the timeline that the alternate Kirk hailed from, Sera or her cohorts succeeded in destroying the fusion reactor, wiping out Toronto and preventing the United Federation of Planets from forming. (SNW episode: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")


Appearances and references[]


External link[]
