Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Paramindas 575 is a star system located somewhere in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, in Federation space at coordinates 3.22S 0.12W.

History and specifics[]

The Paramindas 575 system's orbit is the site of a planetary system that contains the Federation colony Patric's Planet. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)

System makeup[]

Paramindas 575 system primary star



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (P)
P4T-16 Singularity • Paegan • Padora • Paggaru • Pagox • Pal's Star • Palgrenax • Palimer • Pallas 14 • Pallas 785 • Pallus • Palvarlion • Pandira • Pan'neth • Pantera • Paradane • Paradox • Paramindas 575 • Paranon • Pareleon • Pari • Parides • Parka • Parlur • Parmun • Parox • Parras • Parsentes • Parsion • Parvo • Parvok • Parziun • Pasadoran • Pasara Majoris • Pascal • Pasha • Patera • Patra Tor • Patria • Patton • Pava • Pedara • Pele Vortex • Pelham • Pelione • Pella • Pel'vor • Pelavos • Pelkaid • Pellion • Pem • Penchan • Penrek • Penta Dora • Penta Elva • Penta Gara • Penta Kiren • Penta Lema • Penta Mela • Penta Mori • Penta Viri • Pentam • Pentara • Pentarus • Pentis • Pentox • Penvada • Peralax • Perena • Peripon • Pernen • Perren • Perrex • Perriaz • Perrien • Perseant Alpha • Per'teth • Perxier • Petra • Peyoris • Peyra • Phad • Phaedus • Phara • Pharos 625 • Phax • Phenro • Pherod • Phi • Phi Delta • Phi Kappa • Phi Puma • Phicus • Phidian • Phillo'tok • Phi Unicornis • Phon'tek • Phriden • Phygma • Piachi • Pilar • Pilar • Pildera • Pilkor • Pinav • Pinikou • Piras Zeta • Pirzon • Piser • Pit of Gilgamesh • Pitcara Prime • Pithecus Majorus • Pi'vara • Pledora • Plemox • Pleth'ra • Pluro • Pochian • Poketa • Polidex • Polin • Polira • Pollox • Pol'tara • Polluxara • Pol'vadi • Polydorus • Polymax • Po'mek • Ponzox • Porabon • Porrima • Porsuk • Porxien • Posara • Posel • Posell • Poservoz • Poth'mek • Pran • Praetus • Pravian • Preficon • Prentu • Prezan • Primidara • Priox • Prometheus • Protari • Proteus • Protof • Providence • Proxman • Proxus • PSR 418-D/1015.3 • Pukier • Pulol • Puniex • Puriaz • Putak • Puxam • Puxas • PX1N4-152 Singularity • Pyra • Pyren • Pyrimiis • Pyris Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (P) Pegasus Major • Peliar Zel • Pelios • Pentath • Penthara • Persephone • Peyit • Portas • Prexnak • Priam • Prijipati • Prosenna • Psi-5 Aurigae • Psi Serpentis • Pyrellia • Pyrithia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (P) p Eridani • Pagh • Pahvo • Pallor • Parsus Indi • Paxar • Peren • Perithees • Phardos • Pheben • Phi Virginis • Phylos • Pi Hydrae • Pi Mensae • Pi-3 Orionis • Pictae • P'Jem • Pollus • Pollux • P'rang • Priors • Procyon • Procyon A • Proxima • Proxima Canaris • Psi Cancri • Psi Velorum Beta Quadrant icon image.

