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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Leif Ericson.
Leif Ericson

A painting of Leif Ericson by Marla McGivers.

Leif Ericson (circa 970 - 1020) was a Human explorer who is credited for being the first individual from Europe to travel to North America.


Ericson was one of the many "bold men from the past" whom Lieutenant Marla McGivers admired. By 2267, she had painted a portrait of him and placed it in her quarters aboard the USS Enterprise. Khan Noonien Singh was impressed by the painting upon visiting her quarters. (TOS episode: "Space Seed")

Benjamin Sisko considered Ericson to be an explorer on par with Horatio Nelson, Francis Drake, James Cook and James T. Kirk of Earth, Nadee of Antares and Seledon of Vulcan. (DS9 novelization: Trials and Tribble-ations)

As a child, Elias Vaughn read about Leif Ericson, as well as other explorers like Ferdinand Magellan, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Neil Armstrong and Jonathan Archer. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight)

Twilight uses the alternate "Eriksson" spelling of the surname.


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