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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This page details Joann Owosekun in the primary universe; for the Joann Owosekun in the mirror universe see Joann Owosekun (mirror).

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow: The following content contains spoilers!

Joann Owosekun was a 23rd century Human woman, a Starfleet officer.


Owosekun served aboard the Federation starship USS Discovery in the 2250s decade. (DSC episode: "Context Is for Kings")

After disabling the Discovery and retaking it from Emerald Chain Minister Osyraa, Owosekun was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.(DSC episodes: "That Hope Is You, Part 2", "Kobayashi Maru")

From 3189, two months after her ship's arrival in the future, Lt. Commander Owosekun served as operations manager of the Discovery-A. (DSC novel: Somewhere to Belong)

In 3190, Owosekun accompanied Captain Michael Burnham on an away mission to the Karma Barge. Nicknamed Joann "Oh Wow" Owosekun by Burnham, the commander bested an opponent in personal combat. (DSC episode: "All In")

Service record[]



Discovery personnel
United Earth, Earth Starfleet Discovery (NX-class) Brent • Carpenter • Curtis • T. Mayweather • Shea • R. Tallarico Earth emblem. Starfleet emblem.
Federation Starfleet USS Discovery (Crossfield-class) Airiam • R.A. Bryce • M. Burnham • Chiefowitz • Collins • P. Georgiou • H. Culber • Decker • K. Detmer • Gotthelf • Harrington • Kowski • E. Landry • Linus • Logan • G. Lorca • Magnus • Molina • D. Nhan • E. Nilsson • J. Owosekun • C. Pike • T. Pollard • Rause • Rayner • J. Reno • G. Rhys • M. Richter • Saru • P. Stamets • A. Tal • S. Tilly • A. Tyler • Webb • Wells • Wilson • Zora UFP emblem image. Starfleet emblem.
USS Discovery (Nebula-class) M. Dayrit • Grazna • A. Portikos
Personnel roster



External link[]
