Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Rodham Clinton (born 26 October 1947) was a Human politician and diplomat who lived during the 20th and 21st centuries.


As the wife of U.S. President Bill Clinton, she was the First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001. She later served as the United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

While in London on 5 November 1992, Roberta Lincoln was attacked by a female Augment in the service of Khan Noonien Singh who wore a Hillary Clinton mask.

In Fort Cochise in Arizona on 19 August 1994, Roberta witnessed numerous members of the Army of Eternal Vigilance firing at cardboard cutouts of Clinton as well as Janet Reno and Boutros Boutros-Ghali. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2)

In the year 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels saw an image of Clinton and her husband in the time stream as the timeline reset itself. (ENT episode: "Storm Front")



Eugenics Wars
factions people places other topics
Great Khanate Khan Noonien Singh • Joaquin Weiss Chandigarh, India • Chrysalis Island SS Botany Bay • Morning Star • SGK Kaur
Augments / Chrysalis Project / Project Khan Adam Soong • Sarina Kaur • Ralph Offenhouse • Donald Archibald Williams • Har Gobind Khorana Thar Desert • Chrysalis Base • Chrysalis Island Biopreparat • streptococcus
United Nations/NATO US President Bill Clinton • Hillary Clinton • Boutros Boutros-Ghali • Clare Raymond • Janet Reno New York City • Washington, DC • Sea of Japan USS Enterprise • Second American Civil War • United States of America
fm. Soviet bloc Boris Yeltsin Russia Russian Parliament
Army of Eternal Vigilance
(Augment militia)
Randall "Hawkeye" Morrison Arizona, North America (Fort Cochise) sarin gas
Vasily Hunyadi's Augment faction Vasily Hunyadi Serbia 1993 Latur earthquake
Danurian Augment faction Isabelle Danur • Turlow Cambodia Terrapin
The Aegis Gary Seven • Roberta Lincoln • Isis New York City SS Botany Bay • servo
Khanate of Earth / Augment Council (Kelvin timeline) Khan Noonien Singh • Verity Cheng • Bernard Maltuvis • Asahf Ferris • G. Heisen • Ketch • Alexander Newton • Ama Owusu • Patel Bombay group school • India SS Botany Bay

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