Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Jadzia begins having hallucinations which may reveal a secret about the entire Trill race - one the Trill authorities may let Jadzia die to keep.


At a dinner party hosted by Sisko, Jadzia spies Jake’s keyboard. Despite her nor any of Dax’s hosts being musicians, Jadzia plays a hauntingly beautiful song. Jadzia’s personality soon changes and she becomes antagonistic to Sisko and Kira. Jadzia has a hallucination and sees a mysterious man wearing masks.

Apologising to Sisko, Jadzia seeks treatment from Dr. Bashir. Bashir notes that Dax’s level of isoboramine, a neurotransmitter that mediates synaptic functions between host and symbiont, have fallen to seventy-three percent of normal. When Torias Dax was injured a century earlier, the Dax symbiont had to be removed from him and placed into Curzon when Torias’ isoboramine levels fell to forty percent of normal. Bashir comments that Jadzia is best to return to Trill for treatment by the Symbiosis Commission.



Julian Bashir • Yolad Belar • Jadzia Dax • Joran Dax • Foris Hajan • Kira Nerys • Odo • Quark • Renhol • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Timor
Referenced only
Dax (symbiont) • Curzon Dax • Torias Dax • Joseph Sisko • Vadel Torvin


Deep Space 9 (Habitat ring • Infirmary • Promenade • Replimat • Station commander's office • Wardroom) • Trill (Caves of Mak'ala • Leran Manev • N'Ladix Reflecting Pool)
Referenced only
Bajoran wormhole • New Orleans • Tenaran ice cliffs


Danube-class runabout (in opening credits) • USS Defiant (Defiant-class escort)

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Trill • Trill symbiont

States and Organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Order of the Guardians • Starfleet • Symbiosis Commission • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Tenaran Music Academy

Other references[]

2285 • beet • benzocyatizine • biospectral scan • chess • computer • data compression • Federation database • hallucination • initiate • isoboramine • knight (chess) • piano • pylon • raktajino • redfish • sensor relay • soufflé • spinach • stardate • synapse


Related stories[]



External links[]


published order
Previous episode:
The House of Quark
DS9 episode produced Next episode:
Second Skin
Previous episode:
The House of Quark
DS9 episode aired Next episode:
Second Skin
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
Chapter 12, Sections 6-8
Previous Adventure:
The House of Quark
Deep Space Nine Adventures Next Adventure:
The Abandoned