Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Cremation is a method used to dispose of the remains of a deceased person, and involves burning the body of a deceased person. It is an alternative to other forms of disposition, such as burial.

In his will, Captain James T. Kirk stipulated that he preferred that his body was cremated following his death and not buried in space as was popular among Starfleet officers. (TOS novel: The Entropy Effect)

Following Zarabeth's death, Zar preferred that his mother's body was cremated, but he was not able to obtain any firewood to do so. Spock later performed the cremation using a hand phaser. (TOS - The Yesterday Saga novel: Yesterday's Son)

Among some Cardassians tradition called for the deceased to be cremated. Prylar Obanak Keelen told Captain Benjamin Sisko that he would perform the necessary rights for the dead Cardassian bodies in order for them to enter the Divine Labyrinth. (DS9 - Millennium novel: The Fall of Terok Nor). Other Cadassians opted for burial instead of cremation. (DS9 episode: "Duet")

Members of the Gallamite race who follow the religion of Ambrushroi, must have their bodies cremated within six hours of their deaths. (SCE eBook: Invincible, Part Two)

Following his death in 2381, Joseph Sisko was cremated and the ashes were interred in Katrina Memorial Cemetery in New Orleans. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)

After a massacre of Nakan civilians by forces under the command of Saavdra, these forces began cremating the bodies of those they had killed using phasers. (VOY episode: "Memorial")

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