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Anti-Hate Statement

S4 Capital and its operating brand, Monks, are committed to fostering a workplace and business environment that is inclusive, respectful, and free from hate, discrimination, and harassment. As a global company, we recognize the diversity of our workforce and the importance of promoting a culture of tolerance and acceptance. This statement reflects our dedication to establishing a positive and inclusive work environment and extends to all interactions within the company and its business activities worldwide.

Hate, as per our definition, encompasses any expression, action, or behavior that demeans, discriminates against, or poses a threat to an individual or group based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any other characteristic safeguarded by applicable laws. All employees are expected to treat each other with respect and dignity, fostering a workplace free from hate, discrimination, and harassment. Such conduct will not be tolerated, and this includes all internal communication channels such as email, Slack, presentations, or verbal exchanges. Our anti-hate stance also applies to conduct on social media, blogs, videos, and worksites. All Monks are subject to our code of conduct and related policies and breach of any of these could result in disciplinary action.

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The website has been translated to English with the help of Humans and AI
