photo grid

From IndieWeb

photo grid is a visual display of a series of photo posts, typically 3 in a column, where only the photo of the post is visible, omitting the text.

IndieWeb Examples

Manton Reece publishes a photo grid on his website at

Marty McGuire publishes a photo grid on his website at

  • on hover, the text of the photo post appears with a translucent background over the photo
  • multi-photos are indicated with a little stacked icon in the top right corner

Aaron Parecki publishes a photo grid on his website at

  • multi-photos are indicated with a little stacked icon in the top right corner
  • some of the photos in the grid are from checkins, and there is no indicator of whether a post is a photo or checkin
  • Aaron Parecki: sometimes my post sorting includes a photo here that I don't want displayed in the grid, so I remove it from this page manually. (e.g. screenshots, some not so interesting photos in checkins)

Christian Hockenberger publishes a photo grid on his website at

  • All images from the Post Type Image are displayed in the grid; images that should not be in the grid are posted via Post Type Note.
  • Images are lazy loaded and the grid displays 50 image on one page. Pagination is active
  • multi-photos are displayed with an icon like on an Instagram.

Greg McVerry publishes photo grids at

  • Each photo in the grid is an h-entry to allow for licensing on a per photo basis
  • A small note is added and available on hover with the date the photo was published


Tantek Γ‡elik implemented a mini photo grid in the sidebar on his home page and demonstrated it on 2020-02-23.


Silo Examples


Instagram profiles display a media grid (not just photo posts!)

Note the tiny icons / affordances in the top right of the two rightmost thumbnails.

  • πŸŽ₯ video camera icon: indicates that the thumbnail is a still from a video post
  • ◻️rounded square with a square underneath: indicates that the post is a multiphoto post

See Also