
From IndieWeb

Post Types was a session at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/posttypes

IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016 Session: Post Types


  • tantek.com (leading)
  • vanderven.se/martijn/
  • polytechnic.co.uk - Garrett Coakley (@garrettc)
  • jkphl.is - Joschi Kuphal (@jkphl)
  • @sebastiangreger
  • robert-brook.com
  • another.ink
  • (Remotely Viewing) @gwg
  • @iapower


Post Types text? note? photos? videos? checkins? visual / design / authoring

Reasons for tantek to be using different types of posts below, for a comprehensive list of post types (with links to details): https://indieweb.org/posts#Kinds_of_Posts

  • notes - replacement for tweeting
  • articles - bringing back blog posts
  • replies - replacement for @-replies on Twitter
  • likes - replacement for "favoriting" tweets
  • RSVPs - IWC 2013 to test out federated events and RSVPing
  • Comic - like an article, primary content was a drawing, fallback content was text description / equivalent of the story
  • photos - way to post photos to Facebook / Twitter / Flickr automaticaly from my site
  • videos - I wanted crosspost *all* the content I was posting to Instagram but to my own site
  • jams - to replace my use of ThisIsMyJam.com knowing they were shutting down
  • reads - to avoid having to use Goodreads, seeing my friends "read" posts cross-posted on their Facebook profiles

^^^ what is the "primary" content of a post they typically are presented differently or have different UI controls

jams are they like "loved" songs on lastfm? a bit different, jams are more temporal, loving songs on lastfm is more like teaching lastfm what you like.

goodreads has a social component to it, and a history of what you've read. it also has a recommendation engine that tells you what other books you might like

Planned post types ("object types") for apparat: https://github.com/apparat/object/blob/master/doc/object-types.md

anything for running?

exercise e.g. https://aaronparecki.com/2014/08/21/2/

Activity Tracking - everyone's got their own database what you put into FitBit doesn't leave FitBit. or the Google thing has an API and then all your stuff is in Google. Apple let's things come in but not out.

https://www.fitnesssyncer.com was offered as an example of a service that pulls in data from other trackers. https://github.com/cpfair/tapiriik Tapiriik i an open source fitness syncer - most use their hosted version at https://tapiriik.com/ - unsure how to hook into this for indieweb

Plug for OwnTracker, which was shown of by Glenn in Dรผsseldorf (see Dรผsseldorf Demos). Nice thing of Nike is that the API will actually let you pull out information about your runs. Which would allow you to PESOS them to your own site, or even keep them with you when moving away from using Nike.

Do you show all posts to everyone? Maybe not everyone is interested in all your post types? What do you show on your home page? Feeds based on filters of various types

Aaronpk only shows notes, photos, etc. on his home page stream. But has links for location, eat, drink. (i.e. filtered feeds)

Thought: The major benefit of having various post types, apart from the technical/implementation aspects, is that it serves as a "filter" to serve users/audiences in the most suitable way Not having all post types in the main feed keeps content mainly intented as a record-for-self apart Tantek has a separate feed list with only the latest article-type posts in the sidebar to give direct access for readers not interested in the regular tweeting

Not everything has to be a new type of post. UX is important here. If you are not changing the prsentation or the way a reader will use, it probably fits better in one of the existing types. See https://indieweb.org/posts#New_Post_Types. Interestingly you might also want to define a post type based on how you are going to filter by post type. (This should probably be written into NewPostTypes.)

How different do you make your post types? E.g. Aaron has https://aaronparecki.com/drank and https://aaronparecki.com/ate While Amy only has "consume" (knife and fork) for both food & beverages: http://rhiaro.co.uk/

Which would you do?

  • consume? (1 - just because it's less tracking)
  • separate? (Zegnat, just to see what I drink, I drink a lot of different teas. I couldn't do that if I put them all together)
  • or track it as part of a checkin

Untappd - for tracking beers https://indieweb.org/Untappd old: Corkd - for tracking wines

Question of an Untappd post that seems to say drinking a thing at a place? E.g. https://indieweb.org/Untappd#Screenshots Is it a "checkin"?

Review - could use h-review

Another example, aaronpk's notes (nearly) all have location information, but they're not really checkins.

Checkins are a challenge What is the primary data?

  • Location + time (some sense of "now"ness)

Purpose: who is there, who am I with

Also photos in Instagram nearly always have a location

Purpose of posts are often just for personal consumption, just for me.

Could also filter separate feeds purely by "aspects" of a post (like specific tags), rather than post types. E.g. photos of #graffiti in Brighton.

Why "eat" vs "drink" posts instead of "consume" posts with #ate and #drank? Answer: people forget to use tags, or don't use them consistently, or use subtags instead (e.g. more #bread than #food on rhiaro.co.uk) (note from rhiaro: #food is used for tagging Acquire posts which involved meals... tagging every Consume post seems redundant. I tag #tea, #coffee and #juice in Consume posts) Workaround: you could have something run and programmatically add tags, like if it sees #wine it could add #drink. etc. Still not reliable

Perhaps "making separate feeds" is insufficient justification for new post types because you can make separate feeds purely on aspects (properties / values) of posts, instead of posts types.

Facebook has activities, (it would be cool if: where if you type "I'm drinking..." then it shows you more UI.) If you click the smiley button below the text entry box for a post, it has a bunch of generic activities for "What are you doing?" and shows options like:

  • Drinking - and then clicking on that shows specific options like
    • coffee, tea, latte

The nice thing about the indieweb though is that you don't need to agree on a taxonomy.