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From histo- +‎ -graph.



histograph (plural histographs)

  1. Synonym of histogram
    • 1992 November, S. J. Falk, R. Ward, N. M. Bleehen, “The influence of carbogen breathing on tumour tissue oxygenation in man evaluated by computerised p02 histography.”, in British journal of cancer., →DOI, →PMID, →PMCID, pages 919–924:
      Tumour tissue oxygenation has been measured in man during carbogen breathing (95% O2, 5% CO2) using a commercially available polarographic electrode system (Eppendorf p02 histograph).
    • 1996 July, K. Iwata, A. Shakil, W. J. Hur, C. M. Makepeace, R. J. Griffin, C. W. Song, “Tumour pO2 can be increased markedly by mild hyperthermia.”, in The British journal of cancer. Supplement, →PMID, →PMCID, pages S217–S221:
      FSaII tumours grown s.c. in the leg of C3H mice and R3230 AC tumours grown s.c. in the leg of Fischer rats were heated with a water bath and the tumour pO2 was determined with an Eppendorf pO2 histograph.
    • 2007 June 28, Bernd Gagel, Marc Piroth, Michael Pinkawa, Patrick Reinartz, Michael Zimny, Hans J Kaiser, Sven Stanzel, Branka Asadpour, Cengiz Demirel, Kurt Hamacher, Heinz H Coenen, Thomas Scholbach, Payam Maneschi, Ercole DiMartino, Michael J Eble, “pO polarography, contrast enhanced color duplex sonography (CDS), [18F] fluoromisonidazole and [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography: validated methods for the evaluation of therapy-relevant tumor oxygenation or only bricks in the puzzle of tumor hypoxia?”, in BMC cancer., →DOI, →PMID, →PMCID:
      Until now a total of 38 Patients with malignancies of the head and neck were examined. Tumor tissue pO2 was measured using a pO2-histograph.