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This user is a participant in the Social psychology unit.
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Social psychology helps to make sense of the world me and assists me to understand different behaviours of other people. The interaction with other people becomes easier. It teaches how individual effort decreases as group size increases, often observed in real life large groups how people behave. Behaviourism seeks to explain all of psychology in terms of learning priniples of reward and punishment. This is supported by daily life events that every activity has consequences, if good you get a reward or bad be punished. ≈…––…12:54, 29 September 2008 --~~gladys [1] U3006567 03:52, 14 October 2008 (UTC)gladys

Social self - The Consciousness of Self

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Part 1

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Social Self A man's social self is the recognition which the person gets from his freinds. We are not only gregarious animals, liking to be in sight of our fellow humans. We have innate propensity to get ourselves noticed and noticed favourably by our own kind. This we demonstrate by the the way dress taking extra care to impress others around us, making us feel good. Whatever, we do is always intentionally conducted to attract the attention of our humans. It is very important for us to be noticed by others; as was the comment that; that "No more fiendish punishment could be devised, were such a thing physically possible, than that one should be turned loose in society and remain absolutely unoticed by all the members therof". If no one turned round when we entered into a room, answered when we spoke or minded what we did, express approval. If none of these small things happened in our lives, we become angry, disapointed, feel bad and sad.--U3006567 11:11, 16 October 2008 (UTC) [2]16 October 2008

Part 2

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The Self's Main Jobs Every person has and individual self. Everyone of us has a separate body and self. Self has three main parts. The first part consists of self-knowledge is to have self-awareness that enables the individual to develop elaborate sets of beliefs about themselves. Self-knowledge stores information about self-awreness, self-esteem and self-deception they are all important for self-maintenance and protection. The second part is the interpersonal self or public self is the part that hepls the person to interact with others socially.This makes people to adopt a particular image to convey to others.This image is often well gaurded to maintain the good-self, as bad-self would cause embarrassment to one's friends. The third part is the agent self or executive, is the working part thaty gets things done enables self to make choices and exert control. Control includes self control and control of other people. Agent self enables the person to make decisions on essntial matters such going to work or going out socialising with friends. --U3006567 12:33, 16 October 2008 (UTC) [3]

Part 3

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The Self's Main Jobs Human beings have a deep desire for self-knowledge, although, some people are more eager than others to learn about themselves. It is believed that no one is indifferent to self-knowledge. Reasons for wanting to understand self-knowledge, include three motives for self-knowledge, appraisal, self-enhancement and consistency motive. The simple desire to learn the truth about oneself is recognised as the first motive for wanting self-knowledge. The appraisal motive consists of a broad open-minded curiosity for information that is both important and reliable. Appraisal motive enables the person to make sensible choices of doing easy tasks first before doing difficult one after.Self-enhancement motive is the desire to learn favourable things about the self. Self-enhancement motive can exert bias, makes people to dismiss criticism while exaggerating praise for good qualities promoting vanity. The third motive is the consistency motive, the desire to get feedback that confirms what the person already believes about himself or herself. Once personal opinion is formed about self it makes it difficult to take other people's opinions. Thus, the person can be resistant to change.--U3006567 14:08, 16 October 2008 (UTC) Baumeister & Bushman, 2008</


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Here are some of the topics on aggression:

  • Topic 1'Different types of aggression'

Aggression is the act of extreme violence, a behaviour intended to harm another person. hostile aggression is a hot impulsive angry behaviour that is motivated by a desire to another person. The other form of aggression is known as the instrumental aggression, a cold premeditated, calculated behaviour that is motivated by some other goal of obtaining money or restoring justice. Examples of aggressive behaviours are school murders committed by disgruntled student for repeated teasing and bulling by their fellow students.--U3006567 14:37, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Topic 2 Is Aggression Innate or Learned?

Aggression is an innate physiological reaction necessary for survival purposes used for protection and other needs. In other cases aggression is used to show power. Leaders of organisations often apply aggression to impose their powers, group leaders do the same to make to members, for them conform to commands. There other extremes of aggressions of violent acts, such as bashing another person. These sort of aggressive behaviours are usually motivated by frustration or anger for some reason or other. In social psychology explanations of aggression are divided into two classes, the biological as briefly explained above and the social which may be quite broad since it usually under free will. According to Vaughan & Hogg (2005) social psychology focus of social factors of aggression. Thus, social psychology addresses the classes of theories that incorporates the learning part of aggression. --U3006567 20:06, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

  • Topic 3 Aggression can be learned

In social psychology, social learning is a broad range of behavioural approaches featuring processes such as acquisition of behaviour. The instigation of overt acts, including the maintenance of certain behaviours. Bandura (1973,1977, in Vaughan & Hogg 2005)recognised that if antisocial and pro-social behaviours as they are both influenced by biological factors connected to aggressiveness. Bandura conducted experiments to demonstrate that children can readily adopt mimicking (modelling) aggressive acts of others. Modelling is well recognised behaviour in studies of children,adopted by government organisations in parebtal teaching. Television advertisements show parents drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes in the presence of children. These adverts are aimed at making parents aware that children mimic adult behaviour. If an adult acts aggressively toward another in the presence of the child, that child will go and do similar aggressive behaviou to others. Hence, Bandura's classic study in social psychology of "Sock it to the Bobo doll" is still current as demonstrated by the TV adverts of bad parenting. Aggression was recognised as a natural instinct,by Freud(1930)and termed it the' death instinct', that aggression is an innate process to healthily released. Studies of ethology, Lorenz (1966, Vaughan & Hogg 2005) recognized the positive value of survival it remains a parental responsibility to teach children to control their aggressive actions to avoid trouble or hurting another person.-- 04:30, 1 November 2008 (UTC)

Environmental psychology

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Global warming

  • 1 iterm text
  • 2 item text
  • 3 item text


  1. Baumeister & Bush (2008)
  2. James,1872
  3. Baumeister & Bushman, 2008