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Attribution: User Jtwsaddress42 (discusscontribs) created this resource and is actively using it. Please coordinate future development with this user if possible.
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Notable Scientists & Natural Philosophers

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Notable Accomplishments

  • Tenured Professor of Psychology - Cabrillo College, Aptos, California, 1969—2001.
  • Skeptical Analysis & Methodological Critique



  • Alcock, James (1982). "Book Review: The Psychology of Transcendence - by Andrew Neher". Skeptical Inquirer 6 (4): 57-58. Summer 1982. https://skepticalinquirer.org/1982/07/the-psychology-of-transcendence/. 
  • Hukill, Traci (1997). "Neher to the Truth". MetroActive. Metro Santa Cruz (published November 26, 1997).

Ei-ichi Negishi (1935 - 2021)[b]

Notable Accomplishments


Pd & Ni Catalytic Cycles for Negishi Reaction

Palladium Mechanism

Nickel Mechanism

Notable Accomplishments


Green et al.

Notes & Commentary

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Notes & Commentary
  1. Subject to major change, revision ,and/or retraction at any moment.
  2. Nobel Prize 2010-Press Conference KVA-DSC 7398


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List of Citations

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