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en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello elementare in italiano.
Users by language

Hello. My name is Graham Pearce. I am twenty-three years old and I live in Western Australia. I have been editing Wikipedia since February 2005, and have been an administrator there since August 2007. I've mostly done copyediting and "wiki-archaeology" on Wikipedia (i.e. piecing together the early history of the site). More details of my work there can be found on my Wikipedia user page. I have also uploaded many sound files of classical music to Wikimedia Commons, so they can be used in articles about composers, styles, or specific works.

I am totally blind, and have been so since birth, due to retinopathy of prematurity. I use the screen reader JAWS with a speech synthesiser to access the Internet.