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Wikiquote:Please do not bite the newcomers

From Wikiquote
Wikiquote Policies and Guidelines

Wikiquote improves through not only the hard work of more dedicated members but also through the often anonymous contributions of many curious newcomers. All of us were newcomers once, even those careful or lucky enough to have avoided common mistakes, and many of us consider ourselves newcomers even after months (or years) of contributing.

New contributors are prospective "members" and are therefore our most valuable resource. We must treat newcomers with kindness and patience — nothing scares potentially valuable contributors away faster than hostility or elitism. While many newcomers hit the ground running, some lack knowledge about the way we do things.

Please do not bite the newcomers

  • Understand that newcomers are both needed by and of value to the community. By empowering newcomers, we improve the diversity of knowledge, opinions, and ideals on Wikiquote, enhance its value and preserve its neutrality and integrity as a resource.
  • Remember, our motto — and our invitation to the newcomer — is be bold. We have a set of rules and standards and traditions, but they must not be applied in such a way as to thwart those newcomers who take that invitation at face value. It is entirely possible for a newcomer to this site to bring a wealth of experience from other venues, together with ideas and creative energy which, current rules and standards notwithstanding, may further improve our community and end product. It may be that the rules and standards need revising or expanding; some of what the newcomer seems to be doing "wrong" at first may prove to actually improve Wikiquote. Observe for a while and, if necessary, ask what the newcomer is about before defining what he/she is doing as "wrong" or "substandard".
  • If you do determine, or sincerely believe, a newcomer has made a mistake, such as forgetting to put titles in boldface, or failing to make useful links, try to correct the mistake yourself. Don't slam the newcomer; remember, this is a place where anyone can edit and, in a very real sense, it is therefore each person's responsibility to edit, not to criticize or supervise others.
  • If you really feel that you must say anything at all to a newcomer about a mistake, do it in a spirit of being helpful. Begin by introducing yourself with a greeting on their talk page to let them know that they are welcome here, and present your corrections calmly and as the contributor's peer, perhaps also pointing out things they've done that you like. If you can't do that, then it is better to say nothing.
  • Other newcomers may be hesitant to make changes, especially major ones, such as NPOV-ing and moving, due to fear of damaging Wikiquote (or of offending other Wikiquotians, or being flamed). Teach them to be bold, and do not be annoyed by their "timidity".
  • When giving advice to newcomers, tone down the rhetoric even a few notches from the usual mellow discourse that dominates Wikiquote. Make the newcomer feel genuinely welcome, not as though they must win your approval in order to be granted membership into an exclusive club. Any new domain of concentrated, special-purpose human activity has its own specialized strictures and structures, which take time to learn, and which may benefit from periodic re-examination and revision.
  • Sometimes users forget to use four tildes after talk page posts. You can make the reminder process a little easier and less annoying by using the following two templates. This is more effective than swearing under your breath.
    • {{sign1}} — Please sign your name using four tildes ~~~~ when making your posts.
    • {{sign2}} — Hi. I wanted to ask you to sign comments in talk pages. The easiest way to sign is to add ~~~~ at the end -- it is automatically transformed to your username and a timestamp. This makes it much easier to track discussions, and is the common practice here. Thanks.
  • Assume good faith on the part of the newcomer. They most likely want to help out. Give them a chance!
  • Remember Hanlon's Razor. Behavior that appears malicious to experienced Wikiquotians is more likely due to ignorance of our expectations and rules. Even if you're 100% sure that someone is a worthless, no-good, low-down scum-sucking Internet troll, vandal, or worse, conduct yourself as if they're not. By being calm, interested, and respectful, your dignity is uplifted, and you further our project.
  • Remember that you were once a newcomer also. Treat others as (if possible, better than) you would want to be treated if you had just arrived at Wikiquote.

Please do not bite the new admins


Requests for adminship is becoming ever-busier. Newbie administrators who make mistakes sometimes feel "bitten" when this is pointed out to them in quick succession by many people. Excessively stern messages to new admins are much the same as excessively stern messages to newcomers. So please remember to not bite the newbie administrators. Remember, every administrator starts as a newbie admin and every admin has made at least one admin-related mistake! Help them out with their new powers as you would help a newcomer with the rest of Wikiquote.

Admins should remember, however, that "I'm a newbie" is not a catch-all excuse; they are still expected to do their best in good-faith to adhere to the Wiki way. In more general terms, one can also avoid being accused of being a "biter" by:

  1. Avoiding intensifiers in commentary;
  2. Modulating one's approach and wording on Wikiquote;
  3. Striving to respond in a measured manner;
  4. Accepting graciously one's actions or inactions in a given situation or context;
  5. Acknowledging differing principles and willingness to reach consensus;
  6. Opening one towards taking responsibility for resolution of conflicts;
  7. Reciprocating where necessary; and
  8. Listening actively.

Consciously choose the steadfast ground. Strive to be a responsible Wikiquotian. By fostering goodwill, one will not provoke or be provoked easily, and will allow the Wikiquotian to devote their time and resources towards building an quotation compendium—part of what Wikiquote and this whole online project and community is all about!

If you have been "bitten", or feel that you have been "bitten", there are a number of things to keep in mind, and alternatives to choose from:

  1. Choose to actively learn from the incident.
    Consider alternatives that could have been used by the "biter" to achieve a more desirable response for yourself, and if you encounter a similar situation in the future, consider acting in the latter manner if the situation warrants.
  2. Graciously point out that one is encouraged that someone took the time to acknowledge your actions.
  3. Consider that negative "biting" incidents are transitory — one should not feel the need to pacify one's actions as a result of non-constructive commentary. Extract the wisdom that may have been unintentionally veiled, and choose to take that away as valuable experience.
  4. Choose to point out in a reasoned manner any offense taken, and learn to recognize when the message cannot be received. The recipient may be unable or unwilling to accept fault or otherwise, and it may be better to move on to other things than to dwell on the "bite".

See also


[[Category: Policies needing adoption |Please do not bite the newcomers]]