Acoustic wave equation

In physics, the acoustic wave equation is a second-order partial differential equation that governs the propagation of acoustic waves through a material medium resp. a standing wavefield. The equation describes the evolution of acoustic pressure p or particle velocity u as a function of position x and time t. A simplified (scalar) form of the equation describes acoustic waves in only one spatial dimension, while a more general form describes waves in three dimensions.

For lossy media, more intricate models need to be applied in order to take into account frequency-dependent attenuation and phase speed. Such models include acoustic wave equations that incorporate fractional derivative terms, see also the acoustic attenuation article or the survey paper.[1]

Definition in one dimension


The wave equation describing a standing wave field in one dimension (position  ) is


where   is the acoustic pressure (the local deviation from the ambient pressure), and where   is the speed of sound.[2]



Start with the ideal gas law


where   the absolute temperature of the gas and specific gas constant  . Then, assuming the process is adiabatic, pressure   can be considered a function of density  .

Derivation of the acoustic wave equation

The conservation of mass and conservation of momentum can be written as a closed system of two equations[3]   This coupled system of two nonlinear conservation laws can be written in vector form as:   with  

To linearize this equation, let[4]   where   is the (constant) background state and   is a sufficiently small pertubation, i.e., any powers or products of   can be discarded. Hence, the taylor expansion of   gives:   where   This results in the linearized equation   Likewise, small pertubations of the components of   can be rewritten as:   such that   and pressure pertubations relate to density pertubations as:   such that:   where   is a constant, resulting in the alternative form of the linear acoustics equations:   where   is the bulk modulus of compressibility. After dropping the tilde for convenience, the linear first order system can be written as:   While, in general, a non-zero background velocity is possible (e.g. when studying the sound propagation in a constant-strenght wind), it will be assumed that  . Then the linear system reduces to the second-order wave equation:   with   the speed of sound. Hence, the acoustic equation can be derived from a system of first-order advection equations that follow directly from physics. That is:   with   Conversely, given the second-order equation   a first-order system can be derived:   with   where matrix   and   are similar.[5]



Provided that the speed   is a constant, not dependent on frequency (the dispersionless case), then the most general solution is


where   and   are any two twice-differentiable functions. This may be pictured as the superposition of two waveforms of arbitrary profile, one ( ) traveling up the x-axis and the other ( ) down the x-axis at the speed  . The particular case of a sinusoidal wave traveling in one direction is obtained by choosing either   or   to be a sinusoid, and the other to be zero, giving


where   is the angular frequency of the wave and   is its wave number.

In three dimensions




Feynman[6] provides a derivation of the wave equation for sound in three dimensions as


where   is the Laplace operator,   is the acoustic pressure (the local deviation from the ambient pressure), and   is the speed of sound.

A similar looking wave equation but for the vector field particle velocity is given by


In some situations, it is more convenient to solve the wave equation for an abstract scalar field velocity potential which has the form


and then derive the physical quantities particle velocity and acoustic pressure by the equations (or definition, in the case of particle velocity):




The following solutions are obtained by separation of variables in different coordinate systems. They are phasor solutions, that is they have an implicit time-dependence factor of   where   is the angular frequency. The explicit time dependence is given by


Here   is the wave number.

Cartesian coordinates


Cylindrical coordinates


where the asymptotic approximations to the Hankel functions, when  , are


Spherical coordinates


Depending on the chosen Fourier convention, one of these represents an outward travelling wave and the other a nonphysical inward travelling wave. The inward travelling solution wave is only nonphysical because of the singularity that occurs at r=0; inward travelling waves do exist.

See also



  1. ^ S. P. Näsholm and S. Holm, "On a Fractional Zener Elastic Wave Equation," Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. Vol. 16, No 1 (2013), pp. 26-50, DOI: 10.2478/s13540-013--0003-1 Link to e-print
  2. ^ Richard Feynman, Lectures in Physics, Volume 1, Chapter 47: Sound. The wave equation, Caltech 1963, 2006, 2013
  3. ^ LeVeque 2002, p. 26.
  4. ^ LeVeque 2002, pp. 27–28.
  5. ^ LeVeque 2002, p. 33.
  6. ^ Richard Feynman, Lectures in Physics, Volume 1, 1969, Addison Publishing Company, Addison


  • LeVeque, Randall J. (2002). Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511791253. ISBN 978-0-521-81087-6.