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The Great Canadian Math Debate, Pt 6: Math prof. Anna Stokke responds to Alberta Education

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Intro to The Great Canadian Math Debate

In a series of posts we dig into the debate around teaching math to elementary school students. The series kicks off with how Dr. Nhung Tran-Davies, a small-town mom and family physician, discovered her 8-year-old daughter Kenya hated math, even as she was a top student in the subject.

Tran-Davies dug in to the issue and found what she saw as a major problem with the new and unconventional way kids are now being taught math, a method that has slowly but surely taken over our curriculum and classrooms in the past decade.

In response to this issue, Dr. Tran-Davies started a petition asking for Education Minister Jeff Johnson to return elementary math education to a system where children are directly taught the best and standard practices in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and where they are asked to practice and master this work. Thousands of parents and educators have signed the petitionA number of university math professors also signedThe Journal’s Andrea Sands and numerous other media outlets wrote stories and the petition movement spread to Ontario and B.C.

Jeff Johnson, Education Minister

Tran-Davies has also been asking questions of Education Minister Jeff Johnson and Amaya Ortigosateam leader for mathematics K-9 with Alberta Education.

Journal city hall and board of education columnist David Staples (yes, me) followed up an exchange of emails between Tran-Davies and Ortigosa with questions of his own to Ortigosa. Here, in Part 6 of the Great Canadian Math Debate is that exchange, along with a follow up response from University of Manitoba math professor Anna Stokke on Alberta Education’s response to date.

Letter from David Staples, Edmonton Journal, to Amaya Ortigosa, Alberta EducationMs. Ortigosa:

I’ve read your reply to Dr. Nhung (Tran-Davies) with great interest and will be writing a follow up article on your conflicting positions.

Before I do that, I’d like to clarify a few of your positions.

You state: “In  the current mathematics program of studies, students are  expected   to know and master number facts as they develop number sense.  How students attain this mastery may differ;  memorization may work for some students, but should not be  at the expense of understanding”

You seem to be asserting that the memorization of math facts can harm understanding of math. How can the memorization of times tables by K-6 students harm understanding of numbers?  Why do you say this? What proof do you have of this notion?

Don’t you have to understand math, or at least the best practice for simple multiplication, to be able to do your times tables and, subsequently, to memorize them?

Also, what studies are there that prove  discovery math — this focus on students writing out many strategies for solving a problem — actually leads to greater understanding of math?

What I’m hearing from parents, many educators and a number of math PH.Ds is the opposite, that this focus on discovery math is doing the opposite by depriving K-6 students of the classroom time needed to master best practices in math. It’s essentially cluttering their minds with ineffective strategies, instead of teaching them and having them master the best practices for basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

What do you think of this critique of discovery math? And, again, if there are a number of conclusive studies that show this discovery math has had great results in increasing student understanding of math, I’d like to see them.

Secondly, there’s some concern that the Nelson math textbooks now used for K-6 are not written by educators who have university level degrees in math, but were written by educational professors. Is this the case? Can you tell me the math training of those who wrote the textbooks used in Alberta K-6? Did anyone who worked on the project have a PH.D. in math? If not, why not? If the main writers of our math textbooks aren’t university-certified math experts, why are we buying their textbooks?

Cheers, David Staples
The Edmonton Journal

Response from Rohit Sandhu, Alberta Education communications, to David Staples

Thank you for your questions, for which you will find responses below (highlighted in your original email).

We know that curriculum is the fundamental basis for learning and teaching in K-12 education.

Opportunities for future math curriculum:

Recognizing that the questions at hand speak to the current mathematics curriculum, it is important to note that Alberta Education is currently leading a Curriculum Redesign initiative that will help build Alberta and bring the vision of Inspiring Education to life. Curriculum Redesign involves revising our provincial curriculum (programs of study, assessments, and learning and teaching resources).  Math is one of the subjects included as part of Curriculum Redesign, with new programs of study expected to be developed by March 2016.

Recognizing that curriculum is an expression of expectations: the attitudes, skills, knowledge that society values and wishes children and youth to achieve and demonstrate, we will be looking to what Albertans are telling us as well as the latest research to help inform the development of Alberta’s new mathematics curriculum.  This will include a review of recent topics raised by some Albertans relative to the current mathematics curriculum:  the place of number facts and memorization with understanding in math education.

Current math curriculum

Ms. Ortigosa:

I’ve read your reply to Nhung with great interest and will be writing a follow up article on your conflicting positions.

Before I do that, I’d like to clarify a few of your positions.

You state: “In  the current mathematics program of studies, students are  expected to know and master number facts as they develop number

sense.  How students attain this mastery may differ; memorization may work for some students, but should not be  at the expense of understanding”

You seem to be asserting that the memorization of math facts can harm understanding of math. How can the memorization of times tables by K-6 students harm understanding of numbers?  Why do you say this? What proof do you have of this notion?

Thanks for the opportunity to clarify:  Memorization does not necessarily harm understanding of math. That being said, memorization in the absence of understanding does not promote retention or transfer and application of knowledge that will allow students to learn more complex math.

Don’t you have to understand math, or at least the best practice for simple multiplication, to be able to do your times tables and, subsequently, to memorize them?

Yes. The Alberta mathematics programs of study emphasize understanding math concepts. This emphasis on deeper understanding of the concepts and processes of math enables students to learn the concepts better, remember them longer, and build upon them to learn more complex mathematics.

Students are still expected to know basic number facts through an understanding of numbers. There are mandatory learning outcomes throughout grades 2-6 that address the understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, with an emphasis on mental mathematics. Specifically, by the end of grade 3, students are expected to add and subtract 2-digit numbers as well as multiplying to 5X5. By the end of grade 5, students are expected to multiply and divide to 9X9. In other words, all Alberta students are expected to know their math facts to 9X9 by the end of grade 5. During the coming months, Alberta Education will be examining ways to clarify this expectation in the current math program with students, teachers and parents. We will also, as previously stated, be reviewing the mathematics program as part of Curriculum Redesign.

Also, what studies are there that prove discovery math — this focus on students writing out many strategies for solving a problem — actually leads to greater understanding of math?

The WNCP Mathematics Research Report (March 2004) helped informed the development of Alberta’s current math programs of study. The programs of study encourage students to learn strategies for solving problems. Strategies focus on why a procedure works. Students can develop or adopt an efficient strategy to solve a problem. What is important is that students understand the strategy they use.

What I’m hearing from parents, many educators and a number of math PH.Ds is the opposite, that this focus on discovery math is doing the opposite by depriving K-6 students of the classroom time needed to master best practices in math. It’s essentially cluttering their minds with ineffective strategies, instead of teaching them and having them master the best practices for basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

‘Discovery math’ is not a term used by Alberta Education to describe the Alberta mathematics programs of study. Teachers are expected to address the diverse learning styles, cultural backgrounds and developmental stages of all students through a variety of approaches. The intent of the mathematics program is that students master efficient and accurate practices for basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students are exposed to many strategies and are expected to choose one strategy that they understand and that is efficient for solving the problem.

What do you think of this critique of discovery math? And, again, if there are a number of conclusive studies that show this discovery math has had great results in increasing student understanding of math, I’d like to see them.

Secondly, there’s some concern that the Nelson math textbooks now used for K-6 are not written by educators who have university level degrees in math, but were written by educational professors. Is this the case? Can you tell me the math training of those who wrote the textbooks used in Alberta K-6? Did anyone who worked on the project have a PH.D. in math? If not, why not? If the main writers of our math textbooks aren’t university-certified math experts, why are we buying their textbooks?

In Alberta, under the School Act, local school jurisdictions have the responsibility for the selection and approval of the resources teachers use in their classrooms. School boards may choose among the resources on Alberta Education’s authorized resource list (, or they may develop or choose other resources that support the provincial programs of study. Generally, teachers are responsible for selecting resources to use in their classrooms, in alignment with approval policies set by their school and jurisdiction. For questions about the authors of specific resources, we would encourage you to contact the publishers.

Additional background:

Further to your previous comments regarding the results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), please note that Alberta students who wrote the 2012 PISA assessment learned their basic number facts based on the former math program. Since there is no PISA data from students who have learned number facts in the current program, the latest PISA results cannot be attributed to the change in approach.

University of Manitoba math professor Anna Stokke’s response to exchange between David Staples and Alberta Education

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Math professor Anna Stokke tutoring a child in math
Math professor Anna Stokke tutoring a child in math
He (Sandhu) has avoided answering your request to provide specific research articles, instead referring you to the WNCP research report.  This is unacceptable.  They should be able to give you a couple of specific research articles so that you can assess their validity.  You’re probably figuring out by now that the emperor has no clothes.  There is no valid research that supports teaching multiple strategies to novice learners or that supports the elimination of standard algorithms, etc.  At least, no one in Canada has been able to provide me with any reasonable studies and I’ve been asking for the past 2.5 years.  Every time someone makes a “research shows” claim, I ask for five articles.  I haven’t received any yet.

 They have a responsibility to provide evidence for what they’re doing to the children.  It’s unbelievable that they can’t even point us towards one study that supports their position.
First, a few comments about the AB math curriculum:  
There is language in the front matter that educators often use to justify less focus on pencil-and-paper math and on practice.  I have seen the following phrases, in particular, used again and again in school newsletters.  Note that we insisted that these phrases be removed in the revised Manitoba curriculum.
Pg. 10: 

 By decreasing emphasis on rote calculation, drill and practice, and the size of numbers used in paper and pencil calculations, more time is available for concept development.”

 There is to be a balance among mental mathematics and estimation, paper and pencil exercises, and the use of technology, including calculators and computers. Concepts should be introduced using manipulatives and be developed concretely, pictorially and symbolically.

 While you may think these statements seem harmless enough, referring to practice as “rote” and using the phrase “decreasing emphasis on rote calculation” sends the message to teachers that students shouldn’t be drilled in number facts, etc.  
Many of the school newsletters I’ve seen have Q&A sections for parents that go like this:
Why isn’t my child doing pencil-and-paper math at school?  Answer:  To quote the [MB] curriculum, “There is to be a balance among mental math, paper and pencil exercises,….”
Why isn’t my child memorizing times tables at school?  Answer:  Math is more than memorization.  To quote the [MB] Curriculum, “By decreasing the emphasis on rote calculation, drill and practice,….”
This is why we insisted that these phrases and others be removed in the Manitoba curriculum.  On the other hand, there is nothing in the front matter of your AB curriculum that stresses the importance of being able perform calculations fluently or about committing number facts to memory and there are no phrases which describe practice in a positive way. 
Sandhu claims that students are expected to “know” their math facts to 9×9 by the end of Grade 5.  The question is what they mean by “know”.  We want kids to have committed these facts TO MEMORY.  Here is Grade 5 outcome he is referring to:

Pg. 13 (Grade 5 outcome)

 3. Apply mental mathematics strategies and number

properties, such as:

•  skip counting from a known fact

•  using doubling or halving

•  using patterns in the 9s facts

•  using repeated doubling or halving

to determine, with fluency, answers for basic

multiplication facts to 81 and related division facts.

Note that a myriad of strategies are suggested to determine “with fluency” answers for basic multiplication facts to 81.  If kids in AB are supposed to have memorized their times tables by the end of grade 5, why would they need a strategy to tell you what 8×7 is?  That’s because “fluency” does not mean “memorize” to the consultants.  They consider children to be fluent with times tables if they can tell you what 8×7 is in this way:  I don’t know what 8×7 is but 8 is a double of 4 and 4 is a double of 2.  I know my doubles and 2 x 7 is 14.  If I double 14 I get 28 and if I double it again I get 56.  So, 8×7 is 56.
He’s wrong about there being a specific requirement for memorizing times tables.  I see no reference to memory anywhere in the AB curriculum.  In our revised MB curriculum,  they use the phrase “commit to memory” which is much more explicit.  He can’t claim that the above outcome is referring to memorizing basic facts.  Why the strategies, then?
Furthermore, it’s no surprise that kids are not memorizing times tables.  The only way to do that is through repeated drill and practice and the consultants advise teachers not to do that.  
Regarding his claims about addition and multiplication of larger numbers, again we see insistence on using manipulatives (like blocks) and multiple strategies.  Worse that that, the AB curriculum only requires that kids be able to multiply up to 2-digit numbers!!  Why?  Because the strategies they teach them do not work well for numbers larger than 2-digits.  
Pg. 13 (Grade 5 outcome)

 Demonstrate, with and without concrete materials,

an understanding of multiplication (2-digit by

2-digit) to solve problems.


And that’s the end of multiplication (with whole numbers).  How are they supposed to multiply with 3-digit numbers, you ask?  Here’s the answer:

 Pg. 15 (Grade 7 outcome)

 Demonstrate an understanding of the addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division of

decimals to solve problems (for more than 1-digit

divisors or 2-digit multipliers, the use of technology is expected).

 The techniques they teach kids are very limited in the size of numbers they can be used for.  

 There is no mention of using the standard (vertical) algorithms anywhere in your curriculum.  It is evidently not a requirement to teach them at all and since they don’t work with numbers larger than 2-digits it’s not obviously necessary to teach them.

 We insisted that the phrase “standard algorithm” be listed in the revised MB curriculum and students are required to be able to work with larger numbers, without calculators.

 What difference does it make if they use the phrase “discovery math” in the curriculum or not?  They know what we’re talking about – multiple strategies, unguided instruction, deemphasis on practice and pencil-and-paper math.  

 He is also setting up a false dichotomy between understanding and skills.  None of us want to see ONLY skills taught.  We all want to see kids both understand math and be fluent with calculations.  However, there are a fair number of consultants would do not think it’s important for kids to be fluent with calculations.

A couple of other things.

He did not answer your question about whether any math experts (not math education profs) were involved in the writing of the textbooks.  As far as I know, there weren’t any involved and those texts contains some major mathematical errors.
Yes, AB has their own authorized resource list.  If they’re all for balance, why don’t they add some resources like this to their list:  JUMP Math, Singapore Math, Saxon Math?  Then teachers would have more options.
In his final comment he says that AB students who wrote the 2012 PISA assessment learned their basic number facts based on the former math program.
Well, they didn’t roll out a radical curriculum like the WNCP curriculum in one day!!!  The consultants, PD (professional development) administrators, etc have been advising teachers not to drill kids on basic facts and to avoid teaching standard algorithms for quite some time.  The WNCP curriculum just made it official.
Here’s what Prof. Rob (Craigen) says about this:
” The curriculum itself is a semi-red herring.  The key question is ‘When did the consultants class start pressing teachers to adopt these indirect and minimal guidance approaches in the classroom?’  Looking at them in Alberta we see that group thoroughly infused with this ideology, and it is the same group who largely constructed the Fuzzy WNCP starting around 2000.  Are we to believe that they sat on their hands and weren’t actively pushing this stuff on teachers prior to the roll-out?”
It might be worth asking for a list of the PD facilitators the government or a large school board have commissioned to talk to teachers over the past few years.  This would tell you a lot about the teaching philosophy they’re promoting.  (Prominent discovery math advocate) Marian Small, for instance, is OK with kids not committing  times tables to memory until Grade 8.  (I heard her say this in a lecture she gave at my kids’ school last year.)
MANY teachers in Manitoba have talked to me privately about the fact that principals, boards, etc actively discourage them from drilling basic number facts or from giving kids worksheets and this has probably been going on for about 10 years.  It’s depressing.


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