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Code of Hammurabi


See Category:Code of Hammurabi and Code of Hammurabi

So-called "head of Hammurabi"


Head of a prince whose reign was likely anterior to that of Hammurabi, given the cut of the beard and the hair (non solo la barba e i capelli simmetricamente ondulati, ma anche le sopracciglia unite a spina di pesce e la tiara a calotta, cfr. in questo caso Gudea di Lagash XXII sec. a.C. , indicano un periodo intorno al XIX sec. a.C., quindi è molto difficile che possa rappresentare Hammurapi). On display at the Louvre [1]
Beginning of the 2nd millenium, Susa.
Found by J. de Morgan
15.20 cm high, 9.70 cm wide, 11 cm deep
Sb 95. Richelieu, Rez-de-chaussée, Mésopotamie, IIe et Ier millénaires avant J.-C., Salle 3.